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痛症 pain diseases英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-20 11:38:20


痛症 pain diseases英语短句 例句大全

痛症,pain diseases

1)pain diseases痛症

1.Then author discusses the colloboration effects mechanism of treatingpain diseases by meas of the combined acupuncture and herbs.从“不通则痛”、“不荣则痛”两个方面阐述了疼痛的中医病机 ,继而从实性疼痛、虚性疼痛、虚实夹杂性疼痛三个方面论述了针药结合治疗痛症协同增效的中医机制 ,最后 ,提出目前在基础研究上当从针刺对中药的作用及中药对针刺的反作用两个方面加以考


1.Amelioration of semi-conductor laser on the pain symptom in patients with Calcanodynia半导体激光对跟痛症患者疼痛症状的改善作用

2.Holding your pencil too tightly for too long often gives you writer"s cramp.笔拿得太紧、太久,常引起书写疼痛症。

3.You"re subject to the sickheadache, ma"am?你有呕吐性头痛症吗,太太?

4.The Clinical Observation of Decoction for Promoting Blood Circulation to Remove Meridian Obstruction on Calcanodynia补肾通络汤治疗跟痛症58例临床观察

5.Clinical Observations on Jiaji Point Acupuncture as a Main Treatment for Calcaneodynia针刺夹脊穴为主治疗跟痛症临床观察

6.a twinge of rheumatism风湿症的一阵一阵疼痛

7.adiposis dolorosa痛性肥胖症;德尔肯氏病;近关节痛性肥胖症

8.The symptom or distress about which a patient seeks medical assistance.病症病人寻求医疗救助的症状或病痛

9.Symptom refers to the clinical manifestations of a disease, such as cough, vomiting.症是症状或体征,如头痛、咳嗽等。

10.In cases where prodrome and/or aura are experienced without the headache phase, the postdrome may still occur.若前驱症状和/或先兆症状后没有头痛,头痛后期症状仍有可能出现。

11.Other signs of concussion are stomach and head pain, muscle weakness and a loss in sharpness of vision.脑震荡的其他症状有胃痛、痛,肌肉无力,视力下降。

12.Influenza is characterized by fever, myalgia, headache, pharyngitis, cough and prostration.流感主要症状为发热、痛、痛、炎、嗽及疲劳等。

13.The Impact of Electro-acupuncture the Hypochondriac Pain Cause by Cholelithiasis and Preliminary Study of Its Efficacy电针对胆石症引起胁痛的即时镇痛疗效探讨

14.Application of Self-Controlled Acesodyne Pump to 30 Cases of Advanced Cancer with Pain自控止痛泵30例晚期癌症疼痛病人应用

15.Effects of Electro-acupuncture on Opioid Peptides Receptors in Inflamed Location in Inflammatory-Pain Rats;电针对炎症痛大鼠炎症局部阿片受体的影响

16.Abdominal pain is a common symptom of peritonitis.腹痛是患了腹膜炎后最常见的症状。

17.Approximately 20% of Migraineurs experience aura.大约有20%的偏头痛患者伴有先兆症状。

18.The initial symptoms of the disease are fever and sore throat.这种病初期的症状是发烧和喉咙痛。


painful heel跟痛症

1.The clinical studies with extracorporeal shock wave therapy(ESWT)to treat tennis elbows,subacromial bursitis andpainful heel;体外冲击波治疗网球肘、肩周炎及跟痛症的作用探讨

2.Objective: to observe the clinical effect of Fugujianbu tablet and washing on treatingpainful heel.目的:观察复骨健步片配合外洗治疗跟痛症的临床疗效。

3)Heel pain跟痛症

1.[Objective]To discuss the efficacy of TCM and Qi-blood Circulation Machine in treating heel pain.[目的]探讨中药足浴配合气血循环机在治疗跟痛症中的效果。

2.BackgroundHeel pain in the elderly is a common,frequently-occurring disease.研究背景跟痛症是中老年人的常见病、多发病,由一系列疾病导致的以足跟部疼痛为主症的症候群,严重影响患者的工作与生活。


1.216 Cases of Calcanodynia with Conbined Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine;中西医结合治疗跟痛症216例

2.Objective To investigate the etiology and comprehensive surgical therapy of the refractorycalcanodynia.目的探讨顽固性跟痛症的病因及综合性手术治疗。

5)cancer pain癌症疼痛

1.Nurses play an important role in the control ofcancer pain.护士在癌症疼痛的控制中起重要作用。

2.38%cancer pain patients had had analgesic therapy and among which.方法:采用“癌症患者疼痛情况调查表”,由主管医生逐一询问并记录填写,在北京、上海、天津、江西四地区共9家三级甲等肿瘤医院或综合性医院肿瘤中心(科)的住院及门诊病人进行癌症疼痛及相关情况调查。

3.Objective To compare the efficacy and side effects of transdermal fentanyl (duragesic) and controlled-release morphine sulfate (MST) in the treatment ofcancer pain.方法 6 0例中重度晚期癌症疼痛患者随机分成两组 ,多瑞吉组及美施康定组各 30例 ,根据疼痛情况调整剂量 ,比较疗效及不良反应。

6)painful heel syndrome跟痛症

1.Objective: To show the modern medical theory of Painful heel syndrome.目的:阐述跟痛症的研究近况和进展,探讨金匮肾气丸合当归补血汤治疗跟同症的疗效。


顽淋不痛症顽淋不痛症 顽淋不痛症 证名。因淋症日久,虽溲行艰涩而不觉疼痛的病证。见《经验医库·溲淋》。因骨髓精血俱虚,心肾不交,心气下陷而成。证见小便滴沥不绝,臭气难闻,尿出不痛,脉弱无力。宜用威喜丸。参见淋条。
