100字范文 > 个人财产权 Individual Property Rights英语短句 例句大全

个人财产权 Individual Property Rights英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-24 00:09:03


个人财产权 Individual Property Rights英语短句 例句大全

个人财产权,Individual Property Rights

1)Individual Property Rights个人财产权

1.An Analysis on the Possible Equilibrium ofIndividual Property Rights and National Financial Rights from the Viewpoint of Contract;个人财产权与国家财政权均衡的契约分析


1.An Analysis on the Possible Equilibrium of Individual Property Rights and National Financial Rights from the Viewpoint of Contract;个人财产权与国家财政权均衡的契约分析

2.ownership of personal property by citizen公民个人财产所有权

3.Blackstone and the Idea of Individual Absolute Property in American Property Law;布莱克斯通与美国财产法的个人绝对财产权观

4.transfer to another; of rights or property.把权力或财产转给另一个人。

5.act of transferring property title from one person to another.把财产权利从一个人转让给另一个人的行为。

parative research on juridical person property right and trust estate right;法人财产权与信托财产权的比较研究

7.Power is given to one person ( such as a trustee ) to dispose of property belonging to another给予某人如受托人处理属另一个人财产的权力

8.The property right subject is individual or organization implementing the right behavior, it is not specific;产权主体是对财产对象实施权利性行为的个人或组织,一项财产的产权主体是不特定的;

9.one of two or more tenants holding title to the same property.两个或更多人对同一财产拥有权利的人。

10.One to whom or to which ownership of property is transferred.受让人财产的所有权所转让给的那个人

11.[19] Thepurpose of government, he says, is precisely to secure individuals intheir rights to life, liberty, and property.[9]说,政府的目的,是准确地保护每个人的生命权,自由权和财产权。

12.Giving the Rights of Individuals Back to Them: A Study of the Special Property Ownership between Husband and Wife;把个人的权利还位于个人——试论夫妻个人特有财产制

13.Collatio bonorum emancipati脱离父权人的财产合算

14.The term "copyright" shall include the following personal rights and property rights:著作权包括下列人身权和财产权:

15.The assets of a deceased person against which a surviving spouse may claim an interest.一个生存的配偶对一个已故人的财产可能提出权益要求的产业。

16.The relationship between ownership and management of private school from the angle of ″Legal Person s Proprietary″;从“法人财产权”看民办学校的产权关系

17.On the Systematization of Citizen’s Personal Properties Ownership;公民财产权的制度化路径——一个人权和宪政的视角

18.One that executes a power of appointment of property.指定人有权执行财产处置权的人


individual information property rights个人信息财产权

1.The network users privacy,individual information property rights,private virtual space property rights and information freedom system must be established in the civil legislation.在民事立法上确立网络用户隐私权、个人信息财产权、私有虚拟空间财产权和信息自由制度;在程序法上实行举证责任倒置;行政法上制定反流氓软件的专门法律和个人信息安全法;并通过修改刑法使得除关系到国家、国防和尖端科技安全之外的其他计算机系统也能够确保安全。

3)personal property个人财产

1.Withpersonal property growing quickly, there appeared disorder in the field of management for other people s finance.随着个人财产的不断膨胀,代人理财领域出现了无序状态。

2.The article analyses the characteristics of DNA as the academic property as well as thepersonal property,and possible understanding and management criteria or standards of it.分析了作为学术财产的DNA的特征和作为个人财产的DNA的特征,以及可能的理解和处理准则或标准。

4)ownership of personal property by citizen公民个人财产所有权

5)personal property right个人产权

1.Thepersonal property right in the public property right must be bound for the public property right,and its profit must be protected for that.公共产权之中的个人产权,必须服从公共产权的约束,其利益也要由公共产权保护。

6)individual property ownership个人财产制


