100字范文 > 文体意识 style consciousness英语短句 例句大全

文体意识 style consciousness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-14 08:21:59


文体意识 style consciousness英语短句 例句大全

文体意识,style consciousness

1)style consciousness文体意识

1.By analyzing the specific traits of female prose, this paper attempts to expound on some noteworthy issues with respect to Chinese prose in terms ofstyle consciousness, macro-consciousness, cultural consciousness of language, gender consciousness, rhetoric system, etc.本文结合女性散文的具体特征,从汉语散文的文体意识、宏观意识、语言的文化意识、性别意识与修辞系统等多个方面具体论证汉语散文应该注意的几个问题。

2.New Perception is a trend in Chinese modern literatur e which emphasizes thestyle consciousness.新感觉派在现代思潮的指引下自觉追求形式的创新,他们大胆地冲破了传统小说的审美规范,表现出了自觉的文体意识,成为中国现代主义文学流派之一。

3.Xu is a poet who has precisestyle consciousness of prose poem.本文历时地论述了徐成淼散文诗的诗质内涵 ;徐成淼具有明确的散文诗的文体意识 ,主要表现在从浮华走向厚重沉醉、浓郁的诗质内涵、由意境向意象发展、以情绪作为结构的依据和线索、追求刚柔相济的语言态势 ;徐成淼散文诗表现了对现代意识的追求 ,主要表现在主体意识、都市意识以及以热烈取代恬淡、以动态取代静态上。


1.An Analysis of the Parallel Style: Another Point ofView from Philosophy on the Style of Parallel Prose;论骈文的文体意识——骈文文体结构哲学札记之二

2.On the Cultivation of Stylistic Awareness of Students in College-English Writing Instruction;论大学英语写作教学中对学生的文体意识培养

3.The Entirety and New-Traits-Blazing Consciousness ofLatin American Modern and Contemporary Literature;拉美现当代文学的整体意识与创新意识

4.Literary Stylistics: Translation of the Style in Stream-of-Consciousness Fiction文学文体学与意识流小说的风格翻译

5.On Cultural Schema,Cross-cultural Communication and Dominant Cultural Awareness;论文化图式、跨文化交际与文化主体意识

6.The Ensemble of Literature Consciousness and Media Consciousness:The Literary Journal of Zhongshan and the Rising of New Realistic Literature;文学意识与媒体意识的重奏——《钟山》与“新写实文学”的兴起

7.Exploration of Aesthetic Consciousness Cultivation in Senior High School Chinese Education;高中语文教学主体审美意识培养新探

8.Analysis of Consciousness of Community in Ethnic-Criticism of Literature;文学伦理学批评中的“共同体意识”分析

9.The Awakening of Women s Subjective Awareness in Modern Chinese Literature;中国现代文学中女性主体意识的觉醒

10.Improving Service Awareness of Carrier, Creating New Campus Culture;提高载体服务意识 创建新型校园文化

11.The Puzzle On Cultural Orientation--An Analysis On The Subjective Awareness in Lin Lanxiang;文化定位的困惑——《林兰香》主体意识论

12.Chinese regional cultures as a collective-subconscious system--Application of the covert cultural theory in Chinese regional cultural study;中国地域文化:作为“集体潜意识”系统

13.On the Editor s Consciousness of Journal Culture;市场经济和编辑主体的学报文化意识

14.The Subjective and Culture Perspective in Ideological Poetics;意识形态诗学的主体论和文化论视角

15.Individual Unconsciousness,Collective Unconsciousness and Social Unconsciousness个体无意识·集体无意识·社会无意识

16.Probing into Consciousness of Wholeness in Text Translation;浅析语篇翻译的整体意识——译文与原文的统一

17.Discussion on the Cultural Reconstruction and the Cultural Subjective Consciousness Remodeling of the College Students文化重建与大学生文化主体意识的重塑

18.National Consciousness and Life Consciousness of the Literary Group of the “Exile" --On the Local Novels of “North-East Writer Group";“流亡”文学群体的民族意识与生命意识——论“东北作家群”的乡土小说


stylistic awareness文体意识

1.The former paid attention to theory source and course,while the latter laid stress on the characteristics of books,and displayed vaguestylistic awareness.前者注重学说源流,后者关注书籍自身的特征,表现出模糊的文体意识。

2.Hence it is necessary to develop students’stylistic awareness in translation class.这就需要我们在教学中注意培养学生的文体意识。

3.Its translation,meanwhile,reveals the translator sstylistic awareness.其翻译是对译者的挑战 ,也是体现译者文体意识的窗口。

3)the awareness of style文体意识

1.This article discusses the cultivation ofthe awareness of style on the part of college English students in their English writing courses.本文讨论大学英语写作教学中文体意识的培养与运用。

4)awareness of style文体意识

1.Recognition of the dominant position of the reader in interpreting literary works and deviation of literary language are the theoretical basis of developing students\"awareness of style which helps the students to achieve solid judgment through analyzing the language of literary works.读者的主体地位、文学语言的偏离意识为学生文体意识的培养提供了理论依据。

5)consciousness of cultural subjectivity文化主体意识

1.On traditional culture and theconsciousness of cultural subjectivity;谈传统文化和文化主体意识

6)notion of "wenti standard"文体本位意识


文体1.文雅有节的体态。 2.指身体。用为敬词。 3.文章的风格或结构﹑体裁。 4.字体。 5.文娱体育的简称。
