100字范文 > 比较法考察 comparative research英语短句 例句大全

比较法考察 comparative research英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-31 03:59:27


比较法考察 comparative research英语短句 例句大全

比较法考察,comparative research

1)comparative research比较法考察


1.Probe about the Testify Ability of Materials Getting by Illegal Monitoring in Approach of Comparative Law;非法监听所获材料之证据能力的比较法考察

2.On the Procedures for Cases in Which Defendants Plead Guilty in the Perspective of Comparative Law被告人认罪案件处理程序的比较法考察

3.Research On Typical Action And Its Extensive Application;示范性诉讼及其类型化研究——以美国、英国、德国为对象的比较法考察

4.On the Powers to Stop and Question --the Study of Comparative Law;论警察盘查措施——比较法视野下的考察

5.A Outline of the City Legal System in the Ancient Times in China--A perspective from comparative jurisprudence中国古代城市法——一种比较法上的考察

6.Origination of Power: A Study of Relative Jurisculture;权力的起源:一个比较法文化的考察

7.The Contrast between Two Main Law Systems about the Right of Property Ownership两大法系财产支配权内容之比较考察

8.Research to wiretapping in legislation;我国电子监听的立法研究——比较法角度的考察

9.A Comparative Study on Fieldwork Methods of Liang Sicheng and Wang Ziyun;梁思成与王子云田野考察方法的比较研究

10.Investigation on Counseling Session Depth:Comparison of the Overall and the Portion Measuring Methods;整体与切割评估法考察咨询会谈深度结果比较

11.Study on the Basic Problem about the People Inspector from an Angle of Comparative Law;比较法视野下人民监督员制度基本问题考察

12.Judgment and Public Opinion--And Compare the Ways that Chinese and American Judges deal with Public Opinions;判决与民意——兼比较考察中美法官如何对待民意

13.An Analysis of the Mode of the System of Discretional Evaluation--a Comparative Approach;自由心证制度模式考察——一种比较法的分析

14.Trust as Patrimony: A Comparative Law Perspective;作为财团的信托——比较法上的考察与分析

15.Global Survey of Commercial Bribe Crime--Legal Enlightenment from the Perspective of Comparative Criminal Law;商业贿赂犯罪的全球考察——比较刑法视角下的法律启示

16.Achievement of Rule by Law in China from Comparing Legal Culture with the West;从中西方法律文化比较的视角考察法治在中国的实现

parative Analyses on the Employment Mechanisms of College Graduates in Germany and France --Reports of Investigation in Germany and France (No. 2);德、法两国高校毕业生就业模式的比较分析——赴德国、法国考察报告(二)

18.A Cognitive Approach to the Comparative-Point Concealing in Chinese "比" Sentence;“比”字句中比较点隐含的认知考察


inspection and comparison考察比较

3)comparative review比较考察

1.The ethical conflict of witness who refuses to testify andcomparative review证人拒证的伦理冲突与比较考察

4)a striking contrast between traditional Chinese and Western aesthetics比较性考察

1.This essay will try to presenta striking contrast between traditional Chinese and Western aesthetics and thereby show the worldwide significance of C.通过对中西美学传统的比较性考察,探讨中国美学在21世纪人类美学的总体发展中所具有的世界性意义。

5)comparative investigation of police"s appearance in court as a witness警察作证比较考察

6)reference based method参考比较法


孙鸿烈院士60年代在西南资源考察队进行野外考察孙鸿烈院士60年代在西南资源考察队进行野外考察箫孙鸿烈院士60年代在西南资源考察队进行野外考察 中国科学院综考会供稿
