100字范文 > 强镇定 strong stabilization英语短句 例句大全

强镇定 strong stabilization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-20 07:08:06


强镇定 strong stabilization英语短句 例句大全

强镇定,strong stabilization

1)strong stabilization强镇定

1.Methods Using Youla parameterization of the stabilizers this problem was transformed into astrong stabilization problem associated with a related plant family G (s, δ).方法通过镇定器的 Youla 参数化将鲁棒镇定问题化为某一相关对象族 G( s,δ) 的强镇定问题。

2.In this paper, based on the coprime factorization in statespace, the necessary and sufficient condition of sameorderstrong stabilization is derived in statespace and a method has been given to design the sameorder strong stabilizing controller.基于互质分解的状态空间描述,首先得到了可同阶强镇定的充要条件,并给出了一种同阶强镇定控制器的构造方法。

3.This paper deals with the problem of simultaneouslystrong stabilization using geometric terms.本文用直观的几何知识研究两个对象的同时强镇定问题,得到了两个对象可同时强镇定的一个必要条件,并给出直接寻找同时强镇定两个对象控制器的方法,最后的算例说明了本文方法是快速有效的。


1.major tranquillizerph.1. (会上瘾的)强镇定剂

2.She forced herself to remain calm and slowed down.她强迫自己保持镇定,放慢步伐。

3.She struggled for breath, to be calm.她吃力地呼吸着,强作镇定。

4.On Strong γ_k-γ_(cl)H_∞ Stabilization and Some Related Problems强γ_k-γ_(cl)H_∞镇定及若干相关问题研究

5.Cool your temper, cool yourself!请镇定你的怒气,请镇定!

6.a strong person who was able to remain possessed even in times of great trial.甚至在极其艰难的时候都能保持镇定的坚强之人

7.Huei-fang"s voice was steady, and her eyes were suddenly bright with determination.四小姐很镇定地说,她那乌亮的眼睛里忽然满是刚强的调子。


9.Do not panic. Sit still and keep calm .不要慌,保持镇定。

10.To Survey the Chinese Way of Urbanization from the Experience of Top Thousand Towns;从“千强镇”看中国农村城镇化道路

11.said Tu Wei-yueh calmly and defiantly, a glint of resentment in his keen eyes as he stared Wu Sun-fu in the eye.屠维岳很镇定而且倔强地说,他的机警的眼光现在微露忿意,看定了吴荪甫的面孔。

12.clamp a curfew on the town对该城镇强制实行宵禁

13.No need to panic Ratty, no need to panic, stay calm, stay calm.=>不要慌乱小老鼠,不要惊慌,镇定,镇定。

14.My mind became keen and still like a pointed flame, my senses swooned in ecstasy.我的心思变得强烈而镇定,像一个尖尖的火焰。我的感官在狂欢中昏晕。

15."I know many citizens have fears tonight, and I ask you to be calm and resolute, even in the face of a continuing threat."我知道今晚许多公民还在害怕,我请你们镇定些,哪怕面对持续的威胁,也要坚强不屈。

16.Potter looked at his enemy."I ain"t got a gun on me, Scratchy," he said,"Honest, I ain"t." He was stiffening and steadying.波特看着对手。“我没有带枪,斯克莱奇,”他说,“真的,我没有带。”他开始镇定和强硬起来。

17.④The final goal of township planning ought to be how to push on strategy of an integral whole of village and town.最后 ,强调小城镇规划的最高目标应定位在如何推进城乡一体化战略上

18.The Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534) set up Shanshan and Yanqi garrison commands to strengthen its administration of the Western Regions.北魏王朝设置鄯善镇、焉耆镇,加强对西域的治理。


H_∞ strong stabilizationH_∞强镇定

3)a major tranquillizer强镇定剂

4)strong simultaneous stabilization同时强镇定

1.A sufficient condition forstrong simultaneous stabilization;同时强镇定的一个充分条件

2.As is well known, the existence of a single stable controller to stabilize a set of n SISO plants (strong simultaneous stabilization) is equivalent to a single controller, not necessarily stable, to stabilize n+1 plants (simultaneous stabilization).一个稳定的补偿器可同时镇定n个对象(同时强镇定)等价于一个补偿器(不一定稳定)同时镇定n+1个对象(同时镇定)。

5)strong stabilizability强可镇定性


1.Stabilization of the PVTOL via Saturation Technique;基于饱和方法的直升机镇定设计

2.Feedbackstabilization based on linear matrix inequalities for discrete switched systems with time-delay;基于LMI的离散时滞切换系统反馈镇定

3.Decentralizedstabilization for nonlinear composite systems with input saturation;具有饱和输入的非线性组合系统的分散镇定


