100字范文 > 复杂反应系统 complex reactive system英语短句 例句大全

复杂反应系统 complex reactive system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-25 03:46:05


复杂反应系统 complex reactive system英语短句 例句大全

复杂反应系统,complex reactive system

1)complex reactive system复杂反应系统

2)complex reaction systems复杂反应体系

1.The establishment of reaction kinetic models on molecular scale is very difficult for manycomplex reaction systems existing in petroleum processing.石油加工过程中存在大量的复杂反应体系,建立这些过程的分子级的动力学模型十分困难。


1.Development of reaction kinetic models for the complex reaction system of catalytic cracking催化裂化复杂反应体系动力学模型研究进展

2.The Research on Kinetic Process of Complicated Reaction with Reactive Intermediates;具有活性中间体的复杂反应体系的动力学过程解析

3.Numerical Simulation and Theoretical Analysis of Complex Spatiotemporal Self-Organization in Allosteric Enzyme Biochemical Reaction-Diffusion Systems;变构酶生化反应—扩散体系复杂时空自组织的数值模拟与理论分析

4.Preliminary Research on Gold Nanoparticles Enhancing the Specificity of PCR Amplification of Low Copy Gene from the Complicated System纳米金增强复杂体系中PCR扩增低拷贝基因的反应特异性初步研究

5.Scattering Properties and Applications of Complex Particle Systems Illuminated by Shaped Beam复杂粒子体系对波束的散射及其应用

6.Research on the complexity of customer collaborative product innovation and innovation agent stimulus-response model客户协同创新的复杂性及主体刺激—反应模型


8.Energy is transferred from the electron donor to the organism for synthesis and maintenance by a complex series of enzymatic reactions.为了细胞合成和维持生命,能量从电子给予体通过一系列复杂的酶反应转移到生物体。

9.In the cells of living systems there are many elaborate chemical reactions.在生命系统的细胞里有许多复杂的化学反应。

10.Research for a Class of Complicated Ecological Systems with Functional Response;一类具有功能反应的复杂生态系统的研究

11.Philosophical Reflections on the Operational Theory Based on Complex Adaptive System;基于复杂适应系统的作战理论哲学反思

12.Study on the Complex Reaction Coefficient of Balancing Problem;复杂氧化还原反应系数配平问题的探讨

13.Using Undetermined Coefficient Method to Balance Complicate Oxidation -Reduction Reaction Equation;用待定系数法配平复杂氧化还原反应方程式

14.Model-driven High-level Design and Verification for Complex Reactive System模型驱动的复杂反应式系统顶层设计与验证

15.Design and Application of the Discharge system of Reverse Slopes in Complex Karst Tunnels复杂岩溶隧道反坡抽排水系统设计与应用

16.The physical and chemical interactions among the particles, gases and vapors are jncredibly complex.颗粒物、气体和蒸汽之间的物理反应和化学反应是极为复杂的。

17.To Construct the Technological Innovation System By Using the Complex Adaptive System;运用复杂适应系统理论 推进技术创新体系建设

18.Application of Efficacy Coefficient Method on Synthetically Evaluation Sports Complex System;综合评价体育复杂系统中功效系数法的应用


complex reaction systems复杂反应体系

1.The establishment of reaction kinetic models on molecular scale is very difficult for manycomplex reaction systems existing in petroleum processing.石油加工过程中存在大量的复杂反应体系,建立这些过程的分子级的动力学模型十分困难。

3)hybrid reaction system混杂反应系统

4)complex adaptive system复杂适应系统

1.Realization of TCMcomplex adaptive system based on multi-agent modeling;基于多主体的中医药复杂适应系统实现途径

2.An Agent hybrid architecture model for simulation ofcomplex adaptive system;一种复杂适应系统仿真的Agent混合结构模型

3.Mechanism basedcomplex adaptive system modeling;基于机制的复杂适应系统建模

5)complex adaptive system(CAS)复杂自适应系统

1.The rules of interactions among agents were studied using complex adaptive system(CAS) theory and an agent-based modeling method.根据复杂自适应系统理论,基于多主体(Agent)模型,通过案例模拟考察了企业产量对市场价格有影响和无影响两类不同机制下企业和政府行为变化情况。

2.Aimed at solving the integration of data, knowledge and model, a new model and design idea of IDSS based on the theory of complex adaptive system(CAS)are proposed, which applied the principle of CAS and the view of self-organization.剖析了传统决策支持系统发展面临的困难,运用复杂自适应系统(CAS)的原理和自组织的观点,提出了一种新的基于CAS原理的智能决策支持系统模型和设计思路,论述了该模型的基本结构、运作过程及与传统DSS的区别、并探讨了规则编码、竞争机制与信用分派及规则发现等问题。

6)complex adaptive system(CAS)复杂适应性系统

1.Based on the theories of Complex Science (CS) and Complex Adaptive System(CAS), this dissertation discusses thoroughly the various complex problems in architecture with the thought of cross-discipline, wholeness and adaptability.本文研究的目的是运用复杂性科学和复杂适应性系统的核心思想,以学科交叉的观点、整体性的观点和适应性的观点来解析当前建筑学中存在的种种复杂性问题及其处理方法。


