100字范文 > 直线超声波电动机 linear ultrasonic motor英语短句 例句大全

直线超声波电动机 linear ultrasonic motor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-11 18:54:39


直线超声波电动机 linear ultrasonic motor英语短句 例句大全

直线超声波电动机,linear ultrasonic motor

1)linear ultrasonic motor直线超声波电动机

1.An observing and control system oflinear ultrasonic motor is set up by industry control computer as the core of controller,PCL-818L data acquisition board as I/O interface, and length grating as the element of inspecting and testing,The composing and function of hardware and software system are analyzed.介绍了由工控机为控制主机,PCL-818L为I/O接口、光栅尺为检测元件,调频电路为驱动电源构建的直线超声波电动机测控系统的工作原理和基本构成,分析了硬件和软件组成。

2.The present situation forlinear ultrasonic motor applied research in information industry is summarized, several problems is presented, and application prospects in information industry are analyzed.以计算机硬盘驱动器为例,分析了直线电动机用于计算机磁头驱动的特点及信息产业对直线电动机的要求,概述了直线超声波电动机在信息产业中的应用研究现状,提出了直线超声波电动机应用的关键技术,并分析了其在信息产业中的应用前景。

3.The control strategies of thelinear ultrasonic motor and its progresses are summarized in this paper.综述了直线超声波电动机控制策略研究现状及其发展趋势,简要介绍了由专用DSP控制器组成的主从式控制系统,模糊神经网络控制与传统的控制相结合为控制策略,将是直线超声波电动机控制的发展方向。

2)Linear ultrasonic motor直线超声波电机

1.A new trial of bi-directional moving linear ultrasonic motor (LUSM) using a new structure has been studied.研究了一种新结构的双向运动直线超声波电机。

3)Traveling wave type rotary ultrasonic motor波超声波电动机


1.Measuring and Controlling System for Traveling-Wave Ultrasonic Motors Based on Dual-DSP and FPGA基于双DSP和FPGA的行波超声波电动机测控系统

2.Design of Flexible Rotor Structure for Ultrasonic Motors行波型超声波电动机柔性转子结构设计

3.Driving technique of traveling wave type ultrasonic motor based on ARM and DDS基于ARM和DDS的行波型超声波电机驱动技术

4.Then the orientation of development is clarified in researching and manufacturing of ultrasonic motor.明确了超声波电动机研制的发展方向。

5.A one dimensional analytical model of stator vibration for travelling wave type ultrasonic motor超声波电机定子振动模型的一维解析

6.Research on DDS-based Drive and Control for Ultrasonic Motor基于DDS的超声波电机驱动控制研究

7.The Influence of the Oblique Angles of Vibrating Reeds on the Characteristics of the Ultrasonic Motor振动片倾角对超声波电机性能的影响

8.Adaptive PID Control For Ultrasonic Motor Based on the Backstepping Method超声波电动机的反推自适应PID控制

9.Voltage Closed-Loop Control of 2-Phase Traveling Wave Ultrasonic Motor二相行波超声波电机的电压闭环控制

10.Research on Structure of Miniature Cylindrical Ultrasonic Motor and Drive Circuit;小型柱体超声波电动机结构及其驱动电路研究

11.Simulation and Optimization for Driving Circuit of Ultrasonic Motor超声波电机推挽驱动电路的动态仿真与优化

12.Ultrasonic Motor"s Characteristics in Vacuum真空环境下行波型超声波电机的特性

13.Study and Design of Experimental Power for Ultrasonic Motor;超声波电动机双相实验电源的研究与设计

14.Embedded Drive-Control System of Ultrosonic Motors Based on ARM基于ARM的超声波电动机嵌入式驱动控制系统

15.Error Analysis of DDS Signal Generator Used in Ultrasonic Motor Driver超声波电动机驱动用DDS信号发生器误差分析

16.Application of a Supersonic Flaw Detection Technology in the Strengthened Ring of Canned Motor超声波探伤技术在屏蔽电动机加强环上的应用

17.Study and Analysis on Characteristics and Driving System of the Ultrasonic Motor Driving Fluid Directly;液体媒质超声波电机特性分析与驱动系统研究

18.Research on Mathematical Driving Model of Ultrasonic Motor and Its Frictional Materials;超声波电机摩擦驱动模型和摩擦材料研究


Linear ultrasonic motor直线超声波电机

1.A new trial of bi-directional moving linear ultrasonic motor (LUSM) using a new structure has been studied.研究了一种新结构的双向运动直线超声波电机。

3)Traveling wave type rotary ultrasonic motor波超声波电动机

4)linear ultrasonic motor直线超声电机

1.Design and experiment of butterflylinear ultrasonic motor with two driving tips;蝶形双驱动足直线超声电机设计及实验(英文)

2.Self-drivinglinear ultrasonic motor with double vibrators双振子自走型直线超声电机的研究

3.A double-vibratorlinear ultrasonic motor was designed to drive an exact linear transmission system.为提供驱动精密直线进给系统所需要的低速大力矩超声电机,提出了一种双振子型直线超声电机,该电机由2个对称的利用弯曲模态作为工作模态的摇头型振子组成,每个振子包含一个压电堆——它由4片夹心PZT-4压电陶瓷片组成。

5)linear ultrasonic motor直线型超声电机

1.Application oflinear ultrasonic motor on machine tool s feeding system;直线型超声电机在机床进给系统中的应用

2.To increase the load ability of the moving table, we bring up a multi-statorlinear ultrasonic motor, the prototype include two stators and a rotor.直线型超声电机具有可直接驱动、精度高、响应快、适用于真空环境等优点,但驱动力较小。

3.A review of various oflinear ultrasonic motor driver mechanisms and recent research progresses,both domestic and aborad is outlined.概述国内外各种直线型超声电机的驱动机理和最新研究进展 ,介绍直线型超声电机的应用前景 ,指出今后直线超声电机的发展趋势。

6)ultrasonic linear motor超声直线电机

1.Digital simulation ofultrasonic linear motor;超声直线电机工作过程仿真

2.Study on Composite Ultrasonic Linear Motor and Driving;复合材料超声直线电机及其驱动源研究

3.Based on the microcosmic elastic mechanics,a PWM driver ofultrasonic linear motor is proposed in this paper,whose frequencies and amplitudes could be adjusted synthetically.根据复合材料超声直线电机振动体具有两个固有频率的特点,设计了一种能综合调整激励信号幅值及频率的超声直线电机驱动源。


