100字范文 > 当代国际货币体系 Current International Financial System英语短句 例句大全

当代国际货币体系 Current International Financial System英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-22 01:38:58


当代国际货币体系 Current International Financial System英语短句 例句大全

当代国际货币体系,Current International Financial System

1)Current International Financial System当代国际货币体系


1.Theoretical Framework,Operational Modes and Risk of Current International Monetary System当代国际货币体系运行的理论框架、模式和面临的风险

2.New Characteristics and Developing Trend of Current International Currency System-Annex to Comment on RMB Internationalization;当前国际货币体系新特征与人民币国际化

3.The Impact of Sub-prime Crisis to International Monetary System次贷危机对当前国际货币体系的冲击

4.The international monetary system has entered an era of multi reserve currencies since the collapse of Bretton Woods.布雷顿森林体系解体后,国际货币体系进入了多元储备货币时代。

5.Global currency mismatching and international currency system reform全球性货币错配与国际货币体系改革

6.The Reform for International Monetary System--To Create the Monetary Quota Systems国际货币体系的变革——配额货币体系的创建

7.International monetary system(also International financial system)国际货币制度(国际金融体系)

8.Study of the Endogencity of China"s Money Supply in the Current International Monetary System现行国际货币体系与我国货币供给内生性

9.The Study on the Reform of International Monetary System and RMB Internationalization国际货币体系改革与人民币国际化研究

10.Mismatch of International Monetary System & Creating Framework for Internationalization of RMB国际货币体系错配与人民币国际化框架的创构

11.Under the IMF system, the US dollar is the key or leading currency.在国际货币基金组织体系下,美元是关键货币。

12.Study on Currency Crisis: The Economy Imbalance、the Exchange Rate Misalignment and the Current International Monetary System;货币危机:内外失衡、汇率失调与国际货币体系

13.With the collapse of the Bretton Woods System, International Money Currency System entered into the period of Jamaica System.布雷顿森林体系崩溃后,国际货币制度进入所谓“牙买加体系”时代。

14.On China Foreign Exchange Reform in the Unbalanced International Monetary System;国际货币体系失衡下的中国汇率政策

15.Prospect of International Currency System and China s Countermeasures;国际货币体系前景展望与中国的对策

16.The International Monetary System Reform and China’s Positioning国际货币体系改革与中国的角色定位

17.A Thinking of Current Global Macro-economic Policy Cooperation and Reform of World Monetary System对当今国际宏观经济政策合作与世界货币体系改革的思考

18.Global Liquidity Expansion and the Crisis of International Monetary System;全球流动性膨胀与国际货币体系危机


International monetary system国际货币体系

1.Global Liquidity Expansion and the Crisis of International Monetary System;全球流动性膨胀与国际货币体系危机

2.On China Foreign Exchange Reform in the Unbalanced International Monetary System;国际货币体系失衡下的中国汇率政策

3.Financial Contagions and International Monetary System;金融传染和现行国际货币体系

3)international currency system国际货币体系

1.New Characteristics and Developing Trend of Current International Currency System-Annex to Comment on RMB Internationalization;当前国际货币体系新特征与人民币国际化

2.International Currency System and Development of Exchange Rate Theory;国际货币体系与汇率理论发展

3.The presentinternational currency system is the important guarantee to sustain and adjust present international financial relationship,but it s defects and unfair international convention have become the important origin of financial crisis in recent decade and make interest struggle between developing country and developed country.现行的国际货币体系是维系和调节当前国际金融关系的重要保证,但现行国际货币体系的功能缺陷和体系中一些并不公平的国际金融惯例,成为近10多年国际金融危机的重要根源,并引发了发展中国家与发达国家在国际金融中的利益冲突。

4)new international monetary system新国际货币体系

5)single international currency system单体国际货币体系

1.Current financial crisis is the inevitable result of economic cycle and its direct cause is long-term imbalance of global economy betweensingle international currency system as the core of US dollars and more and more series protectionism,this financial crisis is needed to balance global financial system and economic relation.当前金融危机是经济周期的必然结果,其直接原因是以美元为核心的单体国际货币体系和保护主义日益严重导致的全球经济的长期失衡,要通过这场金融危机来平衡全球金融体系和经济的关系。

6)Disequilibrium International Monetary System非均衡的国际货币体系


