100字范文 > 复合酶解 compound enzymatic hydrolysis英语短句 例句大全

复合酶解 compound enzymatic hydrolysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-04 06:47:44


复合酶解 compound enzymatic hydrolysis英语短句 例句大全

复合酶解,compound enzymatic hydrolysis

1)compound enzymatic hydrolysis复合酶解

1.To study the effect ofcompound enzymatic hydrolysis in increasing the oil and protein yield from peanuts by aqueous enzymatic extraction,an orthogonal experiment was carried out to optimize the catalyzing conditions for Alcalase,As1.研究复合酶解法对提高花生水酶法得油及蛋白的作用效果。


1.Study on the Preparation of the Cassava Micro-porous Starch via Enzymatic Hydrolysis复合酶解法制备木薯微孔淀粉的研究

2.The Progress Study on Extracting the Active Ingredients from Tea Leaves with Multiple Enzyme;复合酶解法提取茶叶中有效成分的过程研究

3.Study on the Application of Preparing Yeast Extract by Compound Enzymatic Hydrolysis复合酶解法制备酵母抽提物的应用研究

4.Study on Composite Enzymatic Hydrolysis Technology for Soybean Peptide from Yuba Wastewater腐竹废水制备大豆多肽复合酶解条件研究

5.Optimization of Enzymolysis of Banana Puree by Complex Enzyme复合酶对香蕉果浆的酶解效果优化研究

6.Optimization of enzymolysis condition of pig bone powder with Protamex compound proteinaseProtamex复合蛋白酶酶解猪骨粉最佳条件研究

7.Multi-enzyme Hydrolysis of Maize Bran and Rice Straw;复合酶水解玉米皮和稻秆的工艺研究

8.Study on Controlled Hydrolysis of Protein from Harengula Zunasi Bleeker by Complicated Enzymes;采用复合酶控制水解青鳞鱼蛋白的研究

9.Study on hydrolysis of SPI by protamex protease;Protamex复合蛋白酶水解大豆分离蛋白的研究

10.Optimization of Conditions of Hydrolysis Decapterus Maruadsi with Protamex Protease复合蛋白酶水解蓝圆鲹工艺条件的优化

11.Optimization of Conditions of Hydrolysis Tilapia with Protamex Protease复合蛋白酶水解罗非鱼条件的优化研究

12.The content of fat could be decreased to 2.72 percent by cellulase and lipase.纤维素酶和脂肪酶复合水解,可将蛋白中脂肪的含量降低到2.72%。

13.Optimization of Enzymatic Hydrolysis of White Shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) Head Using Response Surface Methodology响应面分析法优化复合酶酶解南美白对虾虾头的工艺条件

14.Preparation of wheat bran antioxidant peptide from wheat bran protein by flavourzyme复合风味蛋白酶酶解麦麸蛋白制备麦麸抗氧化肽的研究

15.Synthesis and Flame-Retardant Properties of the Composite of Mg(OH)_2 Coating with EH Lignin酶解木质素/Mg(OH)_2复合材料的合成及阻燃性能研究

16.fatty acid synthetase complex脂肪酸合成酶复合体

17.Preparation and Antibacterial Activity of Chelate Complex of Ca~(2+) and Polypeptides from Tilapia Proteins罗非鱼蛋白酶解液的多肽与钙复合物的制备及其抑菌分析

pound Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Paphia undulate Meat and Development of Its Functional Oral Liquid波纹巴非蛤肉复合酶水解工艺及功能口服液的研制


composite enzymatic hydrolysis复合酶解

1.Optimum research on the technology conditions of soy peptides bycomposite enzymatic hydrolysis;大豆多肽复合酶解工艺条件优化的研究

2.The result showed that the best conditions ofcomposite enzymatic hydrolysis were: the composite enzymes were made up of neutral proteinase,papain and bromelain with the ratio of 1∶2∶4,pH 7.即将大豆分离蛋白经三酶复合酶解、活性炭脱色、超滤、真空浓缩和离心喷雾干燥等提取工艺,最终获得大豆多肽。

3)Compound hydrolases复合水解酶

4)compound enzymolysis复合酶解法

1.Production of yeast extract bycompound enzymolysis and its application in the brewage with high auxiliary material复合酶解法制备酵母抽提物及其在高辅料比啤酒酿造中的应用研究

5)double-enzyme composite hydrolysis双酶复合酶解

1.The preparation technology of soy peptides bydouble-enzyme composite hydrolysis was studied.大豆蛋白经双酶复合酶解、活性炭脱色、超滤、真空浓缩和离心喷雾干燥等工艺,提取得到大豆多肽。

6)compound enzyme hydrolysis复合酶酶解法


