100字范文 > 技战术水平 Technical and Tactical Level英语短句 例句大全

技战术水平 Technical and Tactical Level英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-14 08:15:08


技战术水平 Technical and Tactical Level英语短句 例句大全

技战术水平,Technical and Tactical Level

1)Technical and Tactical Level技战术水平


1.Press Close to the Actual Combat Further Improve Policing Tactics Level;贴近实战 进一步提高公安民警警务技战术水平

2.Research on Diagnostic Model of Chinese First-rate Women s Volleyball Technical and Tactical Skills;我国甲级女排技战术水平诊断模型的研究

3.An Investigation and Analysis of the Technique and Strategy of the CUBA Players;CUBA运动员技战术水平现状调查与对策研究

4.Designing and Researches about How to Evaluate the Skills and Tactical of a Volleyball Match对排球技战术水平评价体系的设计与实证研究

5.Study on the State of Tactic and Skill of Female Basketball Teem of Jiangsu University in CUBA Preliminary Contest;从第四届CUBA预赛谈江苏省高校高水平女篮技战术水平现状

6.A Study of Improving College Students Strategy of Basketball Technology and Tactics;对提高高中男子篮球联赛(CHBL)技战术水平的策略探讨

parative Study on Technical and Tactical Level of Chinese and Euro-American Women" Volleyball in Beijing Olympic Games北京奥运会中国与欧美女排技战术水平比较

8.They did quite well both technically and tactically.他们的技术和战术水平发挥都很好。

9.A Study on Improving College Students Strategy of Basketball Technology and Tactics;对提高大学生篮球技、战术水平的策略探讨

10.Objective This study aims to investigate the current status of wartime nursing in subtropical zones and set up technical guidelines for wartime nursing so as to raise the level of war wound rescue.目的探索亚热带地区战时护理技术现状 ,研究战时护理技术规范和流程 ,提高战伤救治水平。

11.Strategies for Developing Science and Technology with Equal Stress on Academic Level and Benefits to Promote the Conversion of Scientific Achievements of University;实施学术水平与效益并重的科技发展战略推动高校科技成果转化

12.Discussion on Development of Modern Football Attack Technique and Tactics from the Scoring of High-level Football Match;从高水平足球赛进球探讨现代足球进攻技战术的发展

13.Inner Line Range Defense and Technical Statistic Analysis of the First class Women s Basketball Athletes at high Institutions;普通高校高水平运动队女篮运动员内线防守技战术分析

14.Present Sports Level of Chinese Women Tennis Doubles in French Open and Countermeasures;对法国网球公开赛我国女子双打技、战术水平的分析

15.Exploration on Skills and Tactics Training Methods of Pen-Hold Backhand for Advanced Table Tennis Players in Colleges and Universities;高校高水平乒乓球运动员直拍横打技战术训练方法探析

16.Using Game Restriction Method to Raise the Level of Basketball Playing Skill of Ethnic College Students;利用游戏限制法提高民族院校学生篮球实战技术水平

17.The Effect of Different Attack Skills and Tactics on the Shooting and Scoring in High-level Football Games;不同进攻技战术手段对高水平足球比赛射门与进球的影响

18.A Study on Features of Techniques and Tactics in Stalemate Stage of High-Level Men"s Single Tennis Matches高水平男子单打网球比赛相持阶段技战术特征研究


strategy and technical level战技术水平

3)level of match playing skill实战技术水平

4)Technology Level技术水平

1.This paper discusses the mutual relationship between management mode a nd technological level,points out the enterprisers should think much o f the actions that the technology level restricts the management mode.讨论了管理模式与技术水平的相互关系,指出企业应重视技术水平对管理模式的约束作用,在实践中选择最适合自己企业已有技术水平的管理模式,并在此基础上,随技术进步调整已有管理模式,使技术水平与管理模式两者相互匹配,同步发展。

2.In order to improve the state-owned enterprises R&D investment,it is necessary to ameliorate corporate governance and to raise technology level .要提高国有企业的研发投入,必须改善企业治理结构,提高整体的生产技术水平。

5)Technical Level技术水平

1.The technical level and development trend of chinese AC VF drilling rigs;我国交流变频电动钻机的技术水平和发展趋势

2.The analysis of limited factors of our army s movable power station s technical level;我军移动电站技术水平制约因素分析

3.Technical Level Choice of FDI;国际直接投资的技术水平选择——一个基于东道国产业政策的博弈视角

6)technological level技术水平

1.Thetechnological level promotion of traditional industry by the corporation informationization;论企业信息化对传统工业的技术水平提升

2.It also makes an objective analysis and evaluation to the new facilities of the production line and thetechnological level.对新建的生产线装备和工艺技术水平作了客观地分析和评价。

3.This paper measures thetechnological level of store,supermarket,special store and franchised store in Beijing by C-D production function,calculates the technological growth rate of these four business entities from 2002 to ,and analyzes the factors leading to the differences in technological growth rate of these four businesses.本文通过改进了的C-D生产函数对北京市零售业中百货商场、超级市场、专业店、专卖店四种营业业态的技术水平,以及这四种营业业态2002-五年间的技术进步率进行了测算,并对造成各营业业态技术进步率差异的因素进行了分析。


