100字范文 > 超细银粉 ultrafine silver powder英语短句 例句大全

超细银粉 ultrafine silver powder英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-09 11:27:29


超细银粉 ultrafine silver powder英语短句 例句大全

超细银粉,ultrafine silver powder

1)ultrafine silver powder超细银粉

1.Effects of surfactants on dispersive performance ofultrafine silver powder表面活性剂对超细银粉分散性能的影响

2.The preparation ofultrafine silver powder by reducing silver nitrate with glucose in basic solution and polyxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate ( Tween 20 ) as dispersant was investigated.研究了在碱性条件下,以Tween20为分散剂,用葡萄糖还原硝酸银水溶液制备超细银粉的方法,探讨了分散剂用量、温度、反应物浓度等因素对银粉粒径的影响,用X衍射和透射电镜对所得银粉进行了表征。

3.The preparation methods ofultrafine silver powder by reaction of oxidation-reduction in microemulsion were investigated.研究了在微乳液中进行氧化还原反应制备超细银粉的方法 。


1.New Technology of Lead Anode Slime Treatment and Preparation of Ag Ultrafine Particles;铅阳极泥处理新工艺及超细银粉的制备

posite Film of Superfine Silver Powder/Resin and Its Conductivity超细银粉/树脂复合膜的制备及其导电性能研究

3.Preparation of ultra-fine silver powder utilized in paste for solar cell grid electrode化学还原制备太阳能电池正极浆料用超细银粉

4.Effects of surfactants on dispersive performance of ultrafine silver powder表面活性剂对超细银粉分散性能的影响

5.Research on Surface Property of Ultra-fine Powder of Silver and Photocatalytic Activity of Ag-Loaded Photocatalyst Ag-TiO_2;超细银粉表面电性质与载银TiO_2光催化剂性能研究

6.Study on Oxidation Resistance of Ultrafine Ni-Ag Bimetallic Powders;超微细镍银双金属粉的抗氧化性研究

7.Study on Cytoskeleton in Pollen and Pollen Tubes of Ginkgo biloba L.;银杏花粉及花粉管内细胞骨架的研究

8.Interference fit level for electricity spindle on superfine cellulosine disintegrator超细木粉粉碎机电主轴的过盈配合量

9.Preparation of Ultrafine Cobalt Powder by Ultrasonic Electrolytic Process and Application of the Ultrafine Cobalt Powder;超声电解法制备钴超细粉体及其应用

10.Preraration of Alumina Ultrafine Powder by Utrasonic Precipitation Method;超声波—沉淀法制备氧化铝超细粉末

11.Prepare SiO_2 Utrafine Powders with Supercritical Drying;CO_2超临界干燥制备SiO_2超细粉体的研究

12.Study on Super-Pulverized Coal Reburning Mecharism and Separating Technology;超细煤粉再燃机理及细粉分离技术研究

13.Single-phase Numerical Simulation on Comminuting Concave of Superfine Comminuting Mill with Turbulence湍流超细粉碎机粉碎腔内单相流场的数值模拟

14.Extraction Rates of Flavonoids from Ultrafine Powder vs.Fine Powder of Gleditsia sinensis皂角刺细粉与超微粉中总黄酮提取率的比较

15.Research on the Grinding Dynamics of Phosphorous Slag Superfine Powder with Stirred Mill搅拌磨制备磷渣超细粉的粉磨动力学研究

16.super fine zinc powder production technology and equipment超细锌粉生产技术与设备

17.Investigation on the Preparation of DSP Mateial with Ultrafined Fly Ash用超细粉煤灰配制dsp材料的研制

18.Study of Toughening of PP by Ultrafine SBR Powder超细丁苯粉末橡胶增韧聚丙烯的研究


superfine silver超细银粉

1.Since film electronic paste could satisfy the requirement of miniature and precision in electronic components,herein we report on the fabrication of film electronic paste fromsuperfine silver powder.介绍了电子浆料用超细银粉的研制,采用的是水合联氨化学还原工艺。

2.Since film electronic paste could satisfy the requirement of miniature and precision in electronic components, herein we report on the fabrication of film electronic paste fromsuperfine silver powder.超细银粉是制备厚膜电子浆料的主体原材料, 而厚膜电子浆料是制取电子元器件的基础材料,主要目的是促使小型化和提高精度。

3)superfine silver powder超细银粉

1.The essay is about the process ofsuperfine silver powder: used fixing solution and carbamide are made into silver solution and then made intosuperfine silver powder with spray heating decomposition.阐述了以胶片定影液废液和尿素为原料制备银氨络合物溶胶 ,再采用喷雾热分解法制取超细银粉的新工艺 ,并对其发展前景作了分

4)ultrafine silver-palladium alloy powders超细银钯粉

5)superfine flake silver powder超细片状银粉

1.The results show that thesuperfine flake silver powder with the.9m2/g的超细片状银粉,满足电子浆料的使用需求。

6)superfine silver powders preparing超细银粉制备


