100字范文 > 党管人才 The principle of the party being in charge of talents英语短句 例句大全

党管人才 The principle of the party being in charge of talents英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-07 08:25:51


党管人才 The principle of the party being in charge of talents英语短句 例句大全

党管人才,The principle of the party being in charge of talents

1)The principle of the party being in charge of talents党管人才

1.“The principle of the party being in charge of talents”, which is the summary of historical and recent experience about the cadres contingent building and talents work of Communist Party of China, is a new thinking and a general principle of talents work of Communist Party of China under the new historical condition.党管人才,是我党人才工作的新思路,是新的历史条件下党的人才工作的总的原则,是中国共产党干部队伍建设和人才工作的历史与新鲜经验的总结。


1.Principle of Party Supervision over Personnel in Implementation of the Strategy of Reinvigorating China through Human Resource Development;人才强国战略实施中的党管人才原则

2.Persisting the Principle of the Party Supervising Talented Person and Implementing the Strat-egy of Talented Person Enhancing School;坚持党管人才原则 实施人才强校战略

3.Stick to the principle of the Party s management on talents to improve the construction of the talents in college;坚持党管人才原则,促进高校人才建设

4.Stick to the Principle of Talents Controlled by the Party and Upgrade Colleges with Talents;坚持党管人才原则 做好人才强校工作

5.Implementing the Principle That Chinese Communist Party Manages Talents to Fulfill the Talent Work in Colleges and Universities;贯彻党管人才原则 确保高校人才工作落到实处

6.Adhere to the Principle of Party Controlling the Talents;坚持党管人才构筑远程开放教育人才新高地


8.Understand the Intension about "the Party Be in Charge of Human Resources" All-Sidedly and Accurately;全面认识和准确把握“党管人才”的内涵

9.Research of Realization Mode of Human Resources Management by the Communist Party of China in Counties;县域人力资源管理中“党管人才”实现形式的研究

10.Party Managing Talents and the Innovation on Human Resources Management in Higher Vocational Colleges党管人才与高职院校人力资源管理创新

11.The Contingent Building of Talents in University Should Adhere to the Principle of the Party s Administering Talents;高等院校人才队伍建设必须坚持党管人才的原则

12.To Play the Role of United Fronts in High Schools in Managing the Talents by the Party;发挥高校统一战线在党管人才工作中的作用

13.On Promotion of Intensity and Validity of the Party s Charge of Talented Personnel;论提高党管人才原则的执行力度和效度

14."Talent Management Strategies" in minority regions in the northwest;西北民族地区实施“党管人才”战略的若干思考

15.The Significance and the Way of Realizing the Pricinple of Persisiting the Persons of Ability Run by the Party;坚持党管人才原则的意义及其实现方式

16.A strategic study of the Party administrational personnel in universities;关于高校党管人才的现状分析与对策研究——以河北省高校为例

17.A Probe on Talent Thoughts and Talent Views of Three Generation Leaders of Chinese Communist Party;我党三代领导人的人才思想和人才观探析

18.The Scientific Views on Talented Person is the Improvement Development of the Party s Talented Theory;科学人才观是对我党人才理论的重大发展


On The Party Manages the Person of Ability试论"党管人才"

3)The principle of the Party being in charge of personnel党管人才原则

4)Talent of Party and Politics党政人才

1.An Analysis of Current Situation and a Study of Develop System aboutTalent of Party and Politics of Zhejiang Province;浙江省党政人才现状分析及培育机制研究

5)the reserves for the party and the government党政后备人才

1.During the implementation of the strategy of prospering our country by exploiting our talent resources,to establish the training system ofthe reserves for the party and the government is an important method to strengthen party′s governing capacity construction and advance the sustainable development of the construction of talent group from higher strategic level.在实施人才强国战略中,建立党政后备人才培养体系是加强党的执政能力建设,从更高的战略层面推进人才队伍建设可持续发展的重要举措。

2.Actually,the growing process of the reserves for the Party and the Government is the process of improving and perfecting of their qualities′cultivation and structure.党政后备人才成长的过程,实际上就是其素质培养及素质结构的健全和完善过程。

6)the party and governmental leadership党政领导人才


