100字范文 > 消瘀止痛膏 Xiao Yu Zhi Tong Ointment英语短句 例句大全

消瘀止痛膏 Xiao Yu Zhi Tong Ointment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-24 14:33:32


消瘀止痛膏 Xiao Yu Zhi Tong Ointment英语短句 例句大全

消瘀止痛膏,Xiao Yu Zhi Tong Ointment

1)Xiao Yu Zhi Tong Ointment消瘀止痛膏

1.The Effect of Antiinflammation Action onXiao Yu Zhi Tong Ointment;消瘀止痛膏抗炎作用的实验研究

2)xiaoyuzhitong ointment消瘀止痛药膏

3)SanYuZhiTong Ointment散瘀止痛膏

1.Determination of Chrysophanol inSanYuZhiTong Ointment by HPLC;HPLC法测定散瘀止痛膏中大黄酚的含量

4)Huoxue Huayu Zhitong sticking活血化瘀止痛膏

1.Radix et Rhizoma Rhel, Rhizoma Corydalis, Radix Aconiti and Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii ofHuoxue Huayu Zhitong sticking were qualitatively analysed by TLC.运用 TL C法对活血化瘀止痛膏中大黄、延胡索、川乌和草乌进行了定性鉴别 ,方法简便 ,结果满意。

5)The Ba Bu dissipation blood clot and pain-relieving cream散瘀止痛巴布膏

6)Zhitong Xiaozhi Ointemnt止痛消痔膏


1.Objcective: To investigate the clinical efficacy of Zhitong Xiaozhi Ointment in the treatment of hemorrhoids.目的:探讨止痛消痔膏对痔疮的临床治疗效果。

2.Conclusion: Zhitong Xiaozhi Ointment has quite valid curative effect on hot and damp hemorrhoids sickness.结论:止痛消痔膏治疗湿热性痔病疗效肯定。

3.Clinical Research on Prevention and Cure Post-Operational Pain of Serious Mixed Haemorrhoids by External Dissection and Internal Ligation Surgery with the Ointment of Gang Tong Xiao肛痛消软膏防治混合痔外剥内扎术后疼痛的临床研究

4.Clinical Research on prevention and cure Post-Operational pain of Mixed Haemorrhoid and the promotion of wound healing肛痛消软膏防治混合痔术后肿痛及促进创面愈合的临床研究

5.Coclusion Safflower Paste has an obvious effect of anti-inflammation,detumescence and acesodyne.结论 :西红花膏具有消炎、消肿、止痛作用。

6.Clinical experience of external application of analgesia antiphlogistine on swelling after bone fracture止痛消炎膏外敷治疗骨折肿胀临床体会

7.Preparation,Quality Control and Clinical Application of Xiaozhong Zhitong Cataplasma消肿止痛巴布膏的制备、质量控制及临床应用

8.Conclusion the clinical therapeutic effect of treating hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoid by Sheng Ji Zhi Tong plug is definite.结论:生肌止痛栓治疗内痔及混合痔有确切疗效。

9.the soothing properties of an ointment一种油膏的止痛性能

10.SuZhiXiaoZhongGao to the Acute Soft Tissue Damage Animal Model Removing Extravasted Blood Pain-Relieving Function Exper Imental Study;苏栀消肿膏对急性软组织损伤动物模型化瘀止痛作用的实验研究

11.Study on the repercussive and analgesic effects and skin irritations of cataplasm containing sanchi and lidocaine hydrochloride三利巴布膏剂的消肿止痛作用及皮肤刺激性研究

12.Role of Acupoint External Application of Antiphlogistic Analgesic Ointment with Borneol on Prevention and Treatment of Radiation Esophagitis穴位外敷消炎止痛膏加冰片在防治放射性食管炎中的作用

13.Clinical and Experimental Research on Treating Post-Operational Pain of Mixed Haemorrhoids with the Ointment of Gang Tong Ning;肛痛宁软膏用于混合痔术后镇痛疗效的临床观察与药理实验研究

14.Objective: To observe the clinical therapeutic effect of treating hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoid by Sheng Ji Zhi Tong plug.目的:观察生肌止痛栓治疗内痔及混合痔的临床疗效。

15.Analgesic anti-inflammatory hemostasia effects and toxicity associated of Zhichangling痔疮灵镇痛抗炎止血作用及相关毒性研究

16.Determination of Matrine and Oxymatrine in Zhitong’an Creams by HPLC高效液相色谱法测定痔痛安软膏中苦参碱与氧化苦参碱的含量

17.Clinic Forthwith Effectiveness Observation on Relieve Pain after Haemorrihoids Surgical Operation by Electric-acupuncture;电针对痔疮术后疼痛的即时止痛效果的疗效观察

18.Controlled clinical trials of external using of Cheezheng Qingpeng ointment (奇正青鹏膏) on reliving analgesia and swelling for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis奇正青鹏膏剂外用治疗类风湿关节炎止痛消肿作用的临床对照试验


xiaoyuzhitong ointment消瘀止痛药膏

3)SanYuZhiTong Ointment散瘀止痛膏

1.Determination of Chrysophanol inSanYuZhiTong Ointment by HPLC;HPLC法测定散瘀止痛膏中大黄酚的含量

4)Huoxue Huayu Zhitong sticking活血化瘀止痛膏

1.Radix et Rhizoma Rhel, Rhizoma Corydalis, Radix Aconiti and Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii ofHuoxue Huayu Zhitong sticking were qualitatively analysed by TLC.运用 TL C法对活血化瘀止痛膏中大黄、延胡索、川乌和草乌进行了定性鉴别 ,方法简便 ,结果满意。

5)The Ba Bu dissipation blood clot and pain-relieving cream散瘀止痛巴布膏

6)Zhitong Xiaozhi Ointemnt止痛消痔膏


复方南星止痛膏药物名称:复方南星止痛膏汉语拼音:Fufang Nanxing Zhitong Gao主要成分:生天南星、生川乌、丁香、肉桂、白芷、细辛、川芎、徐长卿等。性状:褐色或棕褐色的片状橡胶膏,厚薄均匀,气芳香。药理作用:小鼠电刺激法、热板法显示有镇痛作用,能抑制棉球肉芽肿的增生,并有改善小鼠耳部微循环的作用。功能与主治:散寒除湿、活血止痛。用于骨性关节炎属寒湿瘀阻证,症见:关节疼痛、肿胀、功能障碍,遇寒加重,舌质暗淡或瘀斑。用法与用量:外贴。选最痛部位,最多贴3个部位,贴24小时,隔日1次,共贴3次。不良反应:个别患者贴药处局部皮肤发红发痒,小水泡。禁忌症:皮肤破损、皮肤病者、孕妇禁用。注意事项:外用药品,含有毒性成分不宜长期使用;局部皮损严重者,应对症处理。规格:片芯重4.5g。贮藏:密封,置阴凉干燥处。有效期:暂定1年。处方药:是
