100字范文 > 题材风格 subjects and artistic styles英语短句 例句大全

题材风格 subjects and artistic styles英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-14 16:43:02


题材风格 subjects and artistic styles英语短句 例句大全

题材风格,subjects and artistic styles

1)subjects and artistic styles题材风格

2)theme and style题材与风格


1.The early literature that emerged from such a God-centred world was heavily weighted, in subject and style, by religious considerations.这种以神为中心产生的早期文学,在题材与风格上,都有浓厚的宗教色彩。

2.Narrative Style Evolution of Revolutionary History Theme TV Series in China and the Esthetic Trend Analysis;我国革命史题材电视剧叙事风格嬗变与审美趋向探析

3.The Chinese Gongbi Painting of Contempory Women on Developing and Innovating the Style and Characteristics of Traditional Maid of Honour Painting;试论当代女性题材工笔画对传统仕女画风格形式的拓展与创新

4.The Style of Comedy on Peasant-worker喜剧姿态与悲剧精神——论当下农民工题材电影的喜剧风格

5.Artistic Style of Poems on Ancient Chaoshan Women;古代潮汕妇女题材诗歌艺术风格初探

6.On the influence of dance theme on the stone relief style in the Han Dynasty;论歌舞题材对汉画像石造型风格的影响

7.On DuFu s Development in Theme and Style of Seven-word Poem;浅谈杜甫对七言绝句题材的开拓和风格的新变

8.Brief View on the Artistic Characteristics In Sun Li s Military Short Novel Bai Yangdian;简析孙犁军事题材短篇小说《白洋淀》的艺术风格

9.The Exploration of the "Original Ecology" Style of Rural Subjects of Chinese Children" Movies in Recent Years近年中国“原生态”农村题材儿童电影风格探索

10.Nation Subject Matter Film Artistic Style of Saifu, Mailisi塞夫、麦丽丝民族题材电影的艺术风格研究

11.On the Aesthetic Style of TV Series about the Central Shaanxi Plain from Freedom of Gunshots从《关中枪声》看关中系列题材剧的美学风格

12.However, he is related to traditional literati painting in terms of friends he made, subjects, style and technique of painting.但他又自觉不自觉地在交友、绘画题材、风格和技法资源等方面 ,与传统文人画发生着关联。

13.Custom Narration and the tactics of the Novels about the Country in the Shi-Qi-Year;风俗话语与十七年农村题材小说叙事

14.Religious Subjects and Gunter Grass s Reflective Strategies;宗教题材与君特·格拉斯的反思策略

15.《Piano》: a Surpassed Theme and a Stylized Form;《钢琴课》:主题的突破与形式的风格化

16.Gender Differences in Language Learning Styles;语言学习风格之性别差异与外语的因材施教

17.Researches on Language-learning Styles and College English Teachers,Teaching Materials and Teaching Methods;语言学习风格研究和大学英语教师、教材与教法

18.Second Thought over the Relations Between Style and Personality;关于风格与人格关系问题的一些再思考


theme and style题材与风格

3)Topic Style话题风格

4)problem style问题风格

5)theme style主题风格

6)New England subjects新英格兰题材


