100字范文 > 兰州市女足 Lanzhou women football team英语短句 例句大全

兰州市女足 Lanzhou women football team英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-29 18:03:29


兰州市女足 Lanzhou women football team英语短句 例句大全

兰州市女足,Lanzhou women football team

1)Lanzhou women football team兰州市女足

2)Lanzhou women兰州市女性


1.A case- control study on life events of female breast cancer in Lanzhou City.兰州市女性乳腺癌负性生活事件病例对照研究

2.An Analysis on the Status Quo of Sports and Fitness for the Career Women in Lanzhou and Its Influencing Factors;兰州市职业女性体育健身状况及影响因素分析

3.Investigation and Analysis on The Leisure Sports Current Situation to the Intellectual with a Senior Professional Title of Lanzhou City Women;兰州市高知女性闲暇体育现状调查与分析

4.Exploitation and Research into "School Girls and Women Consciousness" in LanZhou Girls Vocational School;兰州市女子职业学校“女生与女性意识”校本课程开发与研究

5.Research on Status Quo of Urban Women"s Participation in Aerobics and Its Affecting Factors in Lanzhou City兰州市城镇女性健身健美操参与现状及影响因素研究

6.A Survey of Marriage Concept and Behavior of the Urban Women Muslims--An Empirical Study of Xi"an and Lanzhou城市回族女性婚姻观念和行为调查——一项关于西安、兰州的实证研究

7.Research On The Exercise Behaviors of Different Age Women in Lanzhou;兰州女性群体体育锻炼状况调查研究

8.The Research on the Current Situation and the Counter Measures for Training of Lan Zhou Woman Football;兰州市女子足球后备人才现状与培养对策研究

9.The Research on the Current Situation of the Women Football Player s Psychological Features in Lanzhou;兰州市女子足球运动员心理特征现状研究

10.On the Education of the Children of the Rural Migrant;兰州市农民工子女教育问题及对策研究

11.The Physique Survey and Selection Target Research on the Athlete of Lanzhou Women s Football Team;兰州市女子足球运动员选材指标与体质的研究

12.Sources of the bioreactivity of PM_(10) in Lanzhou air兰州市大气PM_(10)的生物活性来源研究

13.An Analysis of Cancer Incidence in in Lanzhou,Gansu Province兰州市恶性肿瘤发病率分析

14.Study on the Environmental Problems of Lanzhou and the Ecocity Construction兰州市城市环境与建设生态城市的理性思考

15.Integration of City Symbolic Image:A Case Study城市标志性形象整合开发研究——以兰州市为例

16.An Investigation and Analysis of Urban Merging for the Children of Minority Floating Population in Lanzhou Qilihe兰州市七里河区少数民族流动人口子女城市融入调查与分析

17.The Comparison Study about Operating Fitness Clubs between Lanzhou City and Zhengzhou City兰州市与郑州市经营性健身俱乐部现状的比较研究

18.Characteristics of leisure sports activities taken part in by females in Guangzhou city;广州市女性休闲体育活动的参与特征


Lanzhou women兰州市女性

3)Lanzhou city兰州市

1.Research on hazardous waste management information system based on GIS——A case of hazardous waste management information system of Lanzhou City;基于GIS的危险废物管理信息系统设计研究——以兰州市危险废物地理信息系统为例

2.Dynamic Analysis to the Sustainable Development of Cities in Northwest Semi-arid Areas: A Case Study of Lanzhou City;西北半干旱区城市可持续发展状况动态分析——以兰州市为例

3.Regularities and prevention-controlling measures of air pollution in Lanzhou City;兰州市大气污染规律及治理对策


1.Magnetic Characteristics of Street Dust inLanzhou and Its Environmental Significance;兰州市街道尘埃磁学特征及其环境意义

2.Mineral Compositions of Individual Particles in the Inhalable Particulate Matter in theLanzhou Air during Heating Period;兰州市取暖期可吸入颗粒物中单颗粒矿物组成特征

3.Magnetic Property ofLanzhou Dustfall and Its Implication in Urban Pollution;兰州市大气降尘环境磁学特征研究

5)Lanzhou City兰州市区

1.Formative Causes of Landslide and Debris FlowinLanzhou City and Preventives;兰州市区滑坡泥石流危害、成因及其防治对策

2.Objective:To investigate the rate and the type of Shigella spp infection among the patients suffered with the diarrhea in Lanzhou city.目的:调查兰州市区腹泻患者中志贺菌的感染率和感染型别;确定兰州市区分离志贺菌株的毒力基因型;测定不同毒力基因型志贺菌的毒力,以探讨毒力与毒力基因型的关系。

6)Lanzhou City兰州城市

1.A Study ofLanzhou City Spatial Structure Evolution and Sustainable Development;兰州城市空间结构演化与持续性发展研究


