100字范文 > 企业经济责任审计 enterprise economic responsibility auditing英语短句 例句大全

企业经济责任审计 enterprise economic responsibility auditing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-24 23:03:59


企业经济责任审计 enterprise economic responsibility auditing英语短句 例句大全

企业经济责任审计,enterprise economic responsibility auditing

1)enterprise economic responsibility auditing企业经济责任审计


1.The Research on the Process of Corporation Economic Accountability Audit Based on the Risk-Controlling;基于风险控制的企业经济责任审计流程研究

2.Difficulties and Solutions in Economic Responsibility Audit of Construction Enterprises;施工企业经济责任审计的难点与处理方法

3.Thinking of the Present Situation and the Innovation of Economy Responsibility Audity in Forest Industry Business;森工企业经济责任审计现状与创新的思考

4.Establishment of Three-dimensional Pattern System for Economic Responsibility Audit of State-owned Enterprises;国有企业经济责任审计三维模式机制的构建

5.Risk and Control of Auditing the Economic Obligation of Leadership in State Enterprise or in state Holding Enterprise;国有及国有控股企业经济责任审计的风险及控制

6.Strengthen economic responsibility auditing of an artificial person in state-owned enterprises;论强化国有企业法人的经济责任审计

7.The Index System of Audit for Operator s Tenure Performance;试论企业经营者任期经济责任审计的指标体系

8.The Research for the Leaders of China s State-owned Enterprises Term Economic Responsibility Auditing;国有企业领导干部任期经济责任审计问题研究

9.Study on Some Issues of Corporate Cadres Economic Responsibility Auditing;企业领导干部任期经济责任审计若干问题研究

10.A Probe into Audit of Term Economic Responsibility of Leaders in State-Owned Corporation;国有企业领导任期经济责任审计问题探讨

11.On Auditing Of In-office Financial Responsibility In State-owned Enterprises;对当前国有企业任期经济责任审计的几点思考

12.Economic Responsibility Audit(五)经济责任审计

13.Study on Enterprise Leader Economical Responsibility Audit;企业经营者经济责任审计评价方法研究

14.On the audit on the economic responsibility of managerial personnel of coal companies;关于煤炭企业干部经济责任审计的思考

15.On economic responsibility audit evaluation index system of enterprise leaders;企业领导人员经济责任审计评价指标体系探讨

16.My humble opinion of developing economic responsibility abdit of enterprise and must paying attention to latent deficient;企业开展经济责任审计应注意潜亏之管见

17.On Auditing the Economic Duty of Campus Enterprise Directors;浅谈校办企业领导人员的经济责任审计



economical responsibility audit of commercial banks商业银行经济责任审计

3)economic responsibility audit经济责任审计

1.Discussion on Chineseeconomic responsibility audit of village-level cadres;我国村级干部经济责任审计有关问题的探讨

2.Oneconomic responsibility audit evaluation index system of enterprise leaders;企业领导人员经济责任审计评价指标体系探讨

4)economic responsibility auditing经济责任审计

1.This paper makes some proposals on the executive cadres off-posteconomic responsibility auditing work,hoping to perfect theeconomic responsibility auditing system.在社会主义市场经济条件下,如何更好地发挥经济责任审计工作的作用,维护正常的经济秩序,打击经济不法分子,纪检监察、审计部门的工作责任更加重大。

2.Beginning with the importance of economic responsibility audit, the article explores on the ways of handling theeconomic responsibility auditing.当前任期经济责任审计已成为审计部门的一项重要职责 ,如何开展院校任期经济责任审计 ,是摆在我们内审工作者面前的重大课题。

3.Economic responsibility auditing is a high level of supervision,througheconomic responsibility auditing,to further strengthening the building of the contingent of cadres,and leading cadres at all levels enhance the legal awareness,sense of responsibility and management awareness and played a catalytic role.经济责任审计是一项高层次的监督工作,通过经济责任审计,对于进一步加强干部队伍建设,增强各级领导干部的法律意识、责任意识和管理意识,起到了促进作用。

5)audit of economic responsibility经济责任审计

1.The quality control of theaudit of economic responsibility;经济责任审计的质量控制

2.As a professional one,audit of economic responsibility is different in not only the identification of audit subject and object but also in auditing methods, auditing evolution and the causes for auditing risks.经济责任审计作为一项专门性审计,无论在审计主体、客体的确定,还是在审计方法、审计评价、审计风险成因等方面都具有特殊性;结合经济责任审计及其特点,分析当前经济责任审计中存在的问题,并就如何加强和改进经济责任审计提出几点思考。

6)accountability audit经济责任审计

pared with other types of audit,theaccountability audit has some characteristics distinct from them in object,audit coverage, procedure and reporting.与其他审计类型相比,经济责任审计在审计客体、审计内容、审计程序和审计报告上有比较明显的特征。

2.Since the expansion ofaccountability audit to leadership staffs tenure from 1999, audit offices in different level explore actively in supervising power, promoting administration complying with the law, fighting against corruption from the root, providing a basis for strengthening the management and supervision of government officials.经济责任审计是伴随我国政治、经济体制改革的不断深入而发展起来的一项审计制度。


