100字范文 > 初级社 elementary agricultural cooperative team英语短句 例句大全

初级社 elementary agricultural cooperative team英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-07 22:47:15


初级社 elementary agricultural cooperative team英语短句 例句大全

初级社,elementary agricultural cooperative team

1)elementary agricultural cooperative team初级社

2)elementary socialization初级社会化

1.In theelementary socialization for the children left in their hometowns,the function of their families about education,emotional communication and protection has been reduced because their parents have gone to work in cities.农村“留守儿童”由于父母双方或一方外出务工,他们的初级社会化过程中出现了家庭的教育、情感和保护功能弱化问题。


1.The Reduction of Family Functions in Elementary Socialization for Children Left in Their Hometowns;留守儿童初级社会化中家庭功能弱化问题研究

2.On the Initial Socialization of the Children of Peasant Immigrants;关于农村移民子女的初级社会化问题初探——农村移民子女及其家庭情况的初步调查

3.An Analysis of the Polarization at the early stage of Socialism;社会主义初级阶段两极分化现象探析

4.The Primary Stage of the Socialist Culture and Shenzhen′s Selection of Its Culture;社会主义初级阶段文化与深圳的文化选择

5.On How to Comprehend the Concept of the Socialist Culture at the Preliminary Stage关于“社会主义初级阶段文化”概念的理解

6.The feature and creating method of political culture in junior socialism summary;社会主义初级阶段政治文化的特点与塑造途径

7.A Research on "Advanced Culture Construction" Strategy of Chinese Communist Party on Socialist Elementary Stage;社会主义初级阶段党的“先进文化建设”战略探究

8.The Party s Deepening and Development towards the socialist Elementary Stage;党对社会主义初级阶段认识的深化与发展

9.Analysis of external restrictive factors on protractednature of socialist primary stage;社会主义初级阶段长期化的外部制约性分析

10.Early Years of the New Nation Shanghai National Bourgeoisie Society Psychology Change建国初期上海民族资产阶级社会心理变化

11.Harmonious Society Constructionat the Primary stage of socialism;论社会主义初级阶段的和谐社会建设

12.On Non-Socialist Factors at the Primary Stage of Socialism;社会主义初级阶段的非社会主义因素

13.The View Of Social Transformation In The Theory Of The Simple Stage Of Socialism;社会主义初级阶段理论的社会转型观

14.Primary Discussion on Causes of Formation of Interest Contradictions at Primary Stage of Socialism;社会主义初级阶段利益矛盾成因初探

15.Teh Party s New Democratic Theory And Socialist Cultural Construction at the Early Stage;党的新民主主义文化理论与社会主义初级阶段文化建设

16.Understanding of the Classes and the Contradiction between Classes in the Elementary Stage of Socialism;对社会主义初级阶段阶级、阶级矛盾的再认识

17.The province social economy development will complete to industrialize the entry-level stage for "The 11th Five" periods.青海省“十一五”期间经济社会发展将完成工业化初级阶段。

18.On the Strategic Partnership of Party A and Party B at the Primary Stage of the Socialized Reform of University Logistics;论高校后勤社会化改革初级阶段甲乙方的战略伙伴关系


elementary socialization初级社会化

1.In theelementary socialization for the children left in their hometowns,the function of their families about education,emotional communication and protection has been reduced because their parents have gone to work in cities.农村“留守儿童”由于父母双方或一方外出务工,他们的初级社会化过程中出现了家庭的教育、情感和保护功能弱化问题。

3)elementary cooperation初级合作社

4)socialist primary stage社会主义初级阶段

1.It is a stage of Chinese modernization process be-tween the preceding and the following,and the social pattern ofsocialist primary stage of China.“小康社会”是近代中国历史进程的产物,是中国现代化进程中承上启下的阶段,是中国社会主义初级阶段的社会形态。

2.For the history position of thesocialist primary stage, there is a long distance from the situation of Chinese citizen participating political affairs to socialism nature.社会主义初级阶段的历史定位 ,使我国目前公民政治参与的现状和社会主义的本质要求还相差甚远。

3.This essay tries to use Marx s Dialectical Materialism as weapon to analyze existing improper socialist history developing pattern from different angles,different levels and different ways and research the containing developing branch stage in China ssocialist primary stage and the nature of market economy.本文以马克思的辩证唯物史观为武器,多角度、多层面、大跨度地分析了现实中还不够标准的社会主义的历史发展模式,研究了中国社会主义初级阶段内涵的发展子阶段和市场经济本质。

5)the primary stage of socialism社会主义初级阶段

1.On the social justice ofthe primary stage of socialism;社会主义初级阶段的社会公平理论探析

2.Two-stage division of communist society andthe primary stage of socialism;共产主义社会两个阶段划分与社会主义初级阶段

3.In the meantime,we must make unremitting efforts for the realization of the Party ,s basic program forthe primary stage of socialism.我们既要志存高远 ,胸怀共产主义理想 ,又要脚踏实地 ,为实现党在社会主义初级阶段的基本纲领而不懈努力 ,从而永远保持共产党人应有的政治品格和精神境界 。

6)Primary stage of socialism社会主义初级阶段

1.On the teaching of the primary stage of socialism;“社会主义初级阶段论”教学浅议

2.Inheritance And Transcendence——development of the basic economic system in the primary stage of socialism against new-democratic economic pattern;继承与超越——社会主义初级阶段基本经济制度对新民主主义经济形态的扬弃

3.Regulating the enterprise employment management and establishing a harmonious labor relationship are the basic premise and requirement on the primary stage of socialism for establishing economic system in accordance with present situation and developing socialist market economy.企业改革与发展离不开人力资源的合理利用和管理,规范企业劳动用工管理,构建和谐劳动关系,是社会主义初级阶段构建符合我国现阶段经济制度、发展社会主义市场经济的基本前提和要求。


