100字范文 > 卡片间隙试验 card gap test英语短句 例句大全

卡片间隙试验 card gap test英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-20 02:36:31


卡片间隙试验 card gap test英语短句 例句大全

卡片间隙试验,card gap test

1)card gap test卡片间隙试验

1.Shock sensitivity measurement of explosives by an underwatercard gap test method用水下卡片间隙试验法测定炸药冲击波感度


1.Shock sensitivity measurement of explosives by an underwater card gap test method用水下卡片间隙试验法测定炸药冲击波感度

2.Experimental Investigation on Cylindrical Fragments Penetrating into Multi-spaced Targets柱形破片对多层间隙靶侵彻试验研究

3.Experimental Study of the Clearance of Cut Auto-Closed on the Thin Ring by Mathematics Modeling卡环接口自适宜封闭间隙数学建模与试验研究

4.impeller clearance叶轮间隙;叶片间隙;导向叶片与工作叶片的间隙

5.Study of Numerical Simulation and Experimental Investigation on Clearance Flow in Axial Flow Pump;轴流泵间隙流动数值模拟与试验研究

6.An Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation on Dual Positive Clearance Blanking;双重正间隙冲裁试验研究及数值模拟

7.The Test Research on Critical Voids in the Minerals of Asphalt Mixture;沥青混合料临界矿料间隙率试验研究

8.Cognition or Deception: GKT Laboratory Research with the Card Test ParadigmGKT原理的卡片测试范式实验研究

9.Effects of Turbine Tip Clearance on Gas Turbine Performance叶尖间隙对涡轮气动性能影响的试验研究

10.Long Air Gap Flashover Test in Tower Window of 750 kV Transmission Line750kV紧凑型塔窗内长空气间隙放电试验研究

11.Experimental method and equipment of ultra-narrow welding with flux strips constraining arc焊剂带约束电弧超窄间隙焊接试验方法及装置

12.Experimental Study of the Raining Effect on Frequency Breakdown Voltage of Air-gap降雨对空气间隙工频闪络电压影响的试验研究

13.Viscous Load Effects Within Air-gap in Hydraulic Motor-Vane Pump and Performance Test of a Prototype液压电机叶片泵的气隙负载效应及样机性能试验

14.crevice corrosion test for stainless steel不锈钢缝隙腐蚀试验

15.Unit Exploitation Of DP-51 Microcontroller Simulation Tester and ISA BoardDP-51型单片机仿真试验仪与ISA板卡的联合开发

putation and test showed that the variation of magnetic force and bearing rigidity increases along with the reduction of axial magnetic gap and the augment of clearance between magnets.计算和试验表明,随着磁隙的减小,磁块间隙的增大,磁力和刚度的变化增大。

17.M/OD hypervelocity impact tests carried out in CASTCAST空间碎片超高速撞击试验研究进展

18.Power transformers--Insulation levels and dielectric tests--External clearances in airGB/T10237-1988电力变压器绝缘水平和绝缘试验外绝缘的空气间隙


gap experiment间隙试验

3)bar-to-bar test片间试验

4)Suspension clearance tester悬架间隙试验台

5)batch run间隙试验操作

6)wisconsin card sorting test wisconsin卡片分类试验


