100字范文 > 安徽建筑工业学院 Anhui University of Architecture英语短句 例句大全

安徽建筑工业学院 Anhui University of Architecture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-30 00:46:32


安徽建筑工业学院 Anhui University of Architecture英语短句 例句大全

安徽建筑工业学院,Anhui University of Architecture

1)Anhui University of Architecture安徽建筑工业学院

1.Soil Basic Characters and Improvement Measures in Southern Campus ofAnhui University of Architecture安徽建筑工业学院南校区土壤基本特性及其改良措施


1.Soil Basic Characters and Improvement Measures in Southern Campus of Anhui University of Architecture安徽建筑工业学院南校区土壤基本特性及其改良措施

2.The Empirical Research on Factors Affecting the Development of the Construction Industry in Anhui;安徽建筑业发展影响因素的实证研究

3.Study on Frontier Efficiency of Construction Industry: A Case of Anhui建筑业前沿效率研究——以安徽为例

4.On Special Legislation to Protect Farmer Builders--Taking the City of Hefei,Anhui Province as an Example建筑业农民工专项立法保护探析——以安徽省合肥市为例

5.To Discuss The Education And Management Work Of An Hui Professional And Technical Institute Of Athletics;浅谈安徽体院的学生教育与管理工作

parative study of architectural industry structure in Anhui provinces by SSM基于SSM分析法的安徽建筑业产业结构比较研究

7.Research and Practice of Application-oriented Engineering Professional Training Model--Taking Anhui Science and Technology University as an Example工程技术专业应用型人才培养研究与实践——以安徽科技学院为例

8.Study on International Competitiveness of Anhui’s Construction Industry--Based on Factor Analysis of Cross-section Data of Chinese Construction Industry in ;安徽建筑业国际竞争力研究——基于中国建筑业的截面数据

9.The Research of Development Problems in the Trade of Building Intelligent in Anhui;安徽省建筑智能化行业的发展问题研究

10.The design of the Chinese Mineral Industry University Construction Engineering College tea room中国矿业大学建筑工程学院茶室的设计

11.Study on Marketing Strategies for Hefei University of Technology"s Institute of Architectural Design合肥工业大学建筑设计院市场营销策略研究

12.Human Resourse Planning Research of Anhui Geotechnical Investigation & Architectural Design Institute安徽省建设工程勘察设计院人力资源规划研究

13.The Plan Design and Realization for the Campus Network Construction and Security of Sichuan Architecture Professional Technology College;四川建筑职业技术学院校园网建设及安全方案设计与实现

14.ConcenTrating On Students Management And Creating Harmonious Campus;抓好学生教育管理工作 树立安徽体院良好形象

15.Police Management System:A New Probe into Ideological and Political Education Mode of College--To Explore the Ideological and Political Education of Anhui Vocational College of Police Officers警务化管理:大学生思想政治教育模式新探——安徽警官职业学院思政工作透视

16.On the Employment Situation of Master Graduates from Medical Colleges and Universities--Taking a Medical University as a Sample;医学院校研究生就业现状调查分析——以安徽省某医学院校为例

17.Anhui Vocational Technical College has carried out positive explorations in building electronic reading rooms and reforming its service.安徽职业技术学院在建设电子阅览室和开展服务创新方面进行了积极的探索。

18.Study on the Changes of Maximum Oxygen Absorption;对安徽电子信息职业技术学院理工新生近几年最大吸氧量和体形变化趋势的探讨


journal of Anhui Institute of Architecture安徽建筑工业学报

3)Anhui developing strategy安徽建筑业

4)genetic algothms西安矿业学院建筑工程系基因遗传算法

5)Anhui Textile Industry Design Institute安徽纺织工业设计院

6)Anhui industry安徽工业

1.The author introduces the selective norms and methods of the leading industry following the example ofAnhui industry.以安徽工业为例介绍了主导产业选择基准和选择方法,对各地确定主导产业和制定主导产业政策具有重要的指导意义。


