100字范文 > 输血病历 Blood transfusion record英语短句 例句大全

输血病历 Blood transfusion record英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-25 14:00:57


输血病历 Blood transfusion record英语短句 例句大全

输血病历,Blood transfusion record

1)Blood transfusion record输血病历

2)transfusion transmitted diseases输血传染病


1.Microarray for Simultaneous Detection of Four Pathogens in Blood-transfusion;四种输血传染病同步检测蛋白芯片的研究

2.The Establishment of the Detection System in Parallel for the Transfusion-transmitted Microorganisms" Antigens Based on the Quantum Dots基于量子点技术同步检测输血传染病病原体抗原的方法建立

3.Preparation and clinical application of nano-piezoelectric immunosensor for combined detection of four blood transfusion transmitted diseases纳米压电免疫传感芯片联合检测输血传染病四项指标的初步应用研究

4.Hepatotropism of nonenveloped DNA virus in rhesus monkey infected by transfusion-transmitted virus经输血传播病毒感染恒河猴的嗜肝性

5.Examination and Clinical Significance of Infectious Diseases Indicators before Blood Transfusion输血前传染病感染指标的检查及其临床意义

6.To Analyse the Detection Results of Blood Transmissible Disease Parameters of 2053 Patients before Blood Transfusion输血前检测血源性传染病指标情况分析2053例

7.Clinical significance of four contagious indexes of blood receivers before transfusion受血者输血前四项传染病指标检查的临床意义

8.Objective To evaluate the significance of the transfusion-associated contagion test for receivers before blood transfusion.评估受血者在输血前接受输血相关传染病检查的意义。

9.Evaluation of the Safety of the Collodial Gold Immune Chromatography for Screening Transfusion Transmitted Infectious Diseases胶体金法检测输血相关传染病的风险评估

10.Investigation and Significance of Transfusion-transmitted Virus Infection in Blood Donors;献血标本中输血传播病毒(TTV)感染率初步分析及其意义

11.Ryan, who became infected through a blood transfusion, became a celebrity for promoting a better understanding of AIDS.莱恩经输血传染得病后,成为推广爱滋病教育之名人。

12.The Preparation and Optimization of Transfusion Related Disease Pathogens Antibodies Protein Chip and the Preliminary Testing;输血相关传染病病原体抗体检测蛋白芯片制备研究

13.The result suggest that there exists TTV infect among blood donors in PingXiang,The TT Virus mainly belonged to G2.TTV may be transmitted by blood transfusion.结论本地区献血中存在tt 病毒感染。 输血可能成为传播ttV感染途径之一。

14.Analysis of the BLood Infective Factors before Accepting Blood Transfusion(11682 Cases);11682名受血者输血前血液传染性指标分析

15.Test Results of Transmitted Disease Markers in Serum before Transfusion:Analysis of 7357 Cases合山市人民医院7357例患者输血前血清中传染病标志物检测结果分析

16.Study on Fetus s Virus Infection Caused by Blood Transfusion;输血致胎儿病毒感染的损害赔偿研究

17.The Research on the Interrelation Law Problems of Clinical Blood Transfusion Infection Virus;临床输血感染病毒相关法律问题研究

18.Clinical Significance of Gene Quasispecies of Transfusion Transmitted Virus;输血传播病毒(TTV)基因变异的临床意义


transfusion transmitted diseases输血传染病

3)transfusion infection virus输血感染病毒

4)Transfusion transmitted virus输血传播病毒

1.Mutual influence of transfusion transmitted virus infection and hepatitis C virus infection;输血传播病毒感染与丙型肝炎病毒感染的相互影响

2.Transfusion transmitted virus infection in the neonates;高胆红素血症新生儿输血传播病毒的基因检测

3.Blood transfusion transmitted virus in liver tissue of non-A to non-G hepatitis with immunohistochemistry method;免疫组化法检测非甲-非庚型肝炎患者肝组织中输血传播病毒

5)transfusion transmitted virus(TTV)输血传播病毒

1.Objective To investigate the clinical significance of gene variant of transfusion transmitted virus(TTV).目的研究输血传播病毒(TTV)的基因变异及其临床意义。

2.Objective: To investigate the events of transfusion transmitted virus(TTV) infection in the patients with HBV.目的研究乙型肝炎病毒 (HBV)感染者重叠感染输血传播病毒 (TTV)的状况。

6)Transfusion Transmitted Virus (TTV)输血传播病毒(TTV)


