100字范文 > AUTODYN有限元软件 finite element program of AUTODYN英语短句 例句大全

AUTODYN有限元软件 finite element program of AUTODYN英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-26 10:20:59


AUTODYN有限元软件 finite element program of AUTODYN英语短句 例句大全

AUTODYN有限元软件,finite element program of AUTODYN

1)finite element program of AUTODYNAUTODYN有限元软件


1.Numerical simulation of TNT explosion in air was performed byAUTODYN software.采用AUTODYN软件对TNT在空气中爆炸进行了数值计算,在计算模型中考虑了负氧平衡炸药的后燃烧效应,并将峰值超压、比冲量、正压作用时间计算结果与相似律公式计算值以及Baker测试数据进行了对比,指出Brode公式计算出的炸药附近空气冲击波峰值超压明显偏大,可能是将爆轰产物造成的峰值超压误认为空气冲击波峰值超压所致。

3)finite element software有限元软件

1.Visualization technologies of structural fatigue life and reliability such asfinite element software with large scaled graphical user interface, prediction model of fatigue life, realization method on visualization of fatigue life and reliability and so on are introduced.介绍了大型图形用户界面有限元软件、疲劳寿命预测模型、疲劳寿命可视化、可靠性可视化实现方法等结构疲劳寿命以及可靠性可视化技术。

2.On the basis of maintaining the basic characteristics of original class,this programmer can strengthen and reduce the function of the class by means of the inheritance and polymorphism, thereby realize the expansion of thefinite element software .在面向对象的有限元程序设计中利用类的继承机制和多态性,可以建立具有共同关键特征的对象家族,实现代码的重用;在保持原有类基本特性的基础上可以通过派生类和虚函数机制,对类的功能进行扩充和裁减,从而实现对有限元软件的扩充。


1.Development and Application of the Finite Element Analysis Program for Forklift Steering Bridge;叉车转向桥有限元软件的开发与应用

2.LS-DYNA Application in Flexible Structure Simulation有限元软件LS-DYNA在柔体仿真中的应用

3.Development of Bridge Components Automatic Calculation System Based on FEM Software;基于有限元软件平台的桥梁构件自动计算

4.Parallel Development and Application of FEA Software Structural Analysis Module有限元软件结构分析模块的并行开发及应用

5.Study Some Aspects of Finite Element Analysis Soft for Broad Girder;大板梁有限元软件编制过程若干问题的研究

6.Software Development on Finite Element Analysis for Bending Stresses of Transmission Gears;变速器齿轮弯曲应力分析有限元软件的开发

7.Algor Super Finite Element Software and Its Application in Water Conservancy;Algor Super有限元软件及其在水利工程中的应用研究

8.The Study of Database Management System in the Fem Software Development;有限元软件设计中数据库管理系统的研究

9.The Study of Object-Oriented Technique in the Practice of Finite Element Software Development;有限元软件开发中的面向对象技术研究

10.Application of Deform Limited Liability Analysis System SoftwareDEFORM有限元分析系统软件及其应用

11.Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Bellows and Its Software Development;波纹管非线性有限元分析与软件开发

12.The Application of Ansys in the Design of Box-main-girder;有限元分析软件ANSYS在箱形梁中的应用

13.Low Discuss the Large Finite Element Analyse Software ANSYS;浅谈大型通用有限元分析软件ANSYS

14.Stress Analysis of Lifting-hoot with ANSYS Software基于ANSYS软件的吊钩有限元分析

15.FEM Analysis of the Air Nailer′s Needle Assembly Based on ANSYS Software基于ANSYS软件的气动钉枪枪针组件的有限元分析

16.FEM Analysis Software Is Used to Calculate the Strength of Scoop Type Hoisting Machine有限元分析软件在轴承强度计算中的应用

17.The Application of Finite Element Analysis Method in Model Analysis of a Lathe Bed有限元分析软件在机床床身模态分析中的应用

18.Ideas of Design on Integrated Software for FEA on Underground Structures and Their Realization地下结构有限元集成化软件的设计思路与实现



1.Numerical simulation of TNT explosion in air was performed byAUTODYN software.采用AUTODYN软件对TNT在空气中爆炸进行了数值计算,在计算模型中考虑了负氧平衡炸药的后燃烧效应,并将峰值超压、比冲量、正压作用时间计算结果与相似律公式计算值以及Baker测试数据进行了对比,指出Brode公式计算出的炸药附近空气冲击波峰值超压明显偏大,可能是将爆轰产物造成的峰值超压误认为空气冲击波峰值超压所致。

3)finite element software有限元软件

1.Visualization technologies of structural fatigue life and reliability such asfinite element software with large scaled graphical user interface, prediction model of fatigue life, realization method on visualization of fatigue life and reliability and so on are introduced.介绍了大型图形用户界面有限元软件、疲劳寿命预测模型、疲劳寿命可视化、可靠性可视化实现方法等结构疲劳寿命以及可靠性可视化技术。

2.On the basis of maintaining the basic characteristics of original class,this programmer can strengthen and reduce the function of the class by means of the inheritance and polymorphism, thereby realize the expansion of thefinite element software .在面向对象的有限元程序设计中利用类的继承机制和多态性,可以建立具有共同关键特征的对象家族,实现代码的重用;在保持原有类基本特性的基础上可以通过派生类和虚函数机制,对类的功能进行扩充和裁减,从而实现对有限元软件的扩充。

4)FEM software有限元软件

1.Study and realization of seamless link betweenFEM software and universal graphics software;有限元软件与通用图形软件间无缝连接的研究

2.There is perfect function of partition in manyFEM software, but the chart editing of them can not meet the demand of users.利用DXF、IGES等文件格式建立有限元软件与AutoCAD绘图环境之间的连接,方便复杂网格模型的建立,加快有限元前后处理速度。

5)finite element analysis software有限元分析软件

1.Application of ANSYSfinite element analysis software to locomotive main alternator electromagnetic field analysis;ANSYS有限元分析软件在机车主发电机电磁场分析中的应用

2.The stress-strain contour of the plate in hardening process was simulation analyzed byfinite element analysis software, the result of the analysis was consistent with the actual.用有限元分析软件对链板淬火过程应力集中及应变做了模拟分析,分析结果与实际相吻合。

3.Based onfinite element analysis software ——ANSYS, the casting riser and running system CAD software for simulating casting forming process is developed by using ANSYS" inner developing tools (APDL and UIDL) and outer developing tools (Visual C++).基于ANSYS有限元分析软件 ,利用其内部开发工具 (APDL和UIDL)以及外部开发工具 (VisualC + + ) ,开发了面向铸件成形过程仿真的铸件冒口和浇注系统CAD ,可广泛适用于铸铁、铸钢、铸铝和铸铜等多种铸造合金。

6)ABAQUS finite element softwareABAQUS有限元软件


