100字范文 > 左心房内径 Left atrial diameter英语短句 例句大全

左心房内径 Left atrial diameter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-29 05:47:20


左心房内径 Left atrial diameter英语短句 例句大全

左心房内径,Left atrial diameter

1)Left atrial diameter左心房内径

1.Study on the relationship between left atrial diameter and mitral valve area or left atrial mean pressure in patients with rheumatic pure mitral stenosis风湿性心脏病单纯二尖瓣狭窄左心房内径与瓣口面积、左心房压力相关性研究

2.The change of left atrial diameter in the treatment of ramipril in mild-moderate hypertension patient with left atrial enlargement合并左心房扩大的高血压患者雷米普利治疗前后左心房内径变化


1.Relationship Between Left Atrial Diameter With Left Atrial Thrombosis in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation心房颤动患者左心房内径与左心房血栓发生的关系

2.Left Atrial Diameter Analysis of 1 041 Patients With Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation1041例非瓣膜性心房颤动患者左心房内径的分析

3.The change of left atrial diameter in the treatment of ramipril in mild-moderate hypertension patient with left atrial enlargement合并左心房扩大的高血压患者雷米普利治疗前后左心房内径变化

4.Ultrasonic Observation and Research on Normal Citizen"s Left Atria"s Internal Diameter and Volume正常人左心房内径容量的超声观测研究

5.Study on the relationship between left atrial diameter and mitral valve area or left atrial mean pressure in patients with rheumatic pure mitral stenosis风湿性心脏病单纯二尖瓣狭窄左心房内径与瓣口面积、左心房压力相关性研究

6.Objective To investigate the clinical significance of the alteration of left atrium diameter in hypertension patients.目的探讨原发性高血压病左心房内径变化及临床意义。


8.The Clinical Observation between the Levels of CRP、Complement C3、LAD and Atrial Fibrillation;C-反应蛋白、补体C3、左房内径与心房纤颤的临床观察

9.The effect of C reaction protein,left atrial dimension and left ventricular ejection fraction on atrial fibrillationC反应蛋白、左房内径及射血分数对心房颤动的影响

10.The Correlations between Left Atrial Dimension and Physiologic Factors/Other Indexes of Echocardiogram;左房内径与生理因素及心脏超声指标关系的研究

11.Differentiation of pseudo normal left ventricular diastolic function using left atrial sizing左房内径变化鉴别左室舒张功能假性正常

12.③After 4 weeks, cardiac function, bore in left ventricular end-systolic stage and bore in left ventricular end-diastolic stage were measured with heart ultrasound to assess the ventricular remodeling.③4周后心脏超声检测心功能、左室收缩末期内径、左室舒张末期内径等评价心室重塑。

13.The Relationship between LVEDd Left Ventricular Function and Ventricular Arrhythmia in Ischemic Cardiomyopathy;缺血性心肌病左室舒张末期内径和左心功能与室性心律失常的关系研究

14.Contrastive study on changes of left ventricle before and after transcatheter closure in treating congenital heart disease先天性心脏病介入封堵治疗前后左心室内径改变的对比

15.We report a patient who received echocardiographic examination under impression of mitral valve stenosis.结果发现左心房内有一约3×3公分大,内含多发性囊肿之肿瘤。

16.Fourteen of the patients had cor triatriatum sinister, and 1 had cor triatriatum dexter;本组左型三房心14例,右型三房心1例;

17.Relationship between Types of Atrial Fibrillation and Left Atrium Enlargement心房纤颤的类型与左心房增大的关系

18.The Level Differences of Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) in the Blood of Patients with Heart Failure and the Correlation among BNP, Left Ventricular Diameter (LVD) and Hypersensitive C Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) in the Same Patients;心衰患者血浆脑钠肽与左室内径、高敏C反应蛋白等因子的相关性


left atrial dimension左房内径

1.Objective: To observe the change of theleft atrial dimension (LAd) in the patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF) , and to study the relationship between LAd and PAF.目的:检测阵发性心房颤动(PAF)患者的左房内径(LAd)的变化,探讨LAd与PAF的关系。

3)left atrial diameter左房内径

1.Objective To investigate the effect of trimetazidine combined with irbesartan onleft atrial diameter and C-reactive protein(CRP)in hypertension patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation(PAF).目的探讨曲美他嗪联合厄贝沙坦治疗高血压病伴阵发性房颤的疗效及对左房内径、C反应蛋白(CRP)的影响。

2.Conclusion Left atrial diameter was independent risk factor for ischemic stroke in hypertensive patients.目的探讨左房内径及其各参数对原发性高血压(EH)患者发生缺血性脑卒中(IS)的预测作用,为EH患者脑卒中的防治提供依据。

4)left atrium diameter(LAD)左房内径(LAD)

5)Left ventricular internal diameter左心室内径

6)Indoor path of the heart building心脏房室内径


心房肽素,人心房利钠多肽药物名称:心房肽英文名:别名: 心房肽素,人心房利钠多肽;心钠素 ,心房肽适应症: 用于治疗高血压、肾性或肝性腹水、心力衰竭和原发性醛固酮增多症等,疗效显著。 用量用法: 静滴:每次0.2~0.4mg。 规格: 粉针剂:0.2mg。 类别:降血压药
