100字范文 > 国家结构形式 the form of state structure英语短句 例句大全

国家结构形式 the form of state structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-02 00:40:50


国家结构形式 the form of state structure英语短句 例句大全

国家结构形式,the form of state structure

1)the form of state structure国家结构形式

1.But they take absolutely different roads on the choice ofthe form of state structure for resolving internal nationality problems.中国和前苏联都是多民族社会主义国家,在采取何种国家结构形式解决国内民族问题上,两国走的是完全不同的道路,即前苏联采用的是民族分权的联邦制,新中国实行的是以民族区域自治为补充形式的单一制。


1.General Characters and Distinguishing Feature:Comparison of the State Structure Forms between China and those of Foreign Countries;共性与特色:中外国家结构形式比较

2.A Review of the CCP s Early Opinions on the Form of State Structure;中国共产党对国家结构形式的早期主张述论

3.Intergovernmental relations:The neglected dimension of national structure;地方政府间关系——被遗忘的国家结构形式维度

4.On the Nationality Factor in the Choice of the Form of State Structure --the Comparison between the People s Republic of China and the Former Soviet Union;论国家结构形式选择中的民族因素——新中国和前苏联的比较


6.Study of Relations Between the Central and Local Governments from the Angle of Economic Constitutionalism--Effect of State Structure on Allocation of Economic Powers;经济宪政视域中的中央与地方关系——国家结构形式对经济权力配置的影响

7.A Study on the Modernization of Traditional Chinese Furniture Structure;中国传统家具结构形式现代化的研究

8.Evolution of the Forms and Structures of Legs and Feet of Ancient Chinese Wooden Furniture;中国古代木家具腿足形式及其结构的演变

9.The social foundation of the unitary state of Qin and Han dynasties as viewed from the early primitive state structure;从早期国家结构的基本形式看秦汉大一统政治的社会基础

10.On the Difference Between Grecian Polis and Chinese Early State;试论希腊城邦与中国早期国家的差异——兼谈地理环境对国家经济结构及治理形式的影响

11.constructed with or in the form of an arch or arches.形成拱形结构或以拱形结构的形式。

12.Capital Structure Came into Being in Chinese Listed Company in Home Appliance Industry;我国家电业上市公司资本结构的形成

13.Learning from the Experience of Developed Countries Constructing the Mode of Higher Vocational Curriculum Structure;借鉴发达国家经验 构建高职课程结构模式

14.Ideology and Ownership Structure of Enterprises in Developed Countries;发达国家的意识形态与公司所有权结构

15.The Shaping of Nation and the Decomposition and Combination of the Social Structure in the Early Western Zhou Dynasty;西周初社会结构的分解合并与国家形成

16."Yang" countries are characterised by rationality. They place more emphasis on content than form and care more about results than "face-saving".阳性国家突显理性,重实质轻形式,重结果轻脸面;

17.A cross-country comparison to the causal mechanism of enterprise s capital structure around the world;从发达国家与发展中国家的比较看企业资本结构的形成机制

18.Structural Unemployment will be an main pattern of une mployment after our country entering WTO.结构性失业将成为我国入世后的主要失业形式。


the mode of the configuration of the state国家构建形式

3)state structure国家结构

1.Western Zhou Dynasty s situation and itsstate structure;西周王朝的天下格局与国家结构

2.The theory ofstate structure was made in the process of Western nation-state building in perspective of old institutionalism.国家结构理论是随西方民族国家成长和政治学旧制度主义方法论的产物。

3.The Nanjing National Government inherited crises ofstate structure and state-society derived from the national building and produced conflicting class relations because of its political nature,which to led the failure of two land reforms that would strengthen political rule and thus maximize the ruler s interest,and finally the total collapse of the regime.南京国民政府继承的危机性国家结构、在民族国家建设中产生的国家与社会的危机以及由此形成的对抗性的阶级关系,使得为实现统治者利益最大化即政治统治需要的社会产出最大化政策即两次土地改革政策均告失败,最终导致南京国民政府雪崩式失败。

4)national structure国家结构

1.Contradictions and Evolution of Contradictions between the National Structure and the Leadership System of the Party in the Soviet Union;苏联国家结构与党的领导体制的矛盾及其演化

2.The idea of what kind ofnational structure should be adopted caused a heated argument in Chinese ideological and political circles.采取何种国家结构引发了中国思想界、政治界最早的一次剧烈的论争和选择。

5)the state system of tribe union部落联盟式国家结构

1.The first part of this article, whose main part isthe state system of tribe union, deals with the internal affairs in Daowu period,such as tribe dispersion, the principle that the mother must be killed when the son was nominated as the successor to the throne and the slaughter of people who had rendered outstanding service.本文所研究的就是道武朝如何在列国纷争的历史大环境下,将代国原有的部落联盟式国家结构转变为大一统中央集权模式,而这种转变,对当代及后代又有什么样的影响。

6)Structure and State结构与国家


