100字范文 > 喷射规律 Injection law英语短句 例句大全

喷射规律 Injection law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-02 14:06:33


喷射规律 Injection law英语短句 例句大全

喷射规律,Injection law

1)Injection law喷射规律


1.Study on Combustion Chamber Shape and Injection Law for Direct Injection Diesel Engine直喷柴油发动机燃烧室形状和喷射规律研究

2.Experimental Study on the Law of Jetting Boost Pressure in Hydrajetting水力喷射孔内射流增压规律试验研究

3.Fluid flow pattern in rotor cavity of roto-jet pumps旋转喷射泵转子腔内液体的流动规律

4.The Research in Measure Instrument for Inject Rule of Diesel Engine Injection System Injector;柴油机燃油喷射系统喷油器喷油规律测量仪器的研究

5.The Researches on Deformation and Fracture Behaviors of Porous Materials Prepared by Spray Deposition During Compression and Rolling;喷射沉积材料压缩和轧制变形规律研究


7.The Researches on Technology and Deformation Mechanism of Porous Materials Prepared by Spray Deposition during Frame-Confined Rolling;喷射沉积坯料外框限制轧制工艺及变形规律研究

8.The Behaviour of Compression Deformation and Forging Technology of Spray Deposited 7075/SiC_p Composite;喷射沉积7075/SiC_p复合材料压缩变形规律和锻造工艺研究

9.Design Rules of Dual-throat Fluidic Thrust-vectoring Nozzle and Its Integration with the Afterbody of Aircraft;双喉道射流矢量喷管的设计规律及与后机身一体化的探索

10.Study on the Fuel Injection Rate of a Multi-hole Injector Applied to a Direct Injection Gasoline Engine直喷汽油机多孔喷油器的喷油规律研究

11.Simulation Study of Influence of Structural Parameters of Common Rail Injector on Injection Pattern共轨喷油器参数对喷油规律影响的仿真研究

12.The Assemble Law and Radiation Law of Higher Education in Our Country;我国高等教育的集聚规律和辐射规律

13.Technical code for shotcrete pock bolts shore锚杆喷射混凝土支护技术规范

14.Technical regulation for design of refinery jet mixer炼油厂喷射式混合器设计技术规定

15.Research on throat erosive burning regulations of nozzleless booster无喷管助推器喉部侵蚀燃烧规律研究

16.Simulative Research with the Impact on the Injection Rule of Rail Pressure Fluctuations in High-pressure Common-rail System压力波动对喷嘴内流场及喷油规律影响的仿真研究

17.Summarize of Measurement of Fuel Injection Quantity and Fuel Delivery Law for High-pressure Common Rail Injection System柴油机高压共轨系统喷油量和喷油规律测量方法概述

18.Research on Control of Large Dimension Tubular Production in Spray Deposition;喷射沉积制备大规格管坯中的控制技术研究


spray penetration curve喷射贯穿规律(曲线)

3)injection rate喷油规律

1.A test bench is build up for testing common railinjection rate of diesel engine.建立了柴油机高压共轨系统喷油规律测试试验平台,为加快共轨系统研发提供了一种有效的测试试验手段。

2.On the base of the PMS type pump, which is produced by Weifu group company and powerful in in-line pumps, under high injection pressure the influences of three kinds of basic delivery valves on the comprehensive performance, such as pump pressure, nozzle pressure, residual pressure,injection rate, secondary injection and cavitation, are investigated.以无锡威孚公司目前机械直列喷油泵产品中强化程度较高的PMS喷油泵为基础 ,通过试验研究的方法 ,对比测试与分析等压出油阀、阻尼阀、等容出油阀喷油泵性能数据 ,研究 3种基本出油阀偶件在高喷射压力强化条件下 ,对喷油泵泵端压力、嘴端压力、喷油规律与燃油液力系统穴蚀、二次喷射的影响规律与程度。

3.High-pressure common rail injection system is characteristic of freely controlling injection pressure,injection rate, injection quantity, and can implement high pressure injection and multiple injections.采用120齿齿轮盘设计了曲轴传感器和凸轮轴传感器目标轮,通过ECU和标定软件实现了高压共轨系统在油泵试验台上的正常运作;设计了基于博世长管法的喷油规律测试系统,对喷油器的喷油规律进行测试;此外还通过轨压传感器和高速数据采集卡测试了轨压。

4)Injection characteristics喷油规律

1.The purpose of this project is t o study the factors that affect injection characteristics.本文采用MC6 8HC90 8GP32型单片机实现了电控单元的设计 ,实测了基于HEUI A增压式喷油器的喷油规律。

5)Fuel injection law喷油规律

1.In this paper through tests the effect of several fuel delivery valves on fuel injection law of Pump Ⅰ have been studied; relative curves from test result are presented; the reasons are analyzed,and the methods and technical material for improving the characters of the fuel pump are proved.燃油喷射系统是控制柴油机燃烧和排放的重要部件,通过试验,研究了不同出油阀对Ⅰ号泵喷油规律性能的影响,绘制了相关曲线,并分析了原因,提出了喷油泵改进的措施与技术资料。

6)Fuel injection rate喷油规律

1.A method for the measurement and analysis of fuel injection rate of diesel engines using micoromputer is proposed.提出了应用微机测试分析柴油机喷油规律的方法。


喷射喷射spray喷射〔即阳y;ny皿.ep犯叫朋],在微分流形M上的切空间TM上的向量场W,用TM上与M的局部坐标(x’,…,丫)以自然的方式所伴随的局部坐标(x’,…,扩,vl,二,vn)表示,它的分量是(识,二,沪,.f’,…,f”),其中尹二f‘(分,…,x”,。’,一,。”)是Cl类函数,并且对于固定的xl,…,扩创门是vl,…,扩的正的2次齐次函数(评的这些性质不依赖于局部坐标的实际选取).这个向量场决定的微分方程组 dx‘ —之创, dt斋一f,(Xl,一,X·,一,…,。·),厄=l,二‘,n等价于2阶微分方程组dZx,,,,。d无‘dx找、二认于二f,〔x’,…,x”,气一,…厂号于》;d亡“、一”一’dt”dt/’因此,喷射(以不变的方式,即与坐标系无关的方式)描述了M上的这样一组微分方程.喷射的最重要情形是厂‘为v’的2次多项式:j’‘二艺r{*(x’,二,x”)v,v女,r鑫,二r;*.(*)在此情形下,r{*在M上给出一个挠率为零的仿射联络(affine con议成ion).反过来,对于每一个仿射联络,测地线方程由某个喷射给出,其中f‘具有形状(*)(从联络过渡到喷射时,r;、关于下指标作对称化).如果向量场评是C,类的,则尹必定有(*)的形状.但是在一般情形下,W在丛TM的零截面的外部可以是光滑的,但是在这个截面附近不是CZ类的场.在这样一种情形下,人们有时谈论广义的喷射,而把“喷射”这一术语只留给特殊情形(*)使用.在Fi.招Ier几何学中测地线的微分方程产生了广义的喷射.用不变的方式给出喷射的定义是可能的,它也适用于Banach流形(参见「1」).【补注】仿射联络的喷射也称为该联络的测地喷射(罗odesicsP功y).
