100字范文 > 长锚索 long anchor cable英语短句 例句大全

长锚索 long anchor cable英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-20 10:27:41


长锚索 long anchor cable英语短句 例句大全

长锚索,long anchor cable

1)long anchor cable长锚索

1.Usinglong anchor cable reinforcement technique to improve mine rock self-supporting ability;应用长锚索加固技术提高矿岩自支承能力

2.In allusion to the problem of the unstabilty of the direct back of the 650M middle part of ASHELE copper mine and the complex geologic condition of the contiguity zone of mine rock,the experimentation and research oflong anchor cable,spray anchor net and multi-technology combined bolting of slurry poring were developed and a preferably effect has been gained.针对阿舍勒铜矿650m中段采场直接顶板不稳固,矿岩接触带地质条件复杂等问题,开展了长锚索、喷锚网和注浆多技术联合支护的试验研究,取得了良好的效果;同时就采场地压及其支护等相关问题提出了处理办法。


1.Study and application of the technique of bolting stope roof beforehand by long cable anchor采场顶板长锚索预锚固技术的研究与应用

2.Using long anchor cable reinforcement technique to improve mine rock self-supporting ability应用长锚索加固技术提高矿岩自支承能力

3.Calculation Method of Anchoring Segment Length of Cable拉力型锚索锚固段长度的一种确定方法

4.and the Cables vered out to the better End.并把锚索放到最长的限度。

bined chainwire anchor line锚链-钢丝绳组合锚索

6.West Anchorage Construction of Suspension Bridge of Yangtse River Egongyan Bridge in Chongqing重庆长江鹅公岩大桥悬索桥西锚碇施工

7.Mechanical analysis of anchorage area of cable support tower of Anqing Changjiang Highway Bridge安庆长江公路大桥索塔锚固区受力分析

8.Experiment and Analysis on Cable-Pylon Anchorage of Shanghai Yangtse River Bridge;上海长江大桥索塔锚固区模型试验与分析研究

9.Experimental Investigation on the Static Behavior and Fatigue of Cable-Girder Anchorage Structure of Anqing Yangtze River Bridge;安庆长江大桥索锚固结构静载与疲劳试验研究

10.Long-Term Effect of Prestress on Self-Anchored Suspension Bridge;预应力对混凝土自锚式悬索桥长期影响研究

11.Analytical Study of Fatigue of Cable-to-Girder Anchorage Zone of Cable-Stayed Bridge of Shanghai Changjiang River Bridge上海长江大桥索梁锚固区疲劳分析研究

12.3D Analysis of Cable-Pylon Anchor Zone of Shanghai Yangtze River Bridge上海长江大桥索塔锚固区整体空间分析

13.Model Test and Crack Prediction for Stay Cable Anchor Zone in Pylon of Zhongxian Changjiang River Bridge忠县长江大桥索塔锚固区模型试验与裂纹预测

14.Analysis of Long Term Maintenance of Pre-stressed Cable on High Slope of Expressway高速公路高边坡预应力锚索长期维护浅析

15.The fabrication length"s calculation method of the self-anchored suspension bridge"s main cable stand and it"s influence factor"s analysis自锚式悬索桥索股下料长度求解方法及其影响因素分析

16.(of a ship)become detached from the ropes on the anchor(指船)脱离锚索,

17.Experiment of Anchor Cable With High Slope of Pre-Stress Anchor Cable Frame Protection高边坡预应力锚索框架防护锚索试验

18.Numerical simulation on scheme comparison between two concrete-plug lengths of west tunnel-type anchorage of Balinghe Suspension Bridge坝陵河悬索桥西岸隧道式锚碇锚塞体长度方案比选的数值模拟研究


long cable长锚索

1.This paper mainly introduced the methods to enforce back safety management of underground stope by applyinglong cable and bolt to support it and by implementing controlled blasting to decrease damage of surrounding rock and also by establishing strict regulation and putting it into practice.文中主要介绍了三山岛金矿井下采场在顶板安全管理过程中 ,应用长锚索、锚杆进行支护 ,用控制爆破方法减少爆破对围岩的破坏 ,以及通过加强规章制度的落实 ,解决了顶板安全管理的难


4)long cable supporting长锚索支护

5)long rope-bolt supporting technique长锚索护顶

6)grouted cable bolts注浆长锚索

1.In order to make research on rock anchoring mechanism in high-temperature environment,a comprehensive rock anchoring theory ofgrouted cable bolts in high-temperature environment,i.为了研究高温环境下岩体锚固机理,通过高温采场三维温度模型ANSYS分析,提出了高温环境下注浆长锚索加固岩体的复合作用锚固理论——"膨胀抬升锚索树根筋混凝土拱理论",简称"胀锚拱理论"。


