100字范文 > 班级创新气氛 creative classroom climate英语短句 例句大全

班级创新气氛 creative classroom climate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-29 10:34:32


班级创新气氛 creative classroom climate英语短句 例句大全

班级创新气氛,creative classroom climate

1)creative classroom climate班级创新气氛

1.In reality, junior high school students’creativity was mainly fostered in the classroom settings, therefore, to explore the influence ofcreative classroom climate on creativity is very important.在现实中,初中生创造力的培养主要是在班级的情境下落实的,因此,研究班级创新气氛对于创造力的作用尤其重要。


1.The Relationship among Creative Classroom Climate, Creative Motivation and Creativity in Junior High School Students班级创新气氛、创造动机与初中生创造力的关系

2.The Relationship between The Classroom Climate and the Personality of Students;班级气氛与中学生人格的相关性研究

3.Research on Effect of Organizational Climate for Innovation on Organizational Innovation组织创新气氛对组织创新的作用研究

4.Relationship between Need for Cognition and Classroom Climate among Upper Elementary School Children;小学高年级儿童认知需求及其与班级气氛的关系

5.recreate an idea, mood, atmosphere, etc. as by artistic means.通过艺术手段重新创造出情绪气氛等。

6.The Research on the Relationship between Leadership Style and Team Climate for Innovation;领导风格与团队创新气氛的关系研究

7.The Establishment of Psychological Atmosphere for Classroom Teaching under New Curriculum in Senior Middle School;高中新课程课堂教学心理气氛的创设

8.A Research Review of Innovative Climate创新气氛的概念形成、测量与影响因素

9.The Development of Organizational Innovative Atmosphere Questionnaire基于KEYS的组织创新气氛量表开发

10.Empirical study on the structure model of organizational climate for innovation in Chinese enterprises中国企业组织创新气氛结构实证研究

11.Innovation in Class Management: On Administrative Staff As the Teacher in Charge of a Class班级管理的创新:行政人员担任班主任

12.The Correlative Linkages between Team Innovative Climate and Learning Organizationa Construction;团队创新气氛与学习型组织的相关性研究

13.An Empirical Study on the Team Climate for Innovation and Job Involvement in Software Development Team;软件开发团队创新气氛与工作投入实证研究

14.A Review of the Organizational Innovation Climate: the Concept, Measurement and Related Hot Spots;组织创新气氛的概念、测量及相关研究热点

15.Empirical Study on Relationships Among Organization Structure,Innovation Climate and Time-based Performance组织结构、创新气氛与时基绩效关系的实证研究

16.An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Innovative Climate and Psychological Empowerment组织创新气氛对员工心理赋能的影响研究

17.How to Implement “Innovative Education” of Class in Management of University高校在班级管理中如何实施“创新教育”

18.New Enlightenment of Constructivism for Establishing the Class Organization;论建构主义对创建班级组织的新启示


climate for innovation创新气氛

1.The Team Climate for Innovation Inventory: Construction and Analysis;团队创新气氛问卷的编制与研究

2.And, team interaction and teamclimate for innovation as intermedia.结果显示:领导能力、领导行为、成员创新能力、成员创新行为、团队工作偏好、组织内创新环境等因素对团队创新绩效有显著正效果;团队互动和团队创新气氛的中介作用显著。

3.The results show that charismatic-typed leadership and behavior have significant positive impacts on the teamclimate for innovation and the performance of team innovation,but they have no significant direct effects on the performance o.结果显示:魅力型领导能力和行为对团队创新气氛与团队创新绩效具有显著正向效果,但其对团队创新绩效的直接效果不显著,其通过团队创新气氛中介作用的间接效果显著;而且高校学科团队领导能力对团队创新绩效的整体效果高于领导行为。

3)innovative climate创新气氛

1.s: The concept ofinnovative climate comes from the converging of organizational climate research and creativity research at a special period.创新气氛的研究是创造力研究领域和组织气氛研究领域在特定历史阶段的共同交集。

2.This study explored the relationship between organizationalinnovative climate and psychological empowerment among in knowledge workers.组织创新气氛是指员工对组织政策、管理行为、组织流程以及其它创新支持要素产生的主观认知。

4)organizational innovation climate组织创新气氛

1.Research on Organizational Innovation Climate of Private Enterprises;民营企业组织创新气氛研究

2.organizational innovation climate is the perception employees hold about innovation in the organization and it consists of workers feelings, attitudes, and behavioral tendencies measured by their perceptions.组织创新气氛(organizationalinnovationclimate)是组织成员对组织环境创新特性的一致性认知。

3.In review of the related research of this field in the past 20 years,we enumerate,integrate and evaluate the concept oforganizational innovation climate,the impact factor,assessment instrument and research on related v.组织创新气氛是Litwin所提出组织气氛概念中有关创新维度的深入延伸和具体阐述,是个体对其创新能力养成、发展和运用产生影响的心理认知与组织情境体验。

5)organizational climate for innovation组织创新气氛

1.Empirical Study on the Difference of Different of Types of Enterprise’s Organizational Climate for Innovation in China’s Context;中国背景下不同类型企业组织创新气氛差异实证研究

2.Empirical study on the structure model oforganizational climate for innovation in Chinese enterprises中国企业组织创新气氛结构实证研究

3.As a sub-topic of organizational innovation,organizational climate for innovation has become a new direction in management innovation research domain.作为组织创新的子课题,组织创新气氛已经成为管理创新研究领域的新方向;如何通过加强组织创新气氛来提高创新,是此领域的研究热点。

6)Team Climate for Innovation团队创新气氛

1.An Empirical Study on theTeam Climate for Innovation and Job Involvement in Software Development Team;软件开发团队创新气氛与工作投入实证研究

2.This paper firstly reviews the concept of transformational leadership, organizational citizenship behavior and team climate for innovation.介绍变革型领导,团队创新气氛,组织公民行为的概念,接着提出团队创新气氛在变革型领导风格和团队成员的组织公民行为的关系中起到中介作用,并根据研究的需要把变革型领导、组织公民行为作为个体层次的变量,进而形成一个跨层次研究模型。

3.The data result shows that leadership style obviously affects team climate for innovation.在中国企业背景下,根据以往文献提出相关假设,通过实证研究验证假设;数据分析结果显示,领导风格对员工感知到的团队创新气氛影响显著;同时,分析了情境因素对二者关系的影响。


