100字范文 > 浸根 soaking root英语短句 例句大全

浸根 soaking root英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-05 21:33:46


浸根 soaking root英语短句 例句大全

浸根,soaking root

1)soaking root浸根


1.splant to flats在接种体中浸根并移植到平盘

2.Effect of Soaking of Root with Chitosan on the Growth and Fruit-setting Percentage of Pepper;壳聚糖浸根对辣椒生长及坐果的影响

3.A Preliminary Study of Effect of Root-soaking Fertilizing on Dendrocalamopsis oldhami Forest Establishment绿竹浸根施肥对造林影响的研究初报

4.Effects of Root Soaking with Biochemistry Fulvic Acid (BcFA) on Growth and Physiology of Grape Seedlings生化黄腐酸浸根对葡萄幼苗生长及生理的影响

5.Elements Leakage from Roots in Extracting Iron Plaque on the Rice Root Surface and Optimization of Extraction Conditions水稻根表胶膜浸提中根内元素溢出与浸提条件优化研究

6.Staging is based upon the degree of invasion into and through the wall.分期是根据浸润和破坏结肠的程度。

7.Love for one"s fellow creatures imbues every line of the drawing.这张画的每一根线条都浸透着这种感情。

8.Allelopathy Analysis of Aqueous Leachates and Root Exudates of Invasive Alien Weed, Ageratina Adenophora (Spreng.) (Asteraceae);紫茎泽兰水浸液与根分泌物的化感作用分析

9.The Prognostic Value of Tumor Infiltrating Immune Cells in Gastric Cardia Carcinoma Underwent Curative Resection;肿瘤浸润免疫细胞对贲门癌根治术预后的影响

10.The Cytotoxicity of Aqueous Extraction from Trifolium Repens L. on Root Tip Cell of Vicia Faba白车轴草水浸提液对蚕豆根尖细胞的细胞毒性

11.Effect of Aqueous Extracts of Fritillaria pallidiflora Schvek Rhizosphere Soil on Seed Germination伊贝母根际土壤浸提液对其种子萌发的影响

12.Study of NAA on the Rooting of Soft Stem cutting of the Chrysanthemum morifoliumNAA浓度与浸泡时间对菊花扦插生根的影响

13.Allelopathy of Water Extract of Root from Several Protected Vegetable on Melon几种设施蔬菜根系浸提液对甜瓜的化感作用

14.Study on Allelopathy of Medicago sativa Root Aqueous Extracts to Dactylis glomerata紫花苜蓿根系浸提液对鸭茅的化感作用研究

15.Allelopathic Effects of the Soaking Fluid of Eucalyptus grandis" Leaves,Litter and Roots on Lactuca sativa巨桉叶、凋落物、根的水浸液对莴笋的化感效应

16.Stability and efficiency of mixed pesticide solutions for treating the root-soil of Taiwan plants台湾苗木根土浸泡药液稳定性及其处理效果

17.Allelopathic Effect of Water Extracts from Ailanthus altissima Root on Growth of Robinia pseudoacacia Seedling臭椿根浸提液对刺槐幼苗生长的化感效应

18.Allelopathic effects of solution extracted from soil around Ailanthus altissima root zone on germination of Robinia pseudoacacia seeds臭椿根区土壤水浸提液对刺槐种子发芽的影响


dipping roots plantation浸根造林

1.Contrast tests ondipping roots plantation by plant-growth regulator;植物源浸根造林对比试验

3)root immersion浸泡根系

4)puerarin extractive葛根素浸膏

1.After the chloroform was evaporated,it was used as chelate complex chromatographic stationary phase to purifypuerarin extractive.建立了采用配位色谱柱从葛根素浸膏中分离纯化葛根素的方法。

5)Banlangen Jingao板蓝根浸膏

1.Determination of Indigo and Indirubin inBanlangen Jingao by RP-HPLC;RP-HPLC法测定板蓝根浸膏中靛蓝、靛玉红的含量

6)Sophore tonkinesis gapnep extract山豆根浸膏


