100字范文 > 唐末五代 The end of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties英语短句 例句大全

唐末五代 The end of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-25 07:52:57


唐末五代 The end of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties英语短句 例句大全

唐末五代,The end of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties

1)The end of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties唐末五代

1.During the end of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, Wang Shen Zhi and his descendants ruled Fujian for nearly a half century.唐末五代 ,王审知及其子孙统治福建近半个世纪。


1.The change occurred at the times of Five Dynasties.这种风格的转变 ,发生在唐末五代时期。

2.Northern Migrants and Economic Development in Huizhou in the Late Tang Dynasty;唐末五代徽州的北方移民与经济开发

3.On the Vicissitudes and the Influences of Jiangyou Heroes in the End of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties;唐末五代时期江右豪杰的浮沉与影响

4.Activity of MAN Tripe in Hunan Province in Late Tang Dynasty;唐末五代湖南地区的蛮族活动及其它

5.A Review of the Book Dai Bei Bloc During the Late Tang and the Five Dynasties;隋唐五代史研究的一个新概念、新认识——《唐末五代的代北集团》评介

6.On the confucianism and Artistic Features on the Prose in the End of Tang Dynasty and Wu Dai论唐末五代散文的儒学内蕴和艺术特质

7.Influence of the Late Tang and Five Dynasties of the early southern Chinese on the founding of the Qidan Dynasties;唐末五代初期北迁汉人对契丹立国的影响

8.The Contest of Political Tactics between the Jin and the Liang in the Late Tang Dynasty and the Earlier Five Dynasties;试论唐末五代晋梁争雄的政治策略博弈

9.Establishment of The spirit of "History of Poetry" -- discussing Du-Fu s being accepted in Late Tang Dynasty and Wu Dynasties;“诗史”精神的确立——杜甫在唐末五代的接受探析

10.Establishment of Epic Spirit--On the Acceptance of DU Fu s Poems by Poetsof the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties;“诗史”精神的确立——杜诗在唐末五代的接受探析

11.Joust in the Late Tang and Five Dynasties: An Observation on the War Cultures during the Tang-Song Transitional Period唐末五代阵前骑斗之风——唐宋变革期战争文化考析

12.Discussion on the relationship between bantering poems of the late Tang and Five Dynasties and the jocular cultural practice唐末五代谐谑诗与谐趣潮流探赜——从“郑五歇后体”谈起

13.Sages and Virtuous Men Have No Other Ways And Conformity Lies on Me"--Slight Exploration of Guanxiu PoeticTheory in Late Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties;“贤圣无他术 圆融只在吾”——唐末五代诗僧贯休诗论探微

14.It was not until the late Tang and the Five Dynasties,the last period of medieval China,that the war strategy of the country became most mature.唐末五代是中国中古时代的最后阶段,期内藩镇混战达至白热化,使武人的战略文化日趋成熟。

15.The Cannibal Phenomena in the Last Reign of the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties, and the Beginning of the Song Dynasty;唐末五代宋初的食人现象──兼说中国古代食人现象与文化陋俗的关系

16.Chinese flower-and-bird painting came into being in the end of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties.唐末五代前后出现的中国花鸟画 ,以写形、写实为主 ,画史称之为工笔花鸟画。

17.The XingFa faction theory deepened further in later Tang Dynasty and WuDai Dynasty. It brought the qualitative leap to the landscape painting at that time.而形法派理论在唐末五代的进一步深化,又给当时的山水画带来了质的飞跃。

18.Wei Zhuang was an important writer in the Late Tang Dynasty.韦庄是唐末、五代文坛上一位诗、词兼擅的重要作家。


Historic Poetry of Wudai during the Late Tang Dynasty唐末五代的咏史诗

3)late Tang and Five dynasties晚唐五代

1.The Research of Tripitaka of Three Circles Temple in Dunhuang of Late Tang and Five Dynasties;晚唐五代敦煌三界寺藏经研究

2.The Growth of Dunhuang Population of Buddhist Monks and Nuns in the Period of Late Tang and Five Dynasties as Well as Its Growth Reasons晚唐五代时期敦煌地区僧尼人口的增长及原因探析

3.Shuofang Han\" clan refers to the six governors of the Shuofang District who was in charge of both civil and military affairs,named hangong,hangzun,hanxun,hanzhu,hanpu and hancheng in Late Tang and Five dynasties.朔方韩氏指晚唐五代担任朔方(灵武)节度使或留后的韩公、韩遵、韩逊、韩洙、韩璞、韩澄6人。

4)Tang and Five Dynasties唐五代

1.The Formation of Classics:Li Po s Poems in theTang and Five Dynasties;李白诗歌在唐五代时期的经典形成

2.Divination in Literary Sketches inTang and Five Dynasties;论唐五代笔记小说中的占卜民俗

3.The Mi-Le Belief under the School of Mazu inTang and Five Dynasties;唐五代马祖禅系的弥勒信仰

5)the Tang and the Five Dynasties唐五代

1.Imperial Examination and Its Influence on Marital Conception inthe Tang and the Five Dynasties;论唐五代科举对婚姻观念的影响

2.The Tang and the Five Dynasties are the crucial period for the development of the word-ending “tou”.唐五代时期是词尾“头”发展的关键时期 ,有旧形式的沿用、扩展 ,有新形式的萌生 ,使用情况复杂。

6)the late Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties晚唐五代

1.Thus he created a style,which proved to be time-making in literature inthe late Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties.温庭筠的独特个性与其混迹城市的浪子生活,使他比同时代人更早感受到时代变化的气息,并将其诉诸他的全部文学创作,在晚唐五代具有转型意义。

2.Polygyny of the Gui-yi-Army of Dunhuang during the Late Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties has not attracted scholars attention for a long time.晚唐五代敦煌归义军节度使多妻制是学术界很少注意的问题,节度使多妻制的出现受到两方面因素的影响:一是吐蕃统治敦煌以来存在的多妻现象;二是归义军节度使通过多妻制达到与敦煌各个大姓之间联姻,以维护自己政权的目地。


