100字范文 > 解放前夕 on the eve of liberation英语短句 例句大全

解放前夕 on the eve of liberation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-12 11:25:41


解放前夕 on the eve of liberation英语短句 例句大全

解放前夕,on the eve of liberation

1)on the eve of liberation解放前夕


1.Before 1945, banditry was rampant in the mountain areas of this place.解放前夕, 这里的山区匪祸连连。

2.On the eve of liberation, Shanghai"s national industry was on the brink of bankruptcy.解放前夕,上海的民族工业濒于破产。

3.Research the Struggle of Wuhan Underground CPC on the Eve of the Liberation;解放前夕武汉中共地下党的斗争研究

4.These phenomena persisted with little change up to the eve of liberation.这些现象直到解放前夕也没有多大改观。

5.On ChenYun s Theory and Practice of Taking-over and Management of the Cities in Later Period of the Liberation War;试论解放前夕陈云接管城市工作的理论与实践

6.On the eve of liberation many progressive students in Shanghai were done to death by the reactionary authorities.上海解放前夕,许多进步学生惨遭反动当局的杀害。

7.Tibet was also backward in regard to sources of energy. In 1950, on the eve of Tibet"s peaceful liberation, there was only one 125-kw hydropower station in the region, which supplied electricity only intermittently.能源状况落后,至1950年解放前夕,仅有一座125千瓦的水电站断续供电。

8."Films made in the early 1950s tended to concentrate on the recent past, portraying the heroic struggles of workers, peasants and soldiers under Communist Party leadership."50年代初拍摄的影片主要反映的是解放前夕的事件,反映了工农兵在党的领导下英勇斗争的事迹。

9.Features of Sichuan Students Study AbroadBefore the “Cultural Revolution”;解放初期到“文革”前夕四川留学教育的特点

10.Before liberation, I was always wandering with my family from place to place, making a precrious living.解放前,我经常和家里人一起到处流浪,过着朝不保夕的生活。

11.Occurring on the eve of the PLA crossing of the Yangtze River in April 1949, the Amethyst incident could be regarded as the end of British gunboat diplomacy in China.发生在中国人民解放军渡江前夕的“紫石英”号事件 ,可被视为英国炮舰外交在中国的彻底终结。

12.The Brewing and Beginning of Opening to the Outside World on the Eve of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the CPC;十一届三中全会前夕对外开放的酝酿和起步

13.Walpurgis Nightph.1. 五朔节前夕

14.The evening or day preceding a special day, such as a holiday.前夕,前夜一个特殊日子的前夕、前夜,如假日

15.Then on Christmas Eve the night before Christmas Day children put stockings at the end of their beds before they go to sleep.在圣诞前夕 圣诞节前的那天晚上 孩子们在睡觉前把长统袜放在他们的床头上。

16.In the forefront of the liberation movement.在解放运动的最前锋

17.There was no schools in the village before liberation.解放前村里没有学校。

18.Before liberation he subsisted on wild potatoes.解放前他靠吃野薯度日。


The eve of liberation上海解放前夕

3)the eve (of an event)前夕

4)before and after the liberation解放前后

5)before Liberation解放前

1.The article discusses the situation of the development of the school education of the Koreannationality before liberation(1898--1945) in Harbin.本文探讨了解放前(1898~1945年)哈尔滨市朝鲜族学校教育的发展情况。

2.The establishment of schools in TaiYuan began with Min g and Qing dynasty and had significant development before liberation, whose feat ures are:(1)School s type is comprehensive including general education, vocation al education, normal education, education for women and so on.太原市学校的设立始于明清时期,至解放前夕有了较大的发展。

6)in the preliberation days在解放前


