100字范文 > 原始特性 original characteristic英语短句 例句大全

原始特性 original characteristic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-24 13:10:06


原始特性 original characteristic英语短句 例句大全

原始特性,original characteristic

1)original characteristic原始特性

1.It′soriginal characteristic curves are no dimension and different in different rotate speed of action wheel.履带车辆用的出口为常排油口的转向液力偶合器,通过试验获得的原始特性曲线在不同泵轮转速下不是独立的一条无因次曲线。


1.Correcting Original Characteristic of a Fluid Coupling by Accurately Controlling液力偶合器精确控制下原始特性修正

2.The characteristics and educational function of primitive physics problems;论原始物理问题的特性及其教育功能

3.The Original Character of the Marital Customsin the Minority Areas of Hunan Province;初论湖南民族地区婚俗的原始性特征

4.This reliance on authority is a fundamental primitive trait这种对权势的依赖性是一种基本的原始的特性

5.Primitive Impulsive Ways--the Analyses on the Narrative Features of Can Xue s Novels;原始性冲动的方式——残雪小说叙事特色解析

6.Mechanical behaviour of gelled crude oil under constant shear rate in initial structural failure process恒剪速下胶凝原油初始结构破坏过程力学特性

7.API starting materials normally have defined chemical properties and structure.原料药的起始物料一般来说有特定的化学特性和结构。

8.The Character of Sequence in Translation Start Region and the Correlation Properties Among Genes in Prokaryote原核生物翻译起始区的序列特征及基因间的关联特性

9.(biology) degenerative reversion of cells or tissue to a less differentiated or more primitive form.(生物学)细胞或组织的退形性变化;退回较原始的特性。

10.Study on the Photosynthetic and Ecophysiological Characteristics of Endangered Pteridophytes Archangiopteris henryi珍稀濒危蕨类植物原始观音座莲的光合生理生态特性研究

11.original micropublishing原始性缩微品出版工作

12.myeloblastic leukemia原始粒细胞性白血病

13.A primitive or ancestral form or species.原形一种原先或始祖性的形态或物种

14.Analysis on the Space-time Characteristics and the Causes about the Tour of Qin shihuang秦始皇巡游的时空特征及其原因分析

15.a style characteristic of a primitive artist.以原始的艺术家为特色的一种风格。

16.Study the Feature of The Primitive Art of Mongolia Though“Aobao Culture”;从蒙古族“敖包文化”看其原始美术特征

17.Omen PredictionPrimitive CulturalCharacteristics of Gesar;《格萨尔》原始文化特——征征兆预测

18.Materialized Features of the Primitive Thinking in Modeling Yunan Jiama云南甲马造型中原始思维的物化特征


primitive characteristic原始性特征

3)primary aerodynamic characteristic原始气动力特性

4)Original characteristic curve原始特性曲线


1.A brief discussion on the issue oforigin of electronic case records;略论电子病历原始性问题

2.The recognition and maintenance of electronic document′sorigin;电子档案原始性的认定和维护

3.The article analyses the core problem of the electronics file management, namely theorigin of the electronics document, and look for the counterplan of the electronics file management.文章分析了电子档案管理的核心问题,即电子文件的原始性,并寻求电子档案管理的对策。


1.Some suggestions and ways about how to develop studentsoriginality are put forward based on an analysis of history of magnetic field research and the scientific obstacles in this process.通过分析磁场研究的历史和遇到的科学难题,提出了培养原始性创新能力的方法与途径。


