100字范文 > 权利属性 the right attribute英语短句 例句大全

权利属性 the right attribute英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-03 09:57:27


权利属性 the right attribute英语短句 例句大全

权利属性,the right attribute

1)the right attribute权利属性

1.As some basic theories such asthe right attribute and the legal status of domain name etc are still being discussed.近几年,域名争端不断增多,其中域名与商标的权利冲突尤为严重,但对于域名的权利属性及其法律地位等基本理论问题,却还处于探讨阶段。

2.This article has made some tentative research from the aspects ofthe right attribute,suitable condition,the resistance effect,legislation idea and so on.本文从建设工程价款优先受偿权的权利属性,适用条件,对抗效力,立法构思等方面,对这一制度加以粗浅的研究。


1.On "Private Property"and "Civic Right"Attributes of Educational Products;教育产品的私人属性与权利属性剖析

2.Research on Right to Compulsory Education as Absolute Power义务教育阶段受教育权的绝对权利属性及保障

3.Freedom of Association in Constitution: Attributes, Values and Restrictions;论结社自由权的宪法权利属性、价值及其限制

4.Free Right of Work: Constitutional Right & Its Realization;论工作自由权的宪法权利属性及其实现

5.A Legal Study of the Human Rights Problem in Water-Lacking Areas;生存权、水人权:缺水地区人民雨水集蓄权的宪法权利属性

6.On the Attribute and Theoretical Basis of the Rights of Private Party in Abstract Administrative Process抽象行政行为行政相对方权利属性和理论依据

7.On the Nature and the Legislation Model of the Biological and Genetic Resources Right生物与遗传资源权的权利属性及其立法模式探析

8.On the Private Right in Intellectual Property-Take Patent Right as an Example;知识产权私权属性解构——以专利权为例

9.On Legal Attributes of Mortgage and Mortgagee s Right;论抵押权的法律属性与抵押权人的权利


11.Property Right of Relationship is More Important than Property Right of Title:An Analysis of Attributes of Property Rights Contracting between Corporation and Farmers关系性产权比权利性产权更重要——公司和农户缔约的产权属性分析

12.subsidiary rights附属专有权,附加权利

13.On the Legal Attribute of PE Rights--On the Guarantee of University Students PE Rights;论体育权利的法律属性——兼论大学生体育权利的保障

14.On the Basis of Legitimacy,Fundamental Attribute and Structure of Right in Economic Law;论经济法权利的合法性基础、基本属性和结构

15.Technological Nature of the Patent Infringement Case and its Procedural Relief;专利侵权纠纷科技属性及其程序性救济

menting on the Characteristics of the Legal Procedural Right and Amelioration of the Legislation;论法律程序权利的特有属性及立法完善

17.Empirical Study of the Effect of Double Property of Convertible Bond on Private Benefit Control可转债双重属性对控制权利益影响的实证研究

18.Discuss the property of delegation legislation of taxation--From the angle of protecting taxpayers right;论税收授权立法的属性——以纳税人权利保护为视角


Constitution right attribute宪法权利属性

3)ownership of patent专利权属

1.In this article,we began from the rules of patent law and analysed several confusable concepts about theownership of patent.从专利法的具体规定入手,通过对专利权属中几个易混淆概念的分析,指出了当前职务发明制度实施过程中存在的问题,并就此提出相应的建议措施。


1.This article analyzes the special nature of national defense patent from two perspectives: itsownership and confidentiality.关于国防专利的特殊性主要围绕权利归属和保密性两个问题展开。

2.Study on the Right Ownership of Service Invention-creation;职务发明创造的权利归属和利益分配不仅关系到雇主与作为雇员的发明人双方的利益,而且对发明创造激励机制的有效运转、进而对整个社会的科技进步产生重要影响。

5)ownership of rights权利归属

1.In the view of the author of this paper,the present Patent Law and Contract Law don’t really reflect the objective laws of the service inventions and service technical achievements in the field ofownership of rights concerned with service inventions and service technical achievements.现行专利法和合同法对于职务发明创造和职务技术成果的权利归属的规定没有真正反映职务发明创造、职务技术成果产生的客观规律 ,极大地削弱了广大科技人员进行技术创新的积极性。

6)subsidiary right附属权利

1.The property rights are classified as the right which has clear attribution andsubsidiary right which is effectiveness.将物权按状态结构分类为明确归属的本权利与发挥效用的附属权利。


