100字范文 > 潮湿大气 wet air英语短句 例句大全

潮湿大气 wet air英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-06 17:50:20


潮湿大气 wet air英语短句 例句大全

潮湿大气,wet air

1)wet air潮湿大气

1.Analysis of Doppler characteristics of Airplane Wake Vorteces inwet air潮湿大气中飞机尾流的多普勒特性分析


1.Analysis of Doppler characteristics of Airplane Wake Vorteces in wet air潮湿大气中飞机尾流的多普勒特性分析

2.humid heat, atmosphere湿热、 潮湿的空气.

3.The moisture in the air makes it humid today.今天空气中水气大, 天气很潮湿。

4.The clothes-dryer was a life-saver during the wet weather.天气潮湿时乾衣机可帮了大忙了.

5.Disagreeably damp or humid.潮湿的令人不快的潮湿或有湿气的

6.Diffuse wetness that can be felt as vapor in the atmosphere or condensed liquid on the surfaces of objects;dampness.湿气在大气中被感觉为蒸汽或在物体表面凝成液体的发散的潮湿;潮湿

7.Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day.华北和华南的大部分地区的气候将寒冷而潮湿。

8.It was hot and humid in the Italian city of Verona.在意大利的维洛那城里,天气既炎热又潮湿。

9.In worm and dank Southeast Hubei, aquosity is a big problem that the traditional dwellings have to be faced with.气候温暖湿润的鄂东南山区,潮湿是当地传统民居面临的一大问题。

10.The damp in the air makes me feel cold.空气潮湿使我觉得寒冷。

11.It was neither cold nor wet.天气已不冷也不潮湿。

12.It"s muggy and oppressive.天气又潮湿又闷热。

13.The damp weather causes damage to machines.潮湿的天气损坏了机器。

14.The weather continues cold and wet.天气仍然又冷又潮湿。

15.Is the weather wet in spring here?这里春天的气候潮湿吗?

16.The weather was very wet and cold天气又潮湿又寒冷。

17.The weather continues (to be) cold and wet.天气持续寒冷、潮湿。

18.humid, indolent weather.令人困倦的潮湿天气



3)wet air潮湿空气

1.The influence ofwet air on fatigue performance of 2024-T3 aluminum alloy;潮湿空气环境对2024-T3铝合金疲劳性能的影响

4)humid climate潮湿气候

1.Based on the buildinghumid climate feature for the hot summer and cold winter region,monthly mean relative humidity is used as the basic quota.针对夏热冬冷地区建筑湿环境气候特征,建立建筑潮湿气候界定的简便性指标——月平均相对湿度。

5)wet weather潮湿天气

6)moist hydrogen gas潮湿氢气


