100字范文 > 一致收敛速度的界 bounds on the rate of uniform convergence英语短句 例句大全

一致收敛速度的界 bounds on the rate of uniform convergence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-14 21:09:14


一致收敛速度的界 bounds on the rate of uniform convergence英语短句 例句大全

一致收敛速度的界,bounds on the rate of uniform convergence

1)bounds on the rate of uniform convergence一致收敛速度的界

1.Finally the key theorem of statistical learning theory based on birandom samples is proved,and thebounds on the rate of uniform convergence of learning process are discussed.最后证明基于双重随机样本的统计学习理论的关键定理并讨论学习过程一致收敛速度的界。

2.Then the key theorem of learning theory on quasi-probability spaces is proved,and thebounds on the rate of uniform convergence of learning process on quasi-probability spaces are constructed.进一步讨论了拟概率的一些性质,给出了拟概率空间上的拟随机变量及其分布函数、期望和方差的概念及若干性质;证明了拟概率空间上的Markov不等式、Chebyshev不等式和Khinchine大数定律;给出并证明了拟概率空间上学习理论的关键定理和学习过程一致收敛速度的界,把概率空间上的学习理论的关键定理和学习过程一致收敛速度的界推广到了拟概率空间,为系统地建立拟概率上的统计学习理论与构建支持向量机奠定了理论基础。

3.This paper mainly investigates thebounds on the rate of uniform convergence of the fuzzy learning processes.本文主要研究模糊学习过程一致收敛速度的界。


1.The Bounds on the Rate of Uniform Convergence of Learning Processes on Sugeno Measure Space;Sugeno测度空间上学习过程一致收敛速度的界

2.Key Theorem & Bounds on the Rate of Uniform Convergence of Fuzzy Learning Theory;模糊学习理论的关键定理和一致收敛速度的界

3.The Bounds on the Rate of Uniform Convergence of Learning Process on Possibility Spaces;可能性空间上学习过程一致收敛速度的界

4.The bounds on the rate of uniform convergence of learning process based on complex fuzzy variable on credibility space可信性空间上基于复模糊变量的学习过程一致收敛速度的界

5.Rates of Strong Uniform Consistency for Kernel Density Estimators of Directional Data方向数据核密度估计强一致相合性的收敛速度

6.The Uniform Convergence Rates of the Discrete Samples Theorems of the Stationary Stochastic Processes关于平稳随机过程的采样定理的一致收敛速度

7.Uniform Rate of Convergence of Spline Estimator for Time Series Variance Models时间序列方差模型样条估计的一致收敛速度

8.Convergence Rate for a Kind of Riemann Sum of Convex Function;凸函数的一类Riemann和的收敛速度

9.The Convergence Rate of Solution for a Class of Difference Equation and It′s Application;一类差分方程解的收敛速度及其应用

10.Uniform Boundness and Convergence of Global Solutions to the Reaction-diffusion System;反应扩散系统全局解的一致有界性和收敛性

11.The numeral calculation results agree with the given velocity distribution, and the rate of convergence is quick.数学计算结果与设定振速分布一致,同时收敛速度也很快。

12.Absolute&Uniform Convergence of Infinites with Interegral Parameters;含参变量积分的一致收敛和绝对一致收敛

13.Uniform Convergence, Convergence and Weak Convergence;一致收敛 点点收敛 弱收敛之关系探讨

14.Function Series Convergence and Uniform Convergence;关于函数列收敛与一致收敛的一点思考

15.The Convergence Rate and Strong Convergence of the Sums for Random Variables Series;r.v.序列部分和的收敛速度及其强收敛性

16.Employing Laplace Transform to Discuss the Absolute Convergence and the Uniform Convergence of Dirichlet Series;利用Laplace变换讨论Dirichlet级数的绝对收敛与一致收敛

17.We obtain an upper bounded estimate for the convergence rate of the piecewise linear interpolation.给出了分段线性插值收敛速度的一种估计。

18.A estimates of the asymptotic rate of convergence for "Intermediate point" of integral mean value theorem;积分中值定理“中间点”收敛速度的一个估计


the bounds on the rate of uniform convergence一致收敛速度的界

1.Finally the key theorem of statistical learning theory based on random rough samples is proved,andthe bounds on the rate of uniform convergence of learning process are discussed.最后证明基于随机粗糙样本的统计学习理论的关键定理并讨论学习过程一致收敛速度的界。

2.In view of the uncertainty of the real world, trust theory and statistical learning theory are combined to generalize the key theorem andthe bounds on the rate of uniform convergence of learning theory.统计学习理论的关键定理和学习过程一致收敛速度的界两部分内容为支持向量机等应用性研究提供了理论依据,因此在统计学习理论中起着非常重要的作用。

3.In the paper,Rough Em- pirical Risk Minimization(BERM)principle is proposed,andthe bounds on the rate of uniform convergence of learning process with rough samples are presented and proven,which provide a theoretical basis for the research of rough support vector machine.支持向量机(SVM)是机器学习领域一个研究热点,而统计学习理论中的学习过程一致收敛速度的界描述了采用 ERM 原则的学习机器的推广能力。

3)the bounds on the rate of convergence of learning processes学习过程一致收敛速度的界

1.The key theorem andthe bounds on the rate of convergence of learning processes play important roles in statistical learning theory.本文在可信性空间上,提出并证明样本受噪声影响的学习理论的关键定理,进而讨论样本受噪声影响的学习过程一致收敛速度的界。

4)uniform convergence rate一致收敛速度

1.In this paper,the profile least squares estimatin on semivarying coefficient models is introduced,theuniform convergence rates of nonparametric component in semivarying coefficient models is investigated.变系数模型已经获得了广泛的应用,半变系数模型是变系数模型的有效推广,文章介绍了半变系数模型的PLS估计,给出该估计函数系数的一致收敛速度。

2.We giveuniform convergence rates in the central limit theorem for negatively associated sequences with finite third moment, No stationarity is required.本文对NA(NegativelyAssociated)序列建立了中心极限定理的一致收敛速度,只要其三阶矩有限及描述NA序列协方差结构的一个系数u(n)被负指数序列所控制,而无需平稳性便获得了其收敛速度O(n(-1/2)logn)。

3.In this paper, it is proved that there exists no multi-parameter liner empirical Bayes estimator withuniform convergence rate larger than one.证明出任何一个多维参数线性经验Bayes估计的一致收敛速度不可能超过1,从而说明文中构造的线性经验Bayes估计的一致收敛速度1是最优的。

5)the bounds on the rate of convergence收敛速度的界

6)uniformly optimal convergence rate一致最优强收敛速度

1.This paper studies the nonparametric estimates of general weight function of the nonparametric regression function with fixed design points,when the model error is NA sequence,and theuniformly optimal convergence rate under some conditions is also provided.在误差为NA序列的条件下,研究了固定设计点列情形下非参数回归函数一般权函数的非参数估计,并在一些基本条件下给出了估计的一致最优强收敛速度。

2.This paper studies the nonparametric estimates of general weight function of the nonparametric regression function with fixed design points,when the model error is martingale sequence,and theuniformly optimal convergence rate under some conditions is also provided.当误差为鞅差序列时,研究了固定设计点列情形下非参数回归函数一般权函数的非参数估计,并在一些基本条件下给出了估计的一致最优强收敛速度。


Weierstrass准则(关于一致收敛的)Weierstrass准则(关于一致收敛的)erion (for unifonn convergence) Weierstrass cri-weierstrass准则(关于一致收敛的)[Weierstrass eri-teri佣(for.丽肠价ne哪ergence);Be益eP扭TPaeea nP。-3“aIC(pa“IloMepHO盛cxo八IIMOCTH)]这是将函数级数(series)或序列与适当的数值级数和序列对照所给出的关于一致收敛(训如rm conver-genee)充分条件的一个定理;它是K .Weierstrass建立的(〔11).若对定义在某集合E上的实值或复值函数的级数艺u*(x), n盈I存在非负数的收敛级数 艺a。,使得 }“。(x){(a。,n=l,2,·…则原来级数在集合E中一致收敛且绝对收敛(见绝对收敛级数(absolutelyc~r罗nt series).例如,级数 军,S】n月X月百j刀-在整个实数轴上一致且绝对收敛,因为}sin nx}_1}竺兰兰二二二}或一二一.}n一!”-而级数 瘩:告收敛.若集合E上的实值或复值函数序列人(n二l,2,…)收敛于函数f,且存在数列戊。(:,>0),当”~的时:。~0,使得If(x)一f。(x)}簇戊。(x〔E,n二1,2,一),则序列在E上一致收敛.例如序列f(二卜l一上卫兰 X‘+n在整个实数轴上一致收敛于函数f(x)=1,因为,,一f。(x)、<告且浊寺一。.关于一致收敛的Weierstrass准则也可以应用于在赋范线性空间中取值的函数.
