100字范文 > 货币传导机制 monetary transmission mechanism英语短句 例句大全

货币传导机制 monetary transmission mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-27 19:39:28


货币传导机制 monetary transmission mechanism英语短句 例句大全

货币传导机制,monetary transmission mechanism

1)monetary transmission mechanism货币传导机制


1.The Financial Structure and the Interest Rate Channel ofMonetary Transmission Mechanism;金融结构及其对货币传导机制的影响

2.Studies on the Affecting and Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy in China s Economy;货币政策的作用机制与传导机制研究

3.Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism:Monetary Channel or Credit Channel货币政策传导机制:货币渠道抑或信贷渠道

4.Perfectness of Money Market and the Monetary Policy of Conduct Mechanism Analysis;货币市场的完善与我国货币政策传导机制分析

5.A Review of the Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy;货币政策传导机制与货币政策有效性研究述评

6.The Conduct Mechanism of Monetary Policy in China under the Condition of Endogenous Money Supply;内生货币供给下的中国货币政策传导机制

7.Effectiveness of Monetary Policy Transmission--base on demonstration research of monetary market;我国货币政策传导机制有效性——基于货币市场传导的实证研究

8.The Nominal Wage Stickiness and theTransmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy名义工资粘性与货币政策传导机制

9.On the Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism of ECB欧洲中央银行货币政策传导机制研究

10.Study of Monetary Transmission Mechanism of Stock Market in China;中国货币政策股票市场传导机制研究

11.A Study of Chinese Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism: 1998-;我国货币政策传导机制研究:1998-

12.China s Stock Market and Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism;我国的股票市场与货币政策传导机制

13.China s Monetary Policy and Interest Rate Transmission Mechanism;透过利率传导机制看我国的货币政策

14.Study on the Effectiveness of China s Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism;货币政策传导机制有效性的实证研究

15.Analysis on China s Monetary Foreign Trade Transmission Mechanism;我国货币政策对外贸易传导机制分析

16.Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy: Debate and Thoughts;货币政策传导机制理论的争论及启示

17.Study on Problems in Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy in Our Country;我国货币政策传导机制中的问题研究

18.On Transmission Mechanism of China Currency Policy and Its Effect;试论我国货币政策的传导机制与效果


transmission mechanism of monetary policy货币政策传导机制

1.Examined are the effects of financial innovation ontransmission mechanism of monetary policy.首先分析了“货币观”与“信贷观”两种不同货币政策传导机制的区别与联系,在此基础上,提出了两种机制并存的观点,并引入将两者合二为一的传导机制模型;通过进一步分解模型,分别考察了金融创新对货币渠道和信贷渠道政策传导机制的影响,得出金融创新弱化货币政策传导机制作用的结论。

2.Most SVAR studies on thetransmission mechanism of monetary policy choose money supply and interest rate as the index variables to measure the impact of monetary policy.对货币政策传导机制的SVAR研究,多数选取货币供应量和利率作为衡量政策冲击的指标变量,但理论研究表明,用流动性指标衡量货币政策冲击更适宜。

3.But with the complication of human s economic behavior, the effect of monetary policy is wearing off At the same time, thetransmission mechanism of monetary policy is disturbed by many factors and experiences intricate fluxes.但是随着人类经济行为的复杂化,货币政策的效力在逐渐减弱,货币政策传导机制也经历了复杂的变迁,货币政策的顺畅传导受到多种因素的制约。

3)monetary policy transmission mechanism货币政策传导机制

1.On The Perfection of China s Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism;论我国货币政策传导机制的完善

2.Since 1984 when the People"s Bank of China began to work as the central bank, themonetary policy transmission mechanism formally introduced in China.其原因可以归结到目前我国还没有建立一个有效的货币政策传导机制。

3.On this base, People s Bank of China s has carried out a series of reforms to the various links ofmonetary policy transmission mechanism ,indirect control of monetary policy transmission has been mainly set up in our country .从1998年开始,中国人民银行正式取消了对商业银行的信贷规模管理,商业银行获得了充分的自主经营权,在此基础上人民银行对我国货币政策传导机制的各个环节都进行了一系列改革,在我国初步建立了以间接调控为主的货币政策传导机制。

4)monetary policy transmission货币政策传导机制

1.The way which the monetary policy impacts on the economy is considered asmonetary policy transmission.货币政策的传导机制很大程度上决定了货币政策的有效性,因此,一直以来,货币政策传导机制是货币政策理论的核心内容之一。

5)Monetary Transmission Mechanism货币政策传导机制

1.Discussion on the Role of House Price in theMonetary Transmission Mechanism;论房价在货币政策传导机制中的作用——基于VECM分析

2.Study on the Efficiency ofMonetary Transmission Mechanism;货币政策传导机制有效性研究

3.In this paper, we concern the inefficiency of China s monetary transmission mechanism, focusing on the loan supply and deposit demand behaviors of state owned commercial banks.本文通过建立一个国有商业银行信贷资金供求行为模型 ,运用静态比较分析的方法 ,分析了中央银行降低存贷款利率后 ,国有商业银行新增贷款意愿降低、存款需求增加、存贷款差额扩大 ,从而导致货币政策传导机制不畅的内在形成机制 ;考察了形成这一机制的信贷风险硬约束、存款成本软约束及货币市场非充分竞争等方面的原因 ,并提出了相应的完善我国货币政策传导机制的政策建议。

6)the transmission mechanism of monetary policy货币政策传导机制


