100字范文 > 水下机动目标 underwater maneuver target英语短句 例句大全

水下机动目标 underwater maneuver target英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-25 07:02:15


水下机动目标 underwater maneuver target英语短句 例句大全

水下机动目标,underwater maneuver target

1)underwater maneuver target水下机动目标

2)underwater moving target水下运动目标

1.Direction estimation forunderwater moving target using an acoustic vector-sensor;基于矢量传感器的水下运动目标测向的研究

2.Actuality and expectation ofunderwater moving target dynamic spectrum feature extraction and enhancement;水下运动目标动态谱特征提取与增强的现状与展望


1.Study on the Moving Target Detection Based on Undersea Image Sequences;基于序列图像的水下运动目标检测研究

2.Research on Underwater Passive Target Motion Analysis in Three Dimensions Without Maneuver;非机动水下三维被动目标运动分析研究

3.Underwater Bearings-Only Target Motion Analysis based on UKF水下纯方位目标运动分析的UKF滤波算法

4.The Research on Moving Object Tracking in the Dynamic Background;运动背景下运动目标的跟踪算法研究

5.A Study on Sport Achievement Goals of Elite Table Tennis Players;高水平乒乓球运动员运动成就目标的研究

6.Motion object detection based on optical flow field and level set基于光流场与水平集的运动目标检测

7.Stably tracking moving object with active camera in complex environment复杂环境下运动摄像机稳定跟踪运动目标算法

8.A Novel Method for Moving Object Extraction with an Active Camera运动摄像机下快速提取运动目标的新方法

9.Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects with Complicated Conditions in Video;复杂条件下视频运动目标检测和跟踪

10.Motion Objects Detection Technology Research Based on Complex Background;复杂背景下的运动目标检测技术研究

11.Study on the Algorithms for Small Moving Object Detection in Complex Blackground;复杂背景下运动小目标检测算法研究

12.Study on the Algorithms for Small Moving Object Detection in Complex Background;复杂背景下运动小目标识别算法研究

13.Research on Moving Object Segmentation Method in Complex Background复杂背景下的运动目标分割算法研究

14.Taking underwater sensor and sub sonar as an example, a new underwater system of passive target motion analysis(TMA) is designed.针对水听器与艇载噪音声纳构成的系统,提出了一种新的水下被动目标运动分析方法。

15.Identification of Underwater Targets" Detection Based on Brillouin Scattering布里渊散射水下探测目标的自动识别

16.Target Passive Tracking Based on UKF Filter基于UKF滤波的水下目标被动跟踪研究

17.goals of sports collective运动集体目标 运动集体目标

18.Research on the Detection and Tracking Method of Moving Multi-targets in Dynamic Scenes;动态场景下多运动目标检测及跟踪方法研究


underwater moving target水下运动目标

1.Direction estimation forunderwater moving target using an acoustic vector-sensor;基于矢量传感器的水下运动目标测向的研究

2.Actuality and expectation ofunderwater moving target dynamic spectrum feature extraction and enhancement;水下运动目标动态谱特征提取与增强的现状与展望

3)Underwater targets水下目标

1.This may provide a novel theoretical means in detecting and recognizing underwater targets.利用混沌理论对水下目标特征提取进行了研究。

4)underwater target水下目标

1.Empirical mode decomposition-basedunderwater target echo extraction;基于经验模态分解的水下目标回波提取

2.Simulation on acoustic scattering feature ofunderwater target;水下目标声散射特性仿真

3.A new method to estimate the bearing ofunderwater targets;水下目标方位估计的一种新方法

5)underwater object水下目标

1.In this paper, a method of weight neural network knowledge reason is explored inunderwater object autocorrelation detection.用权重神经网络知识推理的方法研究水下目标自相关检测。

2.A method to improve theunderwater object navigation accuracy for ROV is put forward.提出了一种基于小型拖曳浮体进行水下目标卫星导航的原理模型,给出了模型的基本体系架构。

6)underwater passive target tracking水下被动目标跟踪


土壤水分运动基本方程(见土壤水运动)土壤水分运动基本方程(见土壤水运动)turang shuifen yundong iiben土壤水分运动基本方程fangeheng见土壤水运动。
