100字范文 > 钙稳态失衡 calcium homeostasis disequilibrium英语短句 例句大全

钙稳态失衡 calcium homeostasis disequilibrium英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-06 08:17:09


钙稳态失衡 calcium homeostasis disequilibrium英语短句 例句大全

钙稳态失衡,calcium homeostasis disequilibrium

1)calcium homeostasis disequilibrium钙稳态失衡

1.Objective:To explore the relation of apoptosis induced by hexavalent chromium[Cr(Ⅵ)]andcalcium homeostasis disequilibrium in Hep3B hepatocytes in which p53 is absent,and to investigate its mechanisms of action in vitro test.目的:通过体外试验,初步探讨六价铬(hexavalent chromium,Cr(Ⅵ))诱导Hep3B细胞凋亡与钙稳态失衡之间的关系及相互作用机制。


1.Effects of Mitochondrium-dependent Apoptosis and Calcium Homeostasis Disequilibrium Induced by Hexavalent Chromium in Hep3B HepatocytesCr(Ⅵ)诱导Hep3B细胞线粒体依赖性凋亡与钙稳态失衡的研究

2.Effect of disequilibrium of calcium homeostasis on apoptosis of MDCC-MSB1 cells induced by lanthanum chloride钙稳态失衡在氯化镧诱导MDCC-MSB1细胞凋亡中的作用(英文)

3.Progress of Neuronal Calcium Dyshomeostasis in the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer"s Disease神经元钙稳态失衡在阿尔茨海默病发病中的进展

4.Calcium Dyshomeostasis, Mitochondrial Injuries and Intervention of Ganoderma Lucidum Spores in Kidneys of T2DM Rats;2型糖尿病大鼠肾脏的钙稳态失衡、线粒体损伤及灵芝孢子粉的干预

5.Eco-physiological effect of calcium imbalance caused by environmental acidification:A review环境酸化引起钙失衡的生理生态学效应

putation of Controlling Unstable Equilibrium Point Corresponding to Instability Mode of Transient Voltage暂态电压失稳模式的主导不稳定平衡点计算

7.The condition of being unbalanced.失衡失去平衡的状态

8.Study of Molecular Mechanism of Imbalance of Immune Homeostasis and Chinese Medicine Intervention of Kidney Deficiency Constitution Rat;肾虚质大鼠免疫稳态失衡的分子机理及中药干预研究

9.Smooth Overall Development and Worsened External Unbalance--the Review of Economic Development of China in ;总体态势平稳、外部失衡加剧——中国经济运行回顾

10.The return of the disequilibrated organ systems of the body to steady states or dynamic stability is known as homeostasis.人体脏器系统从失衡状态复原到稳定并富于活力的状态,这一过程被称为机体组织自稳。

11.dynamic stability of equilibrium with continuous time连续时间动态稳定均衡

12.Regulation of Intracellular Calcium Homeostasis in Early Developing Cardiac Myocytes;分化发育早期心肌细胞钙稳态的调控

13.Effect of 2,5 - hexanedione on calcium homeostasis of motor neuron;2,5-己二酮对运动神经元钙稳态的影响

14.Robustness of Calcium Homeostasis in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells;人脐静脉内皮细胞内钙稳态的稳定鲁棒性研究

15.The Equilibrium Constant in Natural Waters--Deviation of Steady State From Equilibrium State天然水体中的平衡常数——稳态对平衡态的偏离

16.A balanced state of mind, ie a stable one, in which no single emotion is too strong内心的平衡(无过激情绪的稳定心态)

17.Dynamic equilibrium between political stability and political development;政治稳定与政治发展的动态平衡分析

18.Analysis on the Balance and Steady State of"Energy Flow"in Athletic Ability System竞技能力系统“能量流”平衡与稳态探析


homeostasis disbalance自稳态失衡

3)calcium homeostasis钙稳态

1.Effect of HBR(调心方) on spatial memory andcalcium homeostasis of oxidative damaged AD rats;调心方对氧化损伤型类AD大鼠空间记忆能力和神经元钙稳态的影响

2.Effects of cadmium oncalcium homeostasis in the splenic lymphocytes of chickens cultured in vitro;镉对体外培养鸡脾淋巴细胞钙稳态的影响

3.Effect of disequilibrium ofcalcium homeostasis on apoptosis of MDCC-MSB1 cells induced by lanthanum chloride钙稳态失衡在氯化镧诱导MDCC-MSB1细胞凋亡中的作用(英文)

4)Ca~(2+) homeostasis钙稳态

1.Consequently, a systematic study was conducted to observe the effect of acid on cytoplasmic Ca~(2+) in order to analyze how acute exercise influenced the cytoplasmic Ca~(2+) homeostasis.从研究酸性刺激时胞浆Ca2+的变化入手,从细胞水平分析急性运动可能对骨骼肌胞浆钙稳态的影响,试图为全面了解运动性疲劳的产生机制提供理论依据。

5)steady-state condition稳态平衡

1.A dynamics model of dye-sensitized solar cell understeady-state condition is studied.建立了染料敏化太阳电池稳态平衡条件下的动力学模型。

6)steady equilibrium稳态均衡


