100字范文 > 晋商传统聚落 shanxi merchants traditional settlement英语短句 例句大全

晋商传统聚落 shanxi merchants traditional settlement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-27 16:19:59


晋商传统聚落 shanxi merchants traditional settlement英语短句 例句大全

晋商传统聚落,shanxi merchants" traditional settlement

1)shanxi merchants" traditional settlement晋商传统聚落

2)traditional commercial settlement传统商业聚落

1.Whence the thought of development of thetraditional commercial settlement is initiated.简单介绍了湖南省洪江镇的历史变迁及商贸情况,并从交通、资源、区位等方面论述了洪江商业聚落的生成环境及其衰败的原因,引发了对传统商业聚落发展的思考。

3)Traditional settlement传统聚落

1.Pattern of Chinese traditional settlements and its reconstruction in modern architecture;中国传统聚落模式及其在现代建筑中的再现

2.Landscape communities of traditional settlement in southern China and their values of conservation and utilization;中国南方传统聚落景观区划及其利用价值

3.Discussion on Natural Environment Factor Influencing the Traditional Settlement Form Evolution;自然环境因素影响下的传统聚落形态演变探析


1.A Study on the Relationship between the New Countryside Construction and Rural Traditional Agglomeration;新农村建设与乡村传统聚落关系研究

2.A Research on Graphic Methodology Unit Model of Traditional Settlement Landscape传统聚落景观基因信息图谱单元研究

3.Research on Traditional Settlement in Southwest Hubei Based upon Communication基于传播学理论的鄂西南传统聚落研究

4.The Characteristics of the Southern China s Traditional Settlements and the Design of the GIS System;中国南方传统聚落特点及其GIS系统的设计


6.The Cultural Origin of the Construction of Traditional Dai Bamboo Buildings in Xishuangbanna西双版纳傣族传统聚落规划思想的文化渊源

7.A Research on Traditional Settlements and Folk Domiciles in Quzhou Area and the Developing Strategies;衢州地区传统聚落和民居研究及其发展策略

8.A Study on Self-Support Pattern of Traditional Settlement Preservation and Renovation;传统聚落保护与更新的自力型模式探析

9.Discussion on Natural Environment Factor Influencing the Traditional Settlement Form Evolution;自然环境因素影响下的传统聚落形态演变探析

10.Contrasts the Inhabitation Theories of the Traditional Tribes to the Inhabitancies of the Modern Times City;传统聚落与现代城市居住区居住理念的对比

11.Research and Application of Outer Space in Huizhou Traditional Settlement;徽州地区传统聚落外部空间的研究与借鉴

12.The Space Syntax Research on Inhabitation Environment of Traditional Settlement;传统聚落的人居环境空间解构方法研究

13.The Research on Local Traditional Constructing Behaviour and Forms of Blocks in Settlements;论地方传统建设行为与聚落街区形态

14.The Comparison of the Traditional "Bao Zhai" Settlement in Shanjin and Mingan Area;晋陕、闽赣地域传统堡寨聚落比较研究

15.Research on the Characteristics of Folk Dwelling and Settlement of Tujia Nationality in Western Hubei Province浅析鄂西土家族传统民居及聚落特征

16.Study on Cultural Characteristics of Traditional Southeast Asian Settlements东南亚传统民居聚落的文化特性探析

17.Analysis of Ecological Adaptability of Traditional Residential Settlement in Qingkou Village箐口村传统民居聚落生态适应性探析

18.The Comparison Research of the Exterior Space between the Traditional Village Settlement and Contemporary Small Town;传统村镇聚落与当代小城镇外部空间比较研究


traditional commercial settlement传统商业聚落

1.Whence the thought of development of thetraditional commercial settlement is initiated.简单介绍了湖南省洪江镇的历史变迁及商贸情况,并从交通、资源、区位等方面论述了洪江商业聚落的生成环境及其衰败的原因,引发了对传统商业聚落发展的思考。

3)Traditional settlement传统聚落

1.Pattern of Chinese traditional settlements and its reconstruction in modern architecture;中国传统聚落模式及其在现代建筑中的再现

2.Landscape communities of traditional settlement in southern China and their values of conservation and utilization;中国南方传统聚落景观区划及其利用价值

3.Discussion on Natural Environment Factor Influencing the Traditional Settlement Form Evolution;自然环境因素影响下的传统聚落形态演变探析

4)Traditional settlements传统聚落

1.A pilot study of the GIS-based management information system for the preservation of the traditional settlements landscape in the South of China;基于GIS的中国南方传统聚落景观保护管理信息系统初步研究

2.Tourism development is one way to protect traditional settlements.旅游开发是传统聚落保护的一条途径。

3.There are varies lane patterns and special landscape in the traditional settlements in Wannan.以皖南传统聚落的杰出代表宏村为主要线索 ,对皖南传统聚落的街巷空间、形态、水环境等作了较为细致的研究 ,并对其景观作了静态与动态的分析 ,以期能对当代建筑设计与城镇规划有所启

5)Traditional village传统聚落

1.Based on these research findings, this article interprets traditional Hakka village\"s landscape in the perspective of landscape-gene hoping to offer a "biogeography" perspective in the study of traditional villages and to promote sustainable development of traditional Chinese villages.根据景观基因理念,借助聚落形态学的方法,遵循地学中的内在唯一性、外在唯一性、局部唯一性和总体优势性等原则,可以从民居特征、布局形态、主体性公共建筑、参照性环境因子、客家装饰、建筑脸面、建筑色彩、墙头造型等方面识别出客家传统聚落的景观基因特征,这与客家传统聚落的自然环境、客家精神、传统观念、历史文化交融、社会氛围等地学因子密切相关。

6)the tradition of a settlement聚落传统


外部监事不得泄露商业银行商业秘密的权利外部监事不得泄露商业银行商业秘密的权利:独立董事、外部监事除依法律规定外,不得泄露与任职商业银行有关的商业秘密。---------------《股份制商业银行独立董事和外部监事制度指引》 第29条
