100字范文 > 教具 teaching aid英语短句 例句大全

教具 teaching aid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-04 19:18:41


教具 teaching aid英语短句 例句大全

教具,teaching aid

1)teaching aid教具

1.A study of the course in theteaching aid at lower cost;“低成本教具制作课”的发展方向研究

2.The specimens in kind are theteaching aids often used in the process of teaching the subject 《Cooking Materials》.实物标本是《烹饪原料学》教学过程中经常使用的教学教具。

3.In order to solve such existing problems as low intelligent level ofteaching aid and huge systematic size, this paper studies a kind of intelligent system ofteaching aid based on knowledge discovery, and discusses the method that can realize knowledge discovery on small-sized embedded system.为了解决现有教具智能化程度低、系统尺寸庞大等问题,研究一种基于知识发现的智能教具系统,并探讨能够在小型嵌入式系统条件下实现知识发现的方法。


1.Media Production Services Unit [Education Department]教具制作服务处〔教育署〕

2.The teacher in the classroom will have additional electronic tools.在教室,教师可以拥有其他电化教具。

3.Data were analyzed to answer the following questions: What are the processes of creative thinking teachers involve when they design science learning materials?幼儿对教具喜爱程度和参与程度是教师用以判断教具成效之依据。

4.Exploration of the Application of Traditional Education Tools and Computer Aided Education Tools;课堂教学中传统教具与信息化教具的适用度探讨

5.visual instruction [education](利用视觉教具 (visual aids) 的) 视觉教育

6.visual `aids,eg pictures,films, etc used in teaching视觉教具(如用于教学中的图片,影片等).

7.Primary school teachers use a lot of visual aids.小学教师使用大量的视觉教具。

8.A professor with 40 years" teaching standing具有40年教龄的教授

9.have or belong to(the specified religion)具有,忠于(某宗教信仰)

10.He has a good reputation as a teacher.他具有教师的好声望。

11.a ceremony having religious meaning.具有宗教意义的仪式。

12.International Council for Educational Media国际教学工具理事会

13.An educational film.具有教育意义的影片

14.My coach has a good sense of humour.我的教练员极具幽默感。

15.Development of Diagnostic Instruments in Special Education特殊教育诊断工具编制

16.a teacher should be attractive.教师应具备个人魅力。

17.She used slides as a teaching aid.她用幻灯片作教学工具。

18.belonging to or characteristic of a sect.属于一个宗教的,具有某一宗教特点的。


Teaching aids教具

1.Using local sources to make toys and teaching aids by self has been the good tradition in our kindergarten education.因地制宜、就地取材为幼儿自制玩教具是我国幼儿教育的优良传统。

3)teaching tool教具

1.The experiences of teaching“Hinged chain four poles structure” better byteaching tool are introduced.介绍了利用教具等手段 ,讲好“铰链四杆机构”的教学经验。

4)teaching instruments and aids教仪和教具

5)teaching tool of protection environment环保教具

6)teaching aid car教具车

1.This paper introduces the new technology of TOYOTA COROLLA car, its changing and circuit connection character, determining its running state and malfunction and function for the simulation system of teaching aid ca文中介绍了丰田花冠轿车的新技术及其教具车的改造和线路的连接特点,并判断汽车运行工况和故障原因,对其教具车仿真系统功能进行了研究。


电化教具电化教具diànhuà jiàojù[audio-visual aids] 记录并传递影像和声音的设备、器材和系统,用以从事宣传、教学、培训人材,以及记录科研过程和结果,其中包括电影、电视、磁性录像、录音等媒介
