100字范文 > 燃气流速 gas velocity英语短句 例句大全

燃气流速 gas velocity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-12 08:35:21


燃气流速 gas velocity英语短句 例句大全

燃气流速,gas velocity

1)gas velocity燃气流速

1.Influence ofgas velocity on structure characteristics of char layer of EPDM insulator燃气流速对EPDM绝热材料炭化层结构特征的影响


1.The Design Gas Velocity Confirmed in the Cooler of High Temperature Gas某高温燃气冷却器设计燃气流速的确定

2.Influence of gas velocity on structure characteristics of char layer of EPDM insulator燃气流速对EPDM绝热材料炭化层结构特征的影响

3.Research on the Assembled Large Capacity Gas Instantaneous Water Heater;组合式大流量燃气快速热水机的研究

4.Research on dynamic characteristics of underwater superasonic gas jets水下超声速燃气射流动力学特性研究

5.Numerical investigation of spray in high speed airflow高速气流场燃油雾化液滴分布数值研究

6.Study on Software of Solid Propellant Burning Rate Prediction Based on one-dimensional Steady-state Reaction Gas Flow基于一维气相稳态反应流的燃速预估软件研究

7.By changing the speed and direction of the gas and air entering the combustor, the character of the turbulent field in the combustor is changed.通过改变燃气和空气进入燃烧室的速度和方向,改变燃烧室内的湍流场特性。

8.The faster fuel movement through the high-speed system causes more air to bleed into the system.经过高速系统的较高流速的燃油会引起较多的空气渗入系统。

9.Measurement of Laminar Burning Velocity of Methane-Air Premixed Flame at Different Initial Temperatures不同初始温度下甲烷-空气混合气层流燃烧速率的测定

10.Strain rate effects on the integral burning velocity of laminar premixed CH4/air and C3H8/air flames火焰拉伸对甲烷/空气和丙烷/空气层流燃烧速度的影响

11.Numerical Simulation of Gas Efflux Field with Finite Rate Chemical Reactions含有限速率化学反应火箭燃气射流流场的数值模拟

12.gas turbine booster propulsion set增速燃气轮机推进装置

13.gas turbine booster propulsion燃气轮机加速推进装置

14.Numerical Simulation Was Made of the Combusting Flow in the Gas Turbine Combustion;燃气轮机燃烧室燃烧流场的数值模拟

15.The accelerator pump injected fuel into the inlet air when the throttle was opened suddenly.节流阀突然打开时,加速泵将更多的燃油喷入吸进的空气中。

16.Research on Numerical Simulation for Integrated Flow Field of Supersonic Inlet and Combustor;弹用超声速进气道/补燃室流场及其一体化数值模拟研究

17.Effect of Fuel Flow Rate on Phase Structure and Microstructure of Hydroxyl Apatite Coatings Prepared by High Velocity Oxy-Fuel Spraying燃气流量对超音速氧焰喷涂羟基磷灰石颗粒的影响

18.Numerical simulation of combustion flows in a double-fuel-combustor modified from an oil combustor燃气轮机燃油燃烧室改用双燃料流场数值分析


gas stream velocity燃气流速度(火)

3)vaporized fuel flow气化燃料流动[量,速]

4)fuel"s flow rate燃油流速

5)convective burning rate对流燃速

6)fuel flow rate燃料流速


