100字范文 > 贩卖毒品 Drug Trafficking英语短句 例句大全

贩卖毒品 Drug Trafficking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-14 06:17:10


贩卖毒品 Drug Trafficking英语短句 例句大全

贩卖毒品,Drug Trafficking

1)Drug Trafficking贩卖毒品

1.Essentially,the act of drug-selling in the crime concerning drug trafficking is a form of trade,which is much different from the notion of drug exchange in the nature.贩卖毒品罪中的卖出行为本质上以买卖关系为基础,互易毒品行为与之存在着性质差别。

2.Delivery under control is an effective secret detection means in fighting against drug trafficking,and it has been accepted by many countries.控制下交付是打击贩卖毒品犯罪的一种有效的秘密侦查手段,目前这一手段得到了众多国家的肯定。


1.One who sells drugs illegally.毒贩非法贩卖毒品的人

2.Research on Trafficking of Drug Offense贩卖毒品罪之“贩卖”界定的理论探究

3.The True Meaning of "Trafficking" in the Crime of Drug Trafficking贩卖毒品罪“贩卖”二字的真实含义

4.He was pinched for pushing drugs.他因贩卖毒品被捕。

5.The sale of narcotics is proscribed by law.法律禁止贩卖毒品.

6.She went to prison for peddling drugs.她因贩卖毒品而入狱。

7.She and her husband went to prison for peddling drugs.她和她丈夫因贩卖毒品而入狱。

8.He is the one who"s peddling the drugs unlawfully.他就是那个非法贩卖毒品的人。

9.He was sent to prison on a narcotics charge.他被指控贩卖毒品而被关进监狱。

10.Austrian Police Solve a Series of Drug-dealing Cases Recently奥警方最近破获多起贩卖毒品案件

11.On the Collection and Judgement of Evidences in the Cases of Retailing Drugs in Small Packing;论零包贩卖毒品案件证据的收集判定

12.Several Issues of the Controlled Delivery of Drug Trafficking贩卖毒品的控制下交付若干问题探析

13.He"s been a smuggler, a gun runner, a dope peddler-you name it.他做过走私贩、偷运军火、贩卖毒品——反正什么勾当他都干过。

14.The government went on the warpath against drug traffickers.政府对贩卖毒品的人采取了打击的态度。

15.They"d been notified I"d been peddling drugs.他们在此之前得到过报告说我贩卖毒品。

16.sell(illegal drugs)to drug-users向嗜毒者贩卖(毒品)

17.Offence of Making Selling Transporting Drugs制造、贩卖、运输毒品罪

18.drug dealers operating in residential and urBan areas.毒品贩卖者在居民区和市区进行倒卖


crime of drug trafficking贩卖毒品罪

1.Although thecrime of drug trafficking is common,people have different understanding of the word"trafficking".贩卖毒品罪是一种常见的犯罪,但是对于"贩卖"二字的理解则各有各的不同。

3)Smuggling and trafficking chemicals precursor走私贩卖制毒品

4)act of trafficking in narcotics贩卖毒品行为

5)Drug Trafficking Cases贩卖毒品案件

1.Features of CurrentDrug Trafficking Cases in China and Investigation Counte rmeasures;试论当前我国贩卖毒品案件的特点及侦查对策

6)Retailing drugs in small packing零包贩卖毒品


