100字范文 > 总硒 Total selenium英语短句 例句大全

总硒 Total selenium英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-12 13:15:09


总硒 Total selenium英语短句 例句大全

总硒,Total selenium

1)Total selenium总硒

1.Study of Total Selenium Detection in Health foods with Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer;氢化物原子荧光法测定保健食品中总硒含量方法的研究

2.The total selenium and aqueous and exchangeable selenium was fluorometrically determined in two samples of crude rice;one had been fertilized with selenium and the other had not.用DAN荧光法测定硒含量的研究表明 ,施加硒肥的糙米中总硒的质量分数为 0 。

3.Through the investigation of total selenium and dissolved selenium in the soils of some district in Hubei province,we analysis the relationship between the correlation of total selenium and dissolved seleniumand natural environmental factors,and study the reason of poor selenium and rich selenium diseases通过对湖北省部分地区土壤中总硒与水溶性硒的调查研究 ,分析土壤中总硒与水溶性硒的相关性与自然环境因素的关系 ,从而探讨导致缺硒和富硒疾病的成


1.Results: 1) 58.7% of total Se was bound to proteins in Se-enriched S.P .结果 :蛋白质结合的硒占藻体总硒的 58.7% ;

2.Study on the Speciation Analysis of Selenium in Potable Water Determination of the Se(), Se() and Total Selenium Content with 2,3Diaminonaphthalene(DAN) Spectrometry饮用水中硒的形态分析——2,3-二氨基萘光度法测定硒(Ⅳ)、硒(Ⅵ)及总硒含量

3.Effects of selenium on metabolism and total antioxidation of Cordyceps militari hypha硒对蛹虫草菌丝代谢和总抗氧化能力的影响

4.Research on Effect of the Caulerpa Racemosa Var Peltata Polysaccharides and Selenizing Product on T Lymphocytes and NK Cells in Mice;总状蕨藻盾叶变种多糖及其硒化物对小鼠T细胞和NK细胞的调节

5.Synthesis of Selenide, Diselenide and Their Seleno-polysaccharides;硒醚、二硒醚的合成及其硒多糖的制备

6.The Selenium Speciation Analysis in the Selenium-rich Rice and Selenized Yeast;富硒大米及富硒酵母中的硒形态分析

7.Syntheses of Carboxylic Selenides,Diselenides and Their Seleno-polysaccharides羧酸硒醚、二硒醚及相应硒多糖的合成

8."Insert the cartridge into the printer, making sure that the toner cartridge is in position."将硒鼓插入打印机,确保硒鼓到位。

9.Effects of Rare Earth on the Accumulation of Selenium in Soybean Sprouts;稀土对富硒豆芽富硒能力影响的研究

10.Studies on Polysaccharide Containing Selenium of Cardamine with Rich Selenium from Enshi;恩施高富硒植物碎米荠含硒多糖研究

11.Accumulation of selenium in Armillaria mellea and distribution of selenium in polysaccharide蜜环菌对硒的富集及多糖中硒的分布

12.Chemical Form and Distribution of Selenium in Cordyceps富硒虫草中硒的赋存形态及分布特点

13.Effect of Selenium to the Tobacco on the Physiology and the Content of Selenium喷硒对烤烟生理效应及硒含量的影响

14.Selenium and Human Health and Proposal on the Se-enriched Foods Development硒与人体健康及富硒食品的开发建议

15.Effects of Added Selenium to Selenium,Copper,Zinc of Sheep in Pregnancy外源硒对绵羊孕期体内硒、铜、锌的影响

16.The organic combination state in selenium-rich red earth and that in rice soil are the main combination patterns.富硒红壤和富硒水稻土中的有机结合态硒是土壤中的主要结合态。

17.Biotransformation of Selenium by Ganoderma Lucidum and Purification and Antioxidant Activity of Its Important Component, Seleno-protein;灵芝生物富硒及富硒灵芝硒蛋白的分离纯化和抗氧化性研究

18.Study of Selenium-inriched Optimization on Agriculture and Heat Dehydration on Selenium Preservation in Se-enriched Salicornia Bigelovii Torr;海芦笋的富硒农艺优化及热脱水工艺对富硒海芦笋硒保存的研究


Leaching condition selenium and total selenium浸出硒和总硒

3)total and tetravalent selenium总硒和四价硒

4)Ratio of shoot/root total selenium茎叶/根硒总量比


1.Microwave digestion hydride generation-afs deteramination of arsenicselenium and mercury in fructus mume;乌梅中砷、汞、硒的微波消解-氢化物发生原子荧光法测定的研究

2.Determination ofselenium content in water-soluble fertilizers by Hydride Generation-atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry;氢化物原子荧光光谱法测定水溶肥料中的硒

3.Determination for Trace Selenium in Garlic by Microwave Digestion-Hydride Generation-Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry;微波消解样品-原子荧光光谱法测定大蒜中的微量硒

6)Selenium (Se)硒

1.Selenium (Se) deficiency or excess in agricultural environment can induce some endemic disease or health risk through food chains.农业土壤环境中硒(Se)的缺乏或过量都会通过食物链最终影响人类健康。

2.AIM: To investigate the levels of selenium (Se) and several cytokines (TNF-α, VEGF and IL-1β) in the serum of patients with Kaschin-Beck disease (KBD).目的:测定大骨节病患者和正常对照血清中硒和肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)和白介素-1(IL-1β)的水平。


奥硒康 ,硒酸酯多糖药物名称:奥硒康英文名:别名: 奥硒康 ,硒酸酯多糖 适应症: 本品为有机硒化合物,具有多糖和人体必需的微量元素硒等多方面的生理功能:多糖具有免疫增强作用;硒可保护巯基不受氧化。实验证明,硒具有抗癌作用。本品在减轻化疗对癌症患者的毒副反应及放疗对人体损伤方面有特效;可治疗因缺硒引起的多种疾病;并对心血管疾病、类风湿性疾病、免疫功能低下和肿瘤等有较好的预防和治疗作用;对糖尿病有辅助治疗作用;对重金属铅、镉、砷、铊、汞中毒有较好的解毒功效。 用量用法: 口服:保健1粒/日;儿童减半。治疗用量和疗程遵医嘱。 规格: 胶囊剂。 类别:微量元素
