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诗学主张 poetry view英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-01 19:47:01


诗学主张 poetry view英语短句 例句大全

诗学主张,poetry view

1)poetry view诗学主张

1.This article believes Yang Wanli spoetry view on combining Divinity and Sacredness is not only(including) theoretical meaning,but also containing profound cultural meaning.杨万里“合神与圣”的诗学主张不仅以包融、博大的气度去对待诗歌传统,具有深刻的理论意义,而且还包涵着深厚的文化内涵,即在南宋严酷的党争中,杨万里将杜甫、李白傲视不屈的大无畏精神与苏、黄自我镇定的人生哲学结合于一身,从而形成了自己特有的处世方式,并影响其文学思想的建构。


1.Key words: Fei Ming; poem-fame; Poems; poem-theory, writing-attitude.关键词:废名;诗名;诗作;诗学主张;创作态度.

2.The New Lyric"-Mu Dan s Viewpoint on Poetry during the Anti-Japanese War;“新的抒情”与穆旦抗战时期的诗学主张

3.On Shangu s Poetics Theory,from his Named Phrase "the method of having method";从“有法之法”看山谷诗学——浅谈江西诗派黄庭坚的诗学主张

4.Theoretical and Cultural Meaning about Yang Wanli s Poetry View on Combining Divinity and Sacredness;杨万里“合神与圣”诗学主张的理论及文化意义

5.The Meaning and Poetic Ideal in Zhang Wei s 《the poets Zhu Ke Tu》;张为《诗人主客图》的诗学理想及其意义

6.On Zhu Tingzhen s Xiaoyuan s Notes on Classical Poetry;清代滇人学者朱庭珍的《筱园诗话》及诗法主张

7.Annotating The Book of Songs by Conjecture:The Publicizing of the Subject Who Literature Annotating The Book of Songs以“臆”说《诗》——明清之际《诗经》文学诠释主体的张扬

8.On Eileen Chang’s Native Strategies in Her Feminist Translation Poetics;论张爱玲女性主义翻译诗学的本土化策略

9.A Programme in Poetics Which Is Difficult to Realize;一项难以实现的诗学规划——闻一多“三美”主张新论

10.Humble Analysis to the View of " Vigorous Writing Soars to the Skies " and "Elegant Phrases and Refined Sentences " in DuFu s Poetry;浅析杜甫诗学中的“健笔凌云”“清词丽句”主张

11.The Advancement of "New Poetry" Theories and Zhou Zuoren sNotions Regarding "New Poetry;新诗理论的开拓和周作人的新诗主张

12.Liang Qi-chao s views on new style poetry as revealed his book Critique on poetry from the Icy Drinks Studio;从《饮冰室诗话》看梁启超“新体诗”的诗歌主张

13.Zhu Xiang advocates the literature of" for life", emphasizing the influence which time gives to poetry creation.朱湘主张“为人生”的文学,强调时代对于诗歌创作的影响。

14.Infiltration and Surpass: the Influence of the Aesthetic Stands of the Xinyue School Upon Dai Wangxu渗透与超越──新月派美学主张对戴望舒诗歌创作的影响

15.Zhang Jie s Poetry Esthetics Thought of "Sui Hantang Notes on Poetry";试论张戒《岁寒堂诗话》诗歌美学思想

16.Bai Juyi s Advocacy and Comment on Poetry in his “Letter Written to Yuan Jiu”;白居易《与元九书》的诗论主张评析

17.Poetic School of “Fleshy and Sensual Concern”:Its Birth and Theoretical Viewpoint;论“下半身”诗歌流派的产生及理论主张

18.An Elementary Talk on the Early Romanticists in Germany And Their Views on Poetization;浅谈德国早期浪漫派及其"诗"化主张


poetic view诗歌主张

1.The Innovation and Test of System --On thepoetic view of Kang Baiqing and its historical orientation;“体制的革新和实验”——论康白情的诗歌主张及其历史定位

3)favour artistic poetry诗艺主张

4)"New Poetry" concepts新诗主张

5)Tension Poetics张力诗学

1.The New Criticism is also known as "Tension Poetics".新批评派诗学又被称为“张力诗学”,由于旗帜鲜明的文本中心论和形式主义主张,新批评往往被视为纯粹的形式主义。

6)dominant poetics主流诗学

1.Employing the theory of rewriting,this paper explores Ma Junwu s version of the Song of the Shirt and comes to the conclusion that Ma Junwu,based on thedominant poetics and personal political ideology in the target language,rewrites the source text.运用改写理论探究马君武的《缝衣歌》译本,表明马氏基于目标语"主流诗学"和个人"政治意识"对原文本进行了改写,从而拓宽了译本研究的视角,并为译者在翻译实践中采用变通策略提供理论依据。

2.Literary system in which translation functions is controlled by three main factors, which are professionals within the literary system, patronage outside the literary system and thedominant poetics.翻译作为对原文的重写受到译者本身、意识形态以及主流诗学因素的制约。


