100字范文 > 单模激光 single-mode laser英语短句 例句大全

单模激光 single-mode laser英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-03 18:02:05


单模激光 single-mode laser英语短句 例句大全

单模激光,single-mode laser

1)single-mode laser单模激光

1.Dynamical properties of the gain-noise model in asingle-mode laser with signal modulation;信号调制下单模激光增益模型的动力学性质

2.The output power of a loss model with asingle-mode laser driven by cross-correlation noise;关联噪声驱动下单模激光损失模型的输出功率

3.Stochastic resonance of frequency modulated signals in a linear model ofsingle-mode laser;调频信号的单模激光线性模型随机共振


1.Use of PFC Laser Power Supply in a Single-mode Laser Laser Research利用具有PFC激光电源供电的单模激光器研究

2.The Stationary Probability Distribution of the Loss-Noise Model for a Single-Mode Laser;单模激光损失模型的光强定态几率分布

3.Chaotic Intensity and Phase Synchronization in Four Single-Mode Lasers;四台单模激光的混沌强度和位相同步

4.Influence of Self-Correlation Time on Intensity Correlation Function of the Single-Mode Laser;调制噪声对单模激光光强相关函数的影响

5.Analysis of Valid Range for the Linear Approximation Method in Single-mode Laser;单模激光增益模型线性化近似适用范围分析

6.Stochastic Resonance of a Single-mode Laser with Color Cross-correlation in Instantaneous-State Linear Model;色关联单模激光线性模型瞬态的随机共振

7.Stochastic Resonance of a Single-mode Laser with Color Cross-correlation in Initial State Linear Model;色关联单模激光线性模型初态的随机共振

8.Stochastic Resonance in the Linear Model of Single-mode Laser Driven by Noises;噪声驱动下单模激光线性模型的随机共振

9.The interpolation approximation appliedin the colored loss-noise model of Dye laser;内插函数近似法在单模激光系统中的应用

10.single longitudinal mode argon ion laser单纵模氩离子激光器

11.single mode CW laser diode单模连续波激光二极管

12.single-axial mode operation激光器单轴模式工作

13.Single Longitudinal Mode Fiber Laser and Switchable Multi-wavelength Fiber Laser单纵模光纤激光器和可开关多波长光纤激光器

14.Single Frequency Mode Laser Controlled by Volume Bragg Gratings基于体布拉格光栅选模的单纵模激光器

15.Research on Single Longitudinal Mode Laser of Active Frequency Stabilization Control System;单纵模激光器主动稳频控制系统研究

16.Research on Frequency Stabilization Technology in Single Longitudinal Mode of Tm:YAG LaserTm:YAG单纵模激光器稳频技术的研究

17.Study on Stimulated-scattering-induced Slow Light in a Single Mode Optical Fiber;单模光纤中受激散射效应导致的光速变慢研究

18.Research on Distrbuted Bragg Reflector Single-frequency Fiber Laser;分布布拉格反射单纵模光纤激光器研究


single mode laser单模激光

1.Visual model and simulation of chaotic system aboutsingle mode laser;单模激光混沌系统的可视化模型及仿真研究

2.Coupling and chaotic synchronization intwosingle mode lasers;两台单模激光的耦合和混沌同步

3.Theoretical research of chaotic behavior aboutsingle mode laser;单模激光混沌特性的理论研究

3)single-longitudinal-mode laser单纵模激光

4)single mode laser field单模激光场

1.Theory of interaction of asingle mode laser field with N atoms;单模激光场与N个原子相互作用理论

5)single-mode green laser单模绿光激光器

6)single-mode two-photon laser单模双光子激光

1.In this paper, the transient photon statistics forsingle-mode two-photon lasers isinvestigated by making use of the all quantum theory and the evolving operator method.本文在考虑到单原子的渡越时间为有限值的情形下,采用激光的全量子理论与演化算符方法,对单模双光子激光的瞬态光子统计特性进行了详细的研究。


