100字范文 > 历史想象力 historical imagination英语短句 例句大全

历史想象力 historical imagination英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-25 12:45:13


历史想象力 historical imagination英语短句 例句大全

历史想象力,historical imagination

1)historical imagination历史想象力

2)historical imagination历史想象

1.The ultimate reason of this is that Lee Leo Ou-fan s ideas about life filter into hishistorical imagination.在李欧梵的中国现代文学想象中,浪漫、鲁迅和现代主义构成了其历史想象的主要情节,现代性则是李欧梵历史情节组织的主要句法,是他历史解释的主要策略。

2.Then, the paper, relying on ethnographical literature, analyzes how the dragon, as a conceptual and intermediary object, restoreshistorical imagination and micro-power as well as the genealogy hidden behind.首先介绍有关上古史、北方水利社会以及龙王庙的相关研究,搭建一个讨论的基础;其次通过民族志资料,分析龙作为一种概念物和中介物,如何还原一种历史想象和微观权力,以及背后隐匿的知识谱系。


1.The Self-realm of Historical Imagination:Modernity and Lee Leo Ou-fan s Imagination of Modern Chinese Literature;历史想象的有我之境——现代性与李欧梵的中国现代文学想象

2.About Wu Men De Ai Mei;绚丽的历史想象 苍凉的人性悲歌——读《午门的暧昧》

3.Wang Anyi"s Historical Imagination:Analysis of Distinction Between "Liushi"and"Changhenge"王安忆的历史想象:《流逝》与《长恨歌》差异性透视

4.The Morphological Perspective and Research Significance of Chinese Modern Historical Novels;现实关怀下的多重历史想象——中国现代历史小说的形态论视角及其研究意义

5."Science Fiction: History, Science, Vision"科幻小说:历史、科学、想象

6.History and Imagination--the Chinese History in the Eyesight of the West;历史与想象——西方视野中的中国历史

7.A Review of Hayden White’s Philosophy of History;历史·比喻·想象——海登·怀特历史哲学述评

8.Translation·Imagination·History--The Imagination and Construction of Translation to the image of China翻译·想象·历史——翻译对中国形象的想象与建构

9.Imagination wanted to capitalize on that history in the development of the new concept.想象力想利用这个历史的新观念发展。

10.Dialectic Image of History--The reality of Benjaming s thoughts on historical Philosophy;历史的辩证意象——本雅明历史哲学思想的现实性

11.The Tendency of Folk Imagination of Mo Yan s New Historical Novels;论莫言“新历史小说”中历史的民间想象的倾向

12.On real Zhuang Zi in history by means of imagination;试以历史的想象力还原历史上真实的庄子

13.Bright Spring Day:the Literary Imagination of the Subjects in History;《艳阳天》:历史“当下”的主体性文学想象

14.From now to forever--an imaginary historical narrative about the Chinese vanguard historical novel;从此刻到永恒——中国先锋历史小说的想象化历史抒写

15.Throughout their history, the pyramids have stimulated human imagination.金字塔在历史上曾经激发了人们无尽的想象力。

16.The Basic Theme of the Other Land and the Imagination of the Original History: On Feng Zhi s Inditement in Modern Time;“异乡”母题与“元历史”想象——论冯至现代期的创作

17.Tries Discusses The Ancestry of Red Flag the Revolutionary History Narration and the Heroic Personality Imagination;试论《红旗谱》的革命历史化叙事与英雄人格想象

18.An investigation into the causes for "idealization" in molding the images of characters in historical novels历史演义小说人物形象塑造“理想化”的原因探寻


historical imagination历史想象

1.The ultimate reason of this is that Lee Leo Ou-fan s ideas about life filter into hishistorical imagination.在李欧梵的中国现代文学想象中,浪漫、鲁迅和现代主义构成了其历史想象的主要情节,现代性则是李欧梵历史情节组织的主要句法,是他历史解释的主要策略。

2.Then, the paper, relying on ethnographical literature, analyzes how the dragon, as a conceptual and intermediary object, restoreshistorical imagination and micro-power as well as the genealogy hidden behind.首先介绍有关上古史、北方水利社会以及龙王庙的相关研究,搭建一个讨论的基础;其次通过民族志资料,分析龙作为一种概念物和中介物,如何还原一种历史想象和微观权力,以及背后隐匿的知识谱系。

3)Imagination of the history想象历史

4)the imagination of the original history元历史想象

5)Poetic Sentiment Imagination of the History历史的诗意想象

6)Historical Folk Imagination历史的民间想象


