100字范文 > 三峡工程ⅡA标段 LOT II A of the Three Gorges Project英语短句 例句大全

三峡工程ⅡA标段 LOT II A of the Three Gorges Project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-16 23:37:03


三峡工程ⅡA标段 LOT II A of the Three Gorges Project英语短句 例句大全

三峡工程ⅡA标段,LOT II A of the Three Gorges Project

1)LOT II A of the Three Gorges Project三峡工程ⅡA标段

2)the second phase lot IIA of three-strait Project三峡工程二期IIA标段

3)Three Gorges Project三峡工程

1.Characteristics of Nutrient Structures and Limitation in the Yangtze River Estuary Before and After Water Storage of theThree Gorges Project;三峡工程蓄水前后长江口水域营养盐结构及限制特征

2.Distribution of Suspended Matter Concentration in the Changjiang Estuary and Adjacent Area After the First-Stage Storage of theThree Gorges Project;三峡工程一期蓄水后长江口及其邻近海域悬浮物浓度分布特征

3.Studies on biological regulation ofThree Gorges Project;三峡工程生态调度的若干探讨


1.when the project is completed,在三峡工程完全竣工前,

2.A Study on the Tourism SpatialStructure of the Three Gorges Region Influencedby the Construction of the Three Gorges Engineering;三峡工程影响下三峡区域旅游地空间结构研究

3.Influence of the Three Gorges Project on Evolution of theYangtze Three Gorges Tourism Layout and Countermeasures;三峡工程对长江三峡旅游空间格局的影响

4.The Research of the Construction Technique of Qinjiatuo Super Bridge for Three Gorges Project;三峡工程覃家沱特大桥施工技术研究

5.A Review of and Reflection on Training for Three Gorges Project Migrants三峡工程移民培训工作的回顾与思考

6.Basic Properties of Social Engineering--Taking the Three Gorges Project as an Example;论社会工程的三个基本属性——以三峡工程为例

7.According to the characteristics of the project and the financing environment at home and abroad, the China Yangtze River Three Gorges Project Development Corporation formulated the general financing plan for the Three Gorges Project.三峡总公司在充分考虑了三峡工程的特点和国内外筹资环境后,制定了“三峡工程总体筹资方案”。

8.Supervision Practice on Public Works of TGP;三峡工程公共工程建设项目监理工作实践

9.Quality of Three Gorges Project Up to Required Standard三峡工程质量符合设计要求

10.Three Gorges project introduces the first foreign capital三峡工程引进第一笔外资

11.The Three Gorges project on the Yangtze River has recently introduced the first foreign capital.长江三峡工程近日引进第一笔外资。

12.Yangtze Three Gorges Porject Development Corp.长江三峡工程开发总公司

13.China Three Gorges Project Corporation中国长江三峡工程开发总公司

14.Three Gorges Project Construction Commission of the State Council国务院三峡工程建设委员会

15.The closure work is the key link in the Three Gorges Project.大江截流, 是三峡工程建设的重要环节。

16.No Ecological Disaster Caused by the Three Gorges Project三峡工程并未造成生态灾难

17.Experience from construction supervision for TGP从事三峡工程建设监理的实践与体会

18.Some Problems of Experimental Mechanics Relating to The Three Gorge Project Construction on Yangtze River长江三峡工程建设中的实验力学问题


the second phase lot IIA of three-strait Project三峡工程二期IIA标段

3)Three Gorges Project三峡工程

1.Characteristics of Nutrient Structures and Limitation in the Yangtze River Estuary Before and After Water Storage of theThree Gorges Project;三峡工程蓄水前后长江口水域营养盐结构及限制特征

2.Distribution of Suspended Matter Concentration in the Changjiang Estuary and Adjacent Area After the First-Stage Storage of theThree Gorges Project;三峡工程一期蓄水后长江口及其邻近海域悬浮物浓度分布特征

3.Studies on biological regulation ofThree Gorges Project;三峡工程生态调度的若干探讨

4)Three Gorge Project三峡工程

1.Summarization of Ecological Environment Protection in theThree Gorge Project;三峡工程的生态与环境保护工作

2.Research on sediment-reducing benefit in Xiluodu power station forThree Gorge Project;溪洛渡水电站对三峡工程的减沙效益研究

3.Safety Standards of Blast Vibrations Adopted in Rock Base Excavation ofThree Gorge Project;三峡工程岩石基础开挖爆破震动控制安全标准

5)The Three Gorges project三峡工程

1.Influence of the Three Gorges Project on Ecology and Environment;三峡工程对生态与环境的影响

2.Optimization study on the safety monitoring design of the Three Gorges Project;三峡工程安全监测设计的优化研究

3.Quality Control on Concrete Surface of the Three Gorges Project;三峡工程混凝土外观质量控制

6)three gorges project(TGP)三峡工程

1.The stage Ⅱ cofferdam of the Three Gorges Project(TGP)is a paradigm of earth dams in deep water and complicated conditions.三峡工程二期围堰是深水与复杂环境中土石坝工程建设的典范,设计阶段曾进行过大量研究,运行阶段进行了全过程监测,拆除时进行了调查和试验分析,发现围堰的实际性状与原来的研究成果存在一定的差异。

2.Cascade operation of Three Gorges Project(TGP) with Gezhouba project will play a significant role in water resource management for the Yangtze River.对至的调度结果进行的简要分析结果表明,围堰发电期三峡-葛洲坝水利枢纽梯级调度为确保三峡工程后续建设、下游防洪、长江航运等提供了保障,取得了可观的社会效益和经济效益,为三峡水利枢纽正常运用后的梯级调度积累了经验。

3.As the biggest key water control project in the world, Three Gorges Project(TGP) plays a highly valuable role in controlling flood, generating electricity, water transportation and supplying water, which is of great significance in the course of China s socialist modernization.三峡工程是目前世界上最大的水利枢纽工程,它具有防洪、发电、航运、供水等巨大的综合效益,在我国社会主义现代化建设过程中具有重要的意义。


三峡1.四川﹑湖北两省境内,长江上游的瞿塘峡﹑巫峡和西陵峡的合称。 2.广东省北江自英德至清远间的中宿峡﹑大庙峡﹑浈阳峡的合称。见清屈大均《广东新语.三峡》。
