100字范文 > 高压静电喷雾 High power electrostatic spray英语短句 例句大全

高压静电喷雾 High power electrostatic spray英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-24 17:52:54


高压静电喷雾 High power electrostatic spray英语短句 例句大全

高压静电喷雾,High power electrostatic spray

1)High power electrostatic spray高压静电喷雾


1.Spraying Performance of High-pressured Electrostatic Sprayer TEPEC-B1TEPEC-B1型高压静电喷雾器喷雾性能试验

2.Initial Report about Studies on ULV Spray Application of Lignite Extract for the Control of Aphis gossypii Glover褐煤提取物高压静电喷雾防治大棚瓜蚜研究初报

3.Control effect of organic product "Tepec-1" to aphids after spraying by high-voltage electrostatic sprayer.高压静电喷雾纯天然有机制剂“泰栢一号”对蔬菜蚜虫的防治效果

4.Study on Mechanism of High Speed Spinning Bell Electrostatic Spray;旋杯式高速静电喷涂雾化机理的研究

5.high pressure nozzle spray drier高压喷嘴式喷雾干燥机

6.A Theoretical Analysis of Oil Atomization and High-voltage Electrostatic Field in the New Atomization Device of Electrostatic Oiler静电涂油机中新型雾化装置下的油液雾化及高压静电场分析

7.Atomization and Deposition Characteristic Research on Air-assisted Electrostatic Spraying气助式静电喷雾雾化及沉积特性研究

8.Study on Atomization of Liquid Jets in a High Voltage Electrostatic Field and Its Application高压静电场中液体射流的雾化研究及应用

9.Research on Aerial Pesticide Electrostatic Spraying System and Its Application农药航空静电喷雾系统及其应用研究

10.Target backside deposition characteristics of air-assisted electrostatic spraying气助式静电喷雾靶标物背部沉积特性

11.Study on Oil Corona Discharge and Atomization Experiment with Electrostatic Spray静电喷涂中油液的电晕荷电及雾化试验研究

12.Design and Experimental Study on Combined Charging Hydraulic Electrostatic Spraying Box;组合充电液力式静电喷雾装置设计与试验研究

13.Atomization quality and charge performance experimentation research on air-assisted electrostatic spraying nozzle气助式静电喷头雾化性能和荷电效果试验

14.Research on High-pressure Water Mist Nozzle and Its Characteristics of Fire Suppression;高压细水雾喷嘴及其灭火性能的研究

15.Design of High Pressure Spray System of Roadhead for EBZ-160AEBZ-160A型掘进机高压喷雾系统的设计

16.Mechanism Analysis of High Pressure Spray Dustfall in Heading Face掘进工作面高压喷雾降尘的机理分析

17.Simulation and Experiment Study on Spray Characteristics of the High Pressure Common Rail Injector高压共轨喷油器喷雾特性的仿真及试验研究

18.The Atomization Mechanism Discuss and Experimental Research on Several Liquid Medium in High-voltage Electrostatic Field;高压静电场中几种液体介质的雾化机理探讨与试验研究


high-voltage static sprayer高压静电喷雾器

1.However,"Tepec-1" showed good control effect when it was used byhigh-voltage static sprayer."泰栢一号"与高压静电喷雾器配合使用则表现出良好的杀虫效果,200×稀释液处理48h的蚜虫死亡率为62。

3)electrostatic spray静电喷雾

1.Optimizing lecnological parameters for preparing calcium alginate-sodium carboxymethyl cellulose liquid core microcapsules by usingelectrostatic spray method;静电喷雾法制备海藻酸钙-羧甲基纤维素钠液芯微胶囊的工艺选优

2.Experiment on sterilization by high-voltageelectrostatic spray;高压静电喷雾灭菌的试验

3.Design ofelectrostatic spray machine for killing locust静电喷雾灭蝗机具的机械设计


1.Electro-spray utilizes the electrostatic charging for the improvement of liquid atomization, and this technique possesses the potential for improving spray atomization under low injection pressure and/or acquiring better spray with combination of high-pressure injection to improve the engine performance.静电喷雾技术通过液体荷电来改善液体雾化质量,该技术有望在较低压力下获得与高压喷射相当甚至更优的雾化质量,或与高压喷射相结合获得更好的雾化质量以进一步改善内燃机性能。

2.Electro-spray is  a spray atomization  improvement  technique by using the electrostatic  force.静电喷雾技术是通过将燃油荷电来改善燃油雾化质量的喷雾技术。

3.5 g/mu cyhalothrin by electro-spray technology,which was similar to that of mixture of 20 g/mu chlorpyrifos and 5 g/mu Imidacloprid.研究了静电喷雾技术控制茶园假眼小绿叶蝉的效果。

5)electrostatic spraying静电喷雾

1.Design and Experimental Study on Combined Charging Hydraulic Electrostatic Spraying Box;组合充电液力式静电喷雾装置设计与试验研究

2.This article introduces the advances ofelectrostatic spraying in the liquid droplets atomization ,droplets charging , transporting flow field and deposition on the targets of the charged droplets.综述了静电喷雾研究与应用现状,主要就液体雾化、雾滴充电、荷电雾滴输运流场及雾滴在目标物上的沉积性能等几方面的研究进展作了回

3.The paper discusses theelectrostatic spraying technique for plant diseases and insect pests of forest.探讨了防治农林病虫害的静电喷雾技术,就其关键技术雾滴荷电技术从电晕荷电机理以及带电雾滴输运特性方面进行了理论分析,获得了增加电场强度、提高粒子浓度、改善药剂导电性和提高带电粒子动能是提高雾滴电晕荷电效果的有效方法。

6)electrostatic atomization静电喷雾

1.Along with the development of theelectrostatic atomization,the research of the charged multiphase turbulent flow is expanding.随着静电喷雾技术的发展,对荷电多相湍流的研究也不断深入,由于这一流动现场极其复杂,模型构建的难度增大。


