100字范文 > 中国排球 Chinese Volleyball英语短句 例句大全

中国排球 Chinese Volleyball英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-15 11:20:59


中国排球 Chinese Volleyball英语短句 例句大全

中国排球,Chinese Volleyball

1)Chinese Volleyball中国排球

1.The Analysis of UndevelopedChinese Volleyball Market and Its Countermeasures Analysis via Media;从媒体的角度探析中国排球市场低迷的原因与对策


1.Invalidation of Volleyball Market and Market Rules──Also on the Development of Volleyball Industry in China;中国排球市场失效与市场规制——兼论中国排球产业的发展

2.The Brand Build of CVA League;CVA(中国排球协会)联赛品牌打造

3.The Developing Condition of Scientific Research on Chinese Volleyball from the Point of Metrology;从计量学看中国排球科研的发展现状

4.Analysis of Chinese Scientific Researchers of Volleyball;1994-中国排球科研队伍状况分析

5.Analysis of Chinese Volleyball Profession League Matches Marketplace Operation Feature;中国排球职业联赛市场运行特征分析

6.Analysis of Scientific Research of Volleyball in China during 1995~2000;1995~2000年中国排球科研状况分析

7.How are The Qualified Successors Of Chinese Volleyball?--Further Discussing About Technical Training Of The Giants;中国排球后备何如?——兼谈高大排球运动员的技术训练

8.A Review of Some Ideas on Volleyball Training in China;对中国排球运动训练实践中若干理念的反思

9.Wang Ping: In China, football, basketball and volleyball have al- ways been listed as the three big balls.王平:在中国,向来把足球、篮球、排球列为三大球。

10.the Comparative Analysis of the Service Technology of China s Women Volleyball Team and Overseas Women Volleyball Teams at the Women s World Volleyball Grand Prix ;世界女排大奖赛中国女排与国外女排发球技术的对比分析

11.Volleyball is growing in popularity in China.在中国爱打排球的人越来越多了。

12.A Reflection on National Middle School Students Women s Volleyball Championships;全国中学生女子排球锦标赛回顾

13.Chinese Sitting Volleyball Present Situation,Question and Strategy of Development;中国坐式排球的现状、问题及发展策略

14.A Superficial Analysis on the deficiency of the Chinese Men s Volleyball and Making Suggestions;试析目前中国男子排球的不足与建议

15.Study of the Quality and Feature of Serve-Receive and Attack of China Women Volleyball Team;中国女排接发球进攻质量与特点研究

16.The Research about the Changes and Countermeasures of Volleyball Service Technique and Tactics中国男排发球技战术变化及对策研究

17.Research on the Sustainable Development of CUVA中国大学生排球联赛可持续发展研究

18.Enlightenment from CUBA on CUVA中国大学生篮球联赛对大学生排球联赛的启示


Chinese National Volleyball Teams中国国家排球队

3)Chinese sitting-volleyball中国坐式排球

1.The development current situation and the tendency analysis ofChinese sitting-volleyball;中国坐式排球的现状、问题及发展策略

4)China university volleyball中国大学生排球

5)zhongguo pɑiqiu xiehui中国排球协会


1.The Market Investigation and Suggestions ofCUVA;中国大学生排球联赛的市场调研和建议


中国排球协会中国排球运动的全国性群众组织,是中华全国体育总会领导下的单项运动协会之一,成立于1953年。中国排球协会致力于团结全国排球工作者,努力开展全国的排球运动,增强人民体质,攀登世界排球技术高峰,并为促进中国人民与各国人民和排球运动员之间的了解和友谊服务。30年来,中国排球协会与近 100个国家进行了友好访问与比赛。中国排球协会的具体任务是:开展群众性排球运动,举办全国性排球竞赛。加强与国际排球联合会、亚洲排球联合会及其所属机构的联系,参加国际排球竞赛、训练等活动,检查和指导全国排球队的训练、竞赛、科研等工作,选拔推荐国家队和国家青年队运动员、教练员,并评定等级称号,修订全国排球规则及裁判法,组织教练员或裁判员学习班,主持国家级排球裁判员考试工作等。中国排球协会下设秘书处,竞赛委员会,规则、裁判委员会,男子教练委员会,女子教练委员会,青少年排球指导委员会,科研委员会。中国排协于1954年加入国际排联为正式会员。中国排协现任主席是张之槐。
