100字范文 > 亚麻纤维 flax fiber英语短句 例句大全

亚麻纤维 flax fiber英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-14 18:23:24


亚麻纤维 flax fiber英语短句 例句大全

亚麻纤维,flax fiber

1)flax fiber亚麻纤维

1.Study on technology of acetylating modified toflax fiber;亚麻纤维乙酰化改性工艺研究

2.Morphology and structure offlax fiber during retting of flax stem;亚麻纤维在脱胶过程中形态结构的变化

3.Fabrication and characterization offlax fiber reinforced polylactic acid composite亚麻纤维增强聚乳酸复合材料的制备与性能表征


1.To comb(flax or hemp) with a hatchel.栉梳以麻梳梳理(亚麻纤维或大麻纤维)

2.fine ravellings of cotton or linen fibers.纤细的棉或亚麻纤维团。

3.The workers were teasing flax.工人们在梳理亚麻纤维。

4.To separate(flax fibers) with a hatchel.用亚麻针排分开(亚麻纤维)

5.Linen is produced from flax.亚麻布是以亚麻纤维为原料制造的.

6.Paper made from flax fibers or having a linenlike luster.亚麻纤维制成的纸亚麻纤维制成的纸或具有亚麻织物光泽的纸

7.A comb for separating flax fibers.梳麻针排用来分开亚麻纤维的梳子

8.Research on the Wearing Performance of Jute Flax Fiber Blended Fabric黄麻亚麻纤维混纺织物服用性能研究

9.Industrial hemp is made from the plant, Cannabis Sativa.工业大麻由植物,大麻被做漂白亚麻纤维。

10.a high-quality paper made of linen fibers or with a linen finish.由亚麻纤维制成或具有亚麻织物光泽的纸张。

11.a coarse absorbent cotton or linen fabric.一种脱水的药棉或亚麻纤维。

12.leaves of any of various plants of Lactuca_sativa.各种漂白亚麻纤维卷植物的叶子。

13.a strong cotton and linen fabric with a slight nap.有微小的细毛的棉布和亚麻纤维。

14.Effect of environment on the formation of flax fibre yield环境条件对亚麻纤维产量形成的影响

15.Study of Properties of Polyethulene and Flax-Fiber (PE/FF) Composite聚乙烯/亚麻纤维复合材料的性能研究

16.Thread made from fibers of the flax plant.亚麻线从亚麻植物纤维制成的线

17.a fabric woven with fibers from the flax plant.用亚麻植物的纤维制成的纤维制品。

18.a nettle yielding fiber resembling flax.一种产出象亚麻一样的纤维的荨麻。



1.Effect of microstructure offlax on its dyeability;亚麻纤维的结构性能对染色性能的影响

2.Graft of methyl acrylate onflax fiber and its application in PVC/flax composites;丙烯酸甲酯接枝亚麻纤维及其在PVC/亚麻复合材料中的应用

3)flax fibers亚麻纤维

1.Study onflax fibers modified by alkali-urea;亚麻纤维的碱-尿素化学改性研究

2.The effect of alkali treatment to the properties offlax fibers;碱处理对亚麻纤维性能的影响

3.Factors influencing elasticity offlax fibers and methods ofits elevation;影响亚麻纤维弹性的因素及其提高方法

4)linen fiber亚麻纤维

1.By researching the determination way of the natural drying rate on thelinen fiber and textile,getting detailed datum and comparing with other textile.通过亚麻纤维及织物自然干燥速率的测定 ,得出了详细的数据 ,并与其它纺织品进行了比较 ,研究其吸湿、散湿 (排汗 )等的物理保健性

2.HBP-NH2 grafted oxidizedlinen fiber was prepared by the oxidation of linen with sodium periodate and subsequent grafted with HBP-NH2.本课题中亚麻纤维经高碘酸钠选择性氧化后再接枝HBP-NH2制备了HBP-NH2接枝氧化亚麻纤维。

5)flax fabric亚麻纤维

1.The dyeability offlax fabric improved by swelling agent;膨胀剂对亚麻纤维轧染染色性能的改进

2.The dyeability offlax fabric improved by urea;尿素对亚麻纤维轧染染色性能的改进

3.The modification toflax fabric with urea at high temperature was carried out inorder to improve the dyeability offlax fabric for padding.通过高温条件下尿素对亚麻纤维进行改性,提高了其轧染时的染色性能和染色深度。

6)flax fibre亚麻纤维

1.By joint production of linen spinning,silk spinning and cotton spinning to make all types offlax fibre ftully utilized,so new product is developed,the qualily of flax yarn is improved,the cost of product is reduced and also the market is enlarged.论述了通过麻纺、绢纺、棉纺的联合生产,使各类亚麻纤维得到了充分的利用,开发出亚麻纱的新品种,提高了亚麻纱的质量,扩大了市场,降低了企业的生产成本。


