100字范文 > 植物及植物生理 plant and plant physiology英语短句 例句大全

植物及植物生理 plant and plant physiology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-06 09:54:48


植物及植物生理 plant and plant physiology英语短句 例句大全

植物及植物生理,plant and plant physiology

1)plant and plant physiology植物及植物生理


1.The Quest and Practice of Examination Reform of the Plant and Plant Physiology;植物及植物生理学课程考核改革的探索与实践

2.Phytophysiology & Phytoecology and Experiment植物生理生态学及实验

3.Studies on Flora of Mt. Qixia Vascular Plants & Studies of Wild Resource Plants;南京栖霞山植物区系地理及野生植物资源研究

4.Phytoremediation of Pollution by Cadmium and Physiological Effects of Cadmium on Plants;植物对Cd污染的修复及Cd对植物生理效应研究

5.Progresses on the Effect of Arsenic for Plant and Plant Tolerant Mechanism砷对植物生长的影响及植物耐砷机理研究进展

6.The Transgenic Plant s Biological Safety and Present Management Condition;转基因植物的生物安全性及管理现状

7.The Construction and Reformation of the Course Plant physiology;《植物与植物生理学》课程的建设与改革

8.Ecophysiological Adaptation Characteristic of Halophytes in Xingjiang Province and the Mechanisms of Silicon to Salt Resistance新疆盐生植物生理生态适应性及硅提高植物抗盐作用机制的研究

9.Research Methods of Phytophysiology & Biochemistry植物生理生化研究方法

10.Experiments in Phytophysiology and Phytoecology植物生理生态学实验

11.Investigation of Vegetation in Landfill and Microbiological Mechanism of Tolerant Plants under the Stress of Landfill Gas;垃圾填埋场植被调查及其适生植物耐性微生物学机理研究

12.Study on Injury Response and Biochemical Resistant to SO_2 of Plant;植物对SO_2伤害的反应及生理抗性研究

13.International Association for Plant Physiologists (IAPP)国际植物生理学家协会

14.International Association for Plant Physiology(IAPP)国际植物生理学协会

15.plant neurophysiology植物神经系统生理学

16.Effect of Silicon on Plant and Relevant Mechanism under Abiotic Stresses非生物胁迫下硅素营养对植物的作用及其机理

17.Study on Plant Biology and Pharmacology of Essential Oils of Pelargonium GraveolensL" Herit;香叶天竺葵精油的植物生物学及其药理研究

18.(3) "Plants" mean cultivated plants, wild plants, their seeds and seedlings and other propagating materials;(三)“植物”是指栽培植物、野生植物及其种子、种苗及其他繁殖材料等;


plant physiology植物生理

1.The system is composed of sensor, signal regulating circuit, data gathering card, common computer and data gathering software, realizug multichannels data real-time auto-gathering and processing function forplant physiology information.以虚拟仪器理论为基础研制的植物生理信息采集处理系统,应用了传感器技术、自动测量技术、微计算机软硬件技术及数据的数学处理方法。

2.Several tables used in recording the original data forplant physiology experiment teaching were recommended in this paper.本文以植物生理重点实验实训项目为代表,着重介绍了作者自行设计的、在实验实训教学过程中经过学生试用、并取得良好教学效果的实验实训原始记录表。

3.The questions of teaching ofplant physiology at normal school were discussed.本文就师范院校植物生理学教学过程中存在的一些问题进行了探讨。



5)plant physiology植物生理学

1.Establishment and practice of two series and four level curriculum system inplant physiology;植物生理学两系列、四层次课程体系的建立与实践

2.Reflection and application of bilingual teaching toplant physiology teaching;双语教学在植物生理学教学中的应用与思考

3.On the training of undergraduates innovation abilities inplant physiology teaching;植物生理学教学中学生创新能力的培养


1.This paper talks about the related problems with the application of multimedia teaching in optimizingphytophysiology teaching.本文对多媒体教学在优化植物生理学教学运用中的相关问题加以论述。


