100字范文 > SPIN螺钉 SPIN screws英语短句 例句大全

SPIN螺钉 SPIN screws英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-08 06:21:25


SPIN螺钉 SPIN screws英语短句 例句大全

SPIN螺钉,SPIN screws

1)SPIN screwsSPIN螺钉

1.Treatment of Mason type-II &III adult radial head fractures withSPIN screws;SPIN螺钉治疗成人Mason-Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型桡骨小头骨折

2.Treatment of Mason type-Ⅱ radial head fractures withSPIN screwsSPIN螺钉治疗成人MasonⅡ型桡骨小头骨折


1.Treatment of Mason type-Ⅱ radial head fractures with SPIN screwsSPIN螺钉治疗成人MasonⅡ型桡骨小头骨折

2.To clinch(a bolt, for example).钉牢(例如螺丝钉)

3.spiral part of a screw(螺钉的)螺旋部分.

4.A nail, screw, or bolt for clinching.铆钉用于固定的钉子、螺丝或螺丝钉

5.to screw a lock on a door用螺丝钉把锁钉在门上

6.A screw is stronger than a nail.螺丝钉比钉子牢固。

7.Tapping screws threadGB/T5280-1985自攻螺钉用螺纹

8.remove the thread (of screws).去掉(螺丝钉的)螺纹。

9.Screws that modify force and motion are known as power screws.变换力和运动的螺钉为力螺钉。

10.A tool for clinching nails, screws, or bolts.紧钳固定钉子、螺丝或螺丝钉的工具

11." Bolts, screws, nuts and accessories--Terminology and nomenclature"GB/T3099-1982螺栓、螺钉、螺母及附件名词术语

12." Tolerances for fasteners--Bolts, screws and nuts"GB/T3103.1-1982紧固件公差螺栓、螺钉和螺母

13.Plastic diamond knurlhead screwsGB/T840-1988塑料滚花头螺钉

14.Cross recesses for screwsGB/T944.1-1985螺钉用十字槽

15.screw nail pointed with slotted heads, of iron or steel槽头尖端螺钉,铁或钢制

16.Slotted round head wood screwsGB/T99-1986开槽圆头木螺钉

17.Slotted countersunk head screwsGB/T68-1985开槽沉头螺钉

18.Knurled screws with small headGB/T836-1988滚花小头螺钉



1.Treatment of patella fracture with absorbablescrew fixation and PDS-Ⅱ tension band;可吸收螺钉及普迪斯线张力带捆绑治疗髌骨骨折

2.A Technique of Pedicle Screw Placement in Lower Cervical Spine;颈椎椎弓根螺钉徒手植入技术的临床研究

3.Biomechanical Study of Screw Fixation of Lateral Arch in the Treatment of Hangman Fracture;Hangman骨折侧方椎弓螺钉固定力学测试

3)Oncomelania hupensis钉螺

1.Study on the Molluscicidal Effect of META-Li AgainstOncomelania hupensis;密达利杀灭湖北钉螺效果的研究

2.Influences of stemona alkaloids on esterase isozymes activities and glycogen content inOncomelania hupensis;百部总碱对钉螺酯酶同工酶活性及糖原含量的影响

3.Spatial Distribution Pattern ofOncomelania hupensis Population in Marshland and Lake Area;湖沼型地区钉螺种群的空间格局分析


1.Physiological and Biochemical Effects of L.heterophyllus Stachydrine on Oncomelania Hupensis;毛地黄甙对钉螺生理生化的影响

2.A Change of Climate Conditions for Growth of Oncomelania and Schistosome;适合钉螺、血吸虫生长发育的气候条件变化

3.Relationships between the Quantity of Oncomelania and Environmental Factors of Vegetation and Soil in Hilly and Mountainous Areas;山丘型地区钉螺孳生数量与植被和土壤环境因子的关系

5)oncomelania snail钉螺

1.Effects of EDTA and some metallic ions on the activity of phenoloxidase from Oncomelania snail;EDTA与金属离子对钉螺酚氧化酶活性的影响

2.Analysis of endemic situation in schistosomiasis surveillance sites of Jiangsu Province in Ⅱ Status of Oncomelania snails and infected Oncomelania snails;江苏省血吸虫病监测点疫情分析 Ⅱ钉螺和感染性钉螺分布情况

3.Influences of soil environmental factors on Oncomelania Snail distribution in the hilly and mountainous areas;山丘区土壤环境因子对钉螺(Oncomelania Snail)分布的影响

6)Oncomelania snails钉螺

1.Susceptibility ofOncomelania snails from snail-existent non-endemic areas of schistosomiasis to Schistosoma japonicum miracidia in Ningguo City,Anhui province;安徽省宁国市有螺无病地区钉螺对日本血吸虫易感性的研究

2.Preliminary study on The activity of Phenoloxidase inOncomelania snails;钉螺酚氧化酶活性的初步研究(英文)

3.Field study on survival and reproduction ofOncomelania snails in Lake Chao;钉螺在巢湖生存繁殖的现场研究


spin-spin coupling分子式:CAS号:性质:自旋所产生的磁矩之间发生的相互作用。在核磁共振中,其精细结构就来自于核自旋之间的相互作用。
